Sunday, September 30, 2007

Joseph-Moment ...

I have been listening to Joseph's story again especially the part where his brothers who discarded him and now where before him asking for food during the famine. I began to wonder if I would have a Joseph-moment like this one. Would I get to meet a once precious gift again? See I know his face and his voice. He only knows my voice. It could happen.

I would embrace him. I would also drink him in so to speak. I understand the picking-up-where-you-left-off but I have embraced learning everyday and I have changed each day even though it seems a slooooooooow process to the outside world. It has been 3 years. I have changed a lot and it has much to do with being discarded. So if I should be entrusted with a moment like Joseph, I would really look and pick over his all his parts - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual - to take in his old scars to see if he still was that 8yo I fell for, to take in new scares to learn of his battles, and to take in new growth to learn more about the new him. I am picturing the monkeys picking over the furs of others and eating the grubbies!

Ah, wishes and dreams....

I pitch my tent in the land of hope. God works in amazing ways... In this moment God is Fathering him and that I fills me up with peace....

Saturday, September 29, 2007

second hand suffering ...

Last year I heard about second hand stress and connected with it. Just this week listening to the story of Job's wife and how she suffered from second hand suffering. These types of suffers suffer more than the one who is sick or in pain! I believe it.

Often the Bibles gives bare facts needed for the reader's journey. That is where mediatation helps you slow down and discover more. I never really like Job's wife until now. Job was an upstanding man and father in the community that is until Satan came into God's court spouting out that Job only loved God because He poured out blessing and favor upon Job. ''Oh, really?'' God said. ''Let Me show you how much Job loves Me. I will do as you say. I will take his blessings and gifts.'' God knew that Job would not renouce Him.

Ok, look at Job. There he is sitting in the town trash heap covered in ashes because his skin was itchy and on fire. All his cattle and his sons and daughters are dead. Job once a rich and wise man now is hardly a breath. His wife comes to him and says to curse God. Why would she say that? What I thought was lame I see as how she really cared about his suffering. She knew that if she couldn't take much more of his suffering, he must be reaching his breaking point. If he cursed God and said enough, Job would break the cycle of tribulation that rested upon him. Job being patient said, ''don't talk like the foolish women. Rember God's Faithfulness.'' There is nothing more said here about Job's wife. The story ends where he is blessed again with sons and daughters. Job's wife stuck around! Interesting!

So did she see Job's remark piercing her spirit ever fierce and gentle at the same time? Did they hug after this tiny discussion? Did they cry tears of pain laced with joy as they recounted the blessings given to them in their days together? I believe so...

Yet as I see Job's direct precision on his wife's pain for him, he stilled had to have God's ever direct precision within his own life. God's directive was much longer and stronger! God spoke out of a storm! Job's story is still a mystery... When you read what Job said you marvel that he was wrong to say these things... just more to meditate on...

and how much more humble I need to be... We know not what is going on in God's courts but we shall see all the annuals of heaven. I can't wait...

Back to second hand suffering... I believe good help meets struggle with this. What a story to really take in and live out...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

hide yourself away ...

My mind is still on the fleeing ... from sin.

"Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. ''Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
II Cor 6:17 - II Cor 7:1

Proverbs 27
12 The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

20 Death and Destruction [a] are never satisfied,
and neither are the eyes of man.

22 Though you grind a fool in a mortar,
grinding him like grain with a pestle,
you will not remove his folly from him.

This is more for the strong. You never will believe that something so small can take you out. That soft spot, that yearning wish or need will take you out. HIDE!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

no follow through ...

Emotions. Well, female emotions... I was going along having a pretty decent Saturday. Tidied the house - check. Took my weekly walk - check. Started to paint - bam. My emotions bottomed out. I had moments of tears. Come on! I am still taking my happy fish oil and been eating well. What could have triggered this? I living the single life don't have to deal with others bumping into me emotionally so it would seem that I was doing fairly well. Unfortunately these tears would drop me into a pit of aloneness. On Sunday good ol Mom was easy to confide in that my emotions had taken a turn for the worse. On Friday the me who was excited about the idea of finally doing the creme da la creme of craft shows could really happen this year just felt that the girl I had dropped seeds of hope would ultimately fail me like all the others. I was hoping she would do a table with me this year.

