Thursday, June 01, 2006

3 baby blue pumpkin plants!!!

I just got the news today!!! I am the proud 'mum' (as the Aussies would spell) of three Jarrahdale Australian blue pumpkins. The seeds have popped opened and pushed a baby plant through the dirt. Twenty seeds where planted so to get three I am happy happy. I am optomistic that more will follow. I am worried about my twenty-four Bush Baby seeds. Nothing.

I planted them in containers this past Saturday. The place in the yard had moles and is of need of some preparing. I was not keen to start them in containers for fear they won't survive. But with little seed eating beasts around, containers seem a safer idea until they are teenies. Then it will be time for the next phase. To the mound of dirt.

Seeds. Little cases of potential life inside. A promise tucked in a shell. I just marvel that from a seed, life can begin. A packet with a picture of what the seeds will grow up to be seems like wishful thinking. Unsealing the fold, I peek in and flesh colored seeds nestle in the crease like they are hiding. To drop them in dirt, cover, then flooding with water is like risking the whole jackpot.

The Jarrahdale seeds look similar to what our big orange American pumpkin seeds look like... well, maybe a bit smaller and pink. The Bush Baby seeds are shaped like regular pumpkin seeds with what looks like a bit of filling in between. I called it a pumpkin seed sandwich!

A seed journey. I just wanted to soak in something new. I want to compare and contrast. There is something here to take in. Something spiritual beyond earth bound seeds and big pumpkins is here for me to discover.

God-Seeds ... are tucked in my heart and soul. Little cases of potential life. A promise tucked in a shell to sprout. God-Given gifts and a purpose for my life to give to a needy world.

mad chow : blue pumpkin seeds awaiting

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