I want to do this craft show that is huge coming up the first weekend in December. I have already done two shows that went bust. I want a show that I can get rid of the glass that I live with every day in my small ever shrinking apartment. Mom can't because she has to work. I have dropped hints to my sister-in-laws and no bites. I can't do this show by myself, it is tooooo huge. I have prayed about it and really thought that on Friday, my belief and hope was coming true.

Now I just don't care. Funny thing too my mood lifted yesturday but it doesn't mean I am feeling alright about my passion. I do have a lot on my paint table right now. Now I got to dig deep for some gumption. Funny how I can say I am ok but when I go to write it out, I still get that twinge of grr slipping out everywhere...

Why is it that my biggest pet peeve is people who say stuff and never follow through? I know I am anal...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

my love story to Him ...

I had a troubling 'bump' with a chatter so much so that I could not wait to come here and figure out my words. I guess what is sad that if you say you are a Christian and don't do certain things and their response is that they are Christian too. I believe that there are certain values that all believers should hold to. I shruggled from not sounding like I was judging to trying to keep it about what I want in my life to knowing what I should say to wondering if I should state no without giving reasons for him to counter. I needed time to think and 'talk back' with what God's Word had to say. Now is this time to spout out!

Often in church I find my mind racing with talking to God and seeking God's Word for answers. This morning I was not disappointed. I found myself 'talking back' the words of comfort I needed. I want my no to be no and my yes to be yes. That means I want to be confident in my walk without waffling. Grrr to wanting to be nice. I guess what I want to be able to do is walk away with being frustrated and angered. Very hard indeed but I must remember the enemy is a thief. To rob my house would mean the thief would have to steal my joy and leaving me frustrated and angered. Jesus said 'how can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can rob his house. He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.' (matt 12:29-30) I need to send Jesus to the door.

Well, back to my 'bump'... If someone wants to talk, I try to listen and chatter back. I guess I should have just said no not available. I did state no many times but in many ways. Then I thought it was a traveler trying to figure out a curiousity so I tried to drop the hint that it was dangereous to have a curiosity like that. Then stating that I was a Christian brought on that he was a christian. Yikes. He wanted to know if I had this curiousity. I stated that I was too old and weathered meaning that I've been on this life path long enough to know what I want and need in my life. I won't be messing up. I asked his age. 33 going on 34. Well, I could understand that curiousity. I was still hungering for attention and value. Still do at my age now but now devoted to living my love story cleanly and purely.

That is the whole point of this ramble. If I love God, I must show my love to God ACTIVELY. My love for God will pale compared to His Love for me. He laid down His Life so that I could have everlasting life. What greater love has no man than this to lay down his life for another?

"Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:28-31

I am a co-author in my love story with God. I want it to be very good and extremely special. I want God to feel and see my love. I want my love to be real. No coasting for me! I view strength in that verse as physical meaning body. I want my heart, soul, mind and body to be pure. I want to love God with all four parts of me. God is sees it all even here online. I like God-boundaries because that means He loves me so much that He wants me to enjoy this life path He has given me with out being in bondage to the thief.

If I strongly abhor telling others what to do, feel, or act... how do plant God-Seeds? {Thunk my own head} ASK QUESTIONS!
What is the greatest commandment? mark 12:28-31What should we think about? phil 4:8 What part of you should you guard fiercely? proverbs 4:23 How do you guard your life? luke 21:19 What should you stand firm too? back to Mark 12:28-31!

No, I doubt whether I would hear the answers I was hoping for but my asking him questions, sets him up to start seeking. And when you start seeking, God will open your eyes.

Whew, I feel better now... I know what questions to ask now... in the moment the questions don't come easily.... wished that it did...

Dearest Great Lover,
I want You to find pleasure in my love. I want to stand firm in my love for You. I don't want to deny You but it is the easiest thing to fall down when it comes to matters of acceptance and value. It is ok for others to deny me. I don't need them for You are all I need. I am reacting stronger now but I want it to be a constant. If I claim to have such tenacity then I must share it all with You.

I do ask for guidance and love for a soul that claims to be a christian. Help me ask the right questions. If he is truly Yours, You will deal with him. If he should not come back to pester me, I hope maybe with what I said in a feable way will still stir him to ask his own questions....

Thank You for Authoring me and designing my life path. I love You. Thank You for loving me first and always.
~ your little girl

.:note to self:.
~new words~ I am a born again believer of Jesus Christ who paid with His life to love me. What more can I do but love Him back will all of my body, mind, heart, and soul and to do so purely. I have high standards for myself. My no means no. end of conversation.

If I was a strong willed child (did not conform to peer pressure), I certainly need to retain my strong willed tactics in my adult years!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

enduring love ...

Love endures. Love has faith. Love has hope. When single one says of course my love for him will last forever. Ok, I believe you because I feel that and want that too. Then I look at my love life with my God. Is my love for Him enduring? faithful? hopeful? Or do I go into fits of sadness and questioning?

When some of 'Job's trials' visit me, my love for God canNOT falter. It must endure. It must keep the faith. It must hope. I need to meet God's Love with all of my love. His out does mine by far. He knows that but I want Him to delight in my love that I give to Him. Love is work but work that I will delight in.

Storms and tragedies reveal who you are. I want God-love to be what you see. Satan was bending God's ear telling him that Job only loved God because He poured out favor upon him. What happened when God stripped Job of every earthly treasure and on top of that took his health? Job still loved God. Hmmm... when you look at it like this, can your love endure? When the Lord giveth good gifts and taketh good gifts, can your love remain faithful? When you are bare and clothed in ashes, can your love still soar in hope?

time to pump joy - increase your stregth...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

2 f's ...

Two favorite words at the moment that stop me in my tracks when I read the Bible are: flee and favor. It is like a treasure map. It is fun to because I am not really seeking them out. I know it to be God meeting me at my seeking to better understand how to flee and to understand favor of men in relation to having God's favor...

You probably have noticed the tread already in my writings... {smiles}

Monday, September 17, 2007

stranger danger ...

I was listening to a radio speaker talk about the Good Shephard using Psalms 23 and John 10. This would be a butterfly effect {winks @ my precious gift} - where something from the OT matches to something in the NT like one wing of a butterfly mirrors the other. I jotted down the reference to John so I could read it later in the quiet of night time. I discovered that my Heavenly Father very much wants us to understand stranger danger. In fact has instilled in His sheep the instinct to FLEE.

a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. ~ John 10:5

If you read this passage and start to ask questions from it you will see that the voice of strangers = thieves. And He isn't telling His sheep to flee but they don't know the voice of strangers that they flee meaning the flee instinct is already woven in the heart of His sheep.

Oh how often do I allow my heart to get numb to the voices much like little children are tempted by the candy man even after parents have instilled the fear of strangers. Just because I have become an adult doesn't mean I am immune and don't have to protect myself. It is difficult to flee unless you begin each day and each relationship with God-Alone. Thieves don't hang about when the Shephard is around. It is when you are in midst of a relationship when you realize that the person is really a stranger to you desire to live in God's Way that it is most difficult to flee.

John 10:5 is cleaning out my ears to better hear my Shephard's Voice.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

relationships ...

Looking back over my path, I have noticed that it all focuses on one thing - relationships. For an outsider, my biggest flaw would be too much 'hanging on'. For an insider, it is saying 'I am always here' to the ones who say 'I'm back'. This year I can finally say I am at peace with others. I like to make lists. It clears up and puts to order what I have discovered. This is my Relationship list:

1) You CANNOT tell others what to do.
I've have always felt on edge when I had others tell me what to do especially my bosses. I used to feel bad but not any more. I am proactive with solutions. I do not wait for reviews nor do I set myself up by asking for a solution. I prevent others quietly and respectfully from telling me what to do. Now if I don't like it when others tell me what to do then I cannot tell others what to do even unconsciously by giving them advise. I know try to be on my toes and make them think and find their own solutions. I plant 'seeds' by asking questions. Never why questions.
2) You CANNOT save others nor fix them.
I stumbled into this one having a discussion about not telling others what to do. I had to stop because unconsciously I do this. It is ok for others to make mistakes. Their solutions or their path is not going to look like mine. My path is uniquely God-Designed for me. I like different.
3) You can only work with what others bring to the table.
What did they bring to the table? Don't worry about what they didn't bring or what they have hidden under the table. Maybe they didn't bring much. You don't know why. Don't get stuck there. This is where you get to be creative!!! My pet words are 'pack the sunshine.' I am bringing the party. I am determined to have a good time for all. The enemy is a thief and I am keeping the joy.
4) Be choosy with those you keep around you but be friendly to all.
Whoa! If you wanted to be my friend, I was going to try to keep you. Not a good idea. I can be choosy with who gets close to my heart and soul. I am learning to 'flee' from the voices that I do not know. John 10 talks about 'stranger danger' and it isn't for just little kids. If it is not the Shephards voice, you do not follow! I can also say no. Saying no doesn't mean I lost my nice girl. Saying no means I am protecting my wellspring of life. Being alone for my entire life made me accept behavior from others that I didn't need to. I just wanted a tiny bit of attention. Not any more. If I have been alone for this long, I can go more miles alone. I am keeping my hand in God-Alone.
5) Trust is earned. Respect is given.
When I searched my blog for a piece I did on respect, I was shocked at how many times I have talked about respect! It is one of my many soapboxes! [r-e-s-p-e-c-t]

Well, this is what I am living by these days. I am must more at peace with my world. No more wasting time with worrying about what wasn't brought to the table. More time to see into the eyes. More time investing...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

food, sails, craft ideas...

1. I found a nice eggplant at a farmer's market. I enjoy eggplant and I hope to make a good dish or two from it. I also got pear butter made without sugar. It is better than my own pear jam that I made last year from our bounty of pears. (no pears at all this year!) I will be making corn cakes soon and smearing my new pear butter on it!

2. I enjoyed watching some sail boats on Lake Winona back in my college town. I enjoyed the sights of the place. Very cottage-esk making me wish to have a summer home here.

3. I nosed around crafts today getting ideas for my own painting and ideas or wishes for my home. Oh, to have my shop of glass!!!!!

*Final destination was to sit with my baby niece. First few hours were good but she is stuffy and having her first bit with a cold. She got cranky and cried a lot the last hours with her. When Momma held her, she went to sleep. Grrr.... I wonder how we will bond as she grows.... It is all about what attracts us and what we are willing to bring to the table...

I got one pix of Tink the dog. He was having his nap and was looking very cute but I got no pix of my baby niece. {sniffles}. I was hoping to get a few and a possilbe video clip... another time....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

choosy and proud...

Low and behold God has restrains on making friends. Be friendly yes but be choosy with friends!!!

The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26

I have been so focused on being a good friend and trying to be stedfast as I wonder why friends walk away from me that I guess I never really thought about choosing friends carefully. I never was the one to make the friendship. I always let the other make the first move. Hmmm, I am finding it is quite alright to say no to those who pose a friendship yet harbor unpure motives or selfish gains. It does not mean that I am unfriendly or mean. It just means I am being a good friend to myself. Who else will be there when all others have faded? ME!

& God-Alone...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

treasured loot ...

The black squirrel was all over that oak tree's branches. I kept hearing pings and clunks as this furry creature scampered to the very ends of the twigs and popping acorns off their perches. Watch out below! Explain an flying acorn injury to your doc! He was fast too and very verrrry daring. Many times I was catching my breath as I expected him to go tooooo far and belly smack on the pavement or nosedive into the pool below the tree. He used the white picket fence to make a flying leap into another tree. His mouth always was carrying his loot. Its fall. Not my best time as hayfever kicks in and mozzys are thick and carry a death disease. Much better to say inside but by a big window to watch the earth a busy in harvest.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday 911

It is Tuesday the same day of the week six years ago.  The morning skies are moody today not yet the cornflower blue like then.  Upon the coming of this day I wondered if the day would feel the same as it did then.  Memories of who I was and where I was in my life adventure have been washing over me.  I am different.  Better.  Improved.  My professional world changed from a deflating atmosphere to one where I can be new.  Some of my friends that I thought dear are lost.  I long for one of them yet thinking back to that time, he was off and unavailable.  The biggest feeling was to connect with all my loved ones.  It is a feeling that nags at you when you have witnessed raw pain.

Daddy is NYC today for a security convention. I didn't want him there but if worry says God isn't big enough, I won't go there because my God is BIG ENOUGH. I read a few words of comfort today. God doesn't waste our sorrow. He redeems our tragedies with His Glory. I like that. I KNOW that.
You have been a Refuge for the poor,
a Refuge for the needy in his distress,
a Shelter from the storm
a Shade from the heat.
Isaiah 25: 4

Be Thou my Vision

Sept 11: '06 more secure?

Saturday, September 08, 2007

3:10 to Yuma

This movie is alllll MALE and a modern western. Rated R for the out right shooting. Why would you see me there in a movie seat to see this one? Before the movie was because of the two main characters who are good with their craft. After the movie was because I could experience what men are afraid to let women in on - their constant striving to protect their own. Oh btw, I would rate this movie a 9.

This movie is all about watching the eyes. It is very raw. You have two sides. Evil and cunning vs fairly good and desperate. These two sides are attracted to each other in a very odd friendship of sorts. I kept cheering for the father to stand his ground and not break. The outlaw's words were soooo enticing. You felt yourself fall into that uneasy friendship. You felt for the outlaw as well as the desperate father. It would be so easy to give in and take the money - money that would keep his ranch and his family for many years to come. I kept wondering through out if good was going to come through. Was the father going to do the right thing? I won't tell you what happens. You can go and see for yourself.

For the woman wathing the movie you got to experience the life of every man. Every true man wants to live in honor. Every true man that is married and has family to keep, honor is making sure the family is protected. It is an every moment struggle. The wolf at the door never sleeps and man must not either. NOTE TO WOMEN: Never let shame of or doubt in or dishonor your man ever reach your eyes. You kill his spirit and he is of no use when broken. Honor him. Never question his actions. Know he is thinking of you and works for you. You are his precious princess worth a great deal. He is the gallant warrior ever protecting. Be a help meet. Meet him at his dreams and goal. Sweat along with him. Never stand aloof and lording over.

I enjoy movies that let you become a part of it. This movie draws you into its story. In the end as the credits are rolling you are left with some of the story left for your own imagination. What happens for the future of the Evans family? What happens to the outlaw man? Does he pay his dues and lives clean? When he is done paying his crime will he come back and search the Evans? Most important to you the movie goer - What is your story? What role are you playing? Is money your god? If you are a believer and do good will God carry you through the rough times? Or is it all a joke?

What will you do when you are at 3:10 to Yuma?

Friday, September 07, 2007

3 clay pots ...

I waited a week!!!!!! I transplanted my three citrus trees into their clay pots. The instructions said that clay pots are best so that the water can evaporate and to allow the roots to dry out and breathe. Over the past week it looks like the littlest, Myrtle, has grown an inch. As I write that it seems like a lot but I honest feel that she has! Good sign! The Meyer tends to need more water. He wilts quicker than the other two. I want to watch the watering; too much causes root rot. So it is still me getting to know their habits. Matie is Matie. Solid and constant.

I have kept them in the south window right up against the window. I am worried about the winter months. I can't have them that close to the windows because I live in a place that gets coooooold winters and the winds beat on that window. I will have to move them to the kitchen table... only thing not enough sun there. I have a couple of months yet to figure out warmth and sun issues...

Matie, Myrtle, & Meyer's day one

Thursday, September 06, 2007

soldier and Christian?

I was talking or rather listening to a father talk about his son going off to train to be a 'Green Beret' and about a couple other boys that are either in the war or coming home. He is a bit long winded but I do enjoy listening to him. Today he affirmed without knowing it what I feel a Christian solder has over one who isn't a believer.

Can a Christian soldier come home from horrific battle unscared mentally? Can a Christian soldier come home to his family and return to being a great dad and a loving husband without this 'retreat' side affects? Can a Christian be a soldier and conduct himself peaceably as the NT commands? When a Christian young man has this strong desire to serve in the military, is it God's purpose for him? Is a Christian soldier better than a soldier who isn't a believer?

I know the New Testament has we are to be peaceable and being a soldier that would seemingly go against peace. Because I my favorite Bible character is King David, I really do believe that a Christian young man can serve God on the front lines of any war. I strongly believe that a Christian who feels he is 'called' to be a soldier really needs to go into 'Spiritual Boot Camp'. A Christian already has come to terms with his on mortality. Jesus took the sting out of death. No fear. So with that taken care of there are a couple other things a Christian should tackle.

First things first, a Christian soldier must always seek God in every move he makes especially in the heat of battle and always find time to get quiet with God. After seeking God the next thing he must do is hide God's Word in his heart like passages about battle. God had battle plans required of the Israelites and it always included getting your life cleaned up or making sure there was purity within the ranks. When they lost it was because someone did wrong and hid it. Other passages and I think most important of especially for war and for men in general is the issue of anger. Anger happens. A buddy gets maimed or killed. What happens? Sorry, but too often anger sets in and then there the boys go off on a killing rampaged. A Christian is NOT slave to anger. Yes, that means a Christian is free from anger. Again you have to seek God in this area. He will meet you and show you how to have freedom from anger. Lastly, a Christian soldier should 'talk back' to any attacking disbelief. I am not saying you have to 'talk back' aloud. I don't rather I am in my prayers or mentally. It is a must or you find your faith wavering.

So the Christian soldier goes off to war and sees some horrific battles and/or is wounded, do I believe he can come home spiritually whole and without nightmares and without retreating into a shell of a man? YES I DO. God said He has gone ahead and will go with you. He says not to be afraid (deut 31:8). I know there are going to be mistakes in battle, but God is a loving God and He is a Forgiver. Man is lousy in the forgiveness dept. Not God. Again this is not an over night transformation. No! This is a daily walk. Each moment is to be shared with God. In battle and out. And who said a Christian is off duty?

It was nice to hear this father be on the same wave length as me. A great God-Affirmation. I thought it but never ventured to say it aloud. I didn't even have to... this father just started talking about this and I was jumping on the inside!!!!

Some passages that I find comfort in when it comes to war:
Psalms 83 & Psalms 37: 12&13 - this one is for the president of Iran.
Psalms 91
Ephesians 6:10-18 <-- hmm, good for spiritual boot camp!
The Armor of God
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

over shoot...

The scientists said women were aware of the importance of their own attractiveness to men, and adjusted their expectations to select the more desirable guys.

"Women made offers to men who had overall qualities that were on a par with the women's self-rated attractiveness. They didn't greatly overshoot their attractiveness," Todd said, "because part of the goal for women is to choose men who would stay with them."
fr: cnn

Oh really? I have had it up to here {hand way above my head} !!! How can we do it? Obsessing over if we are attractive enough to snag a really good catch and obsessing over what our beauty will get us? Can't you understand by doing so we are destroying the naturalness of our beauty. I have struggled and at times still do over if I have what it takes in the pretty dept. I look at what I find attractive and I feel who I pick secretly of course out weighs what I really can get. Why care anymore? I am quite past it... until I get in that oodle stage...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Happy September ...

It happens to me every year. I have noticed to my surprise the first turn of leaves!!!! I was saying it is still August! After seeing one tree begin its turn to orange and yellow, I've notice many other trees young and old have a sunkissed touch on a branch or two. Summer is leaving and so are the shorts and tanks. I will miss my Saturday walks for sure where I could sweat out my thoughts as well as tan a bit. I have truly enjoyed my summer. I will hate to see it go but I love having the four seasons. Fall is coming and so is my hayfever allergy .. bummer.. but so are the deep bright blue skies with white puffy clouds and golden fields. Pretty sight, nasty airborne allergins.... tsk tsk.