Saturday, January 16, 2016

lone vs group investments...

It was not a full on pressure but just a very slight hint.  I have to admit that it doesn't take much & I get into a frenzy.  So I had to write it down.  

When you go to church and you feel the pressure to get involved in everything offered, I want to say wait a minute.  First, church is a group of believers.  If my family believe, then my family is church.  If my friends believe, then they are church.  If my co-workers believe, they are my church. So on & so on.  Therefore what I do for believers whether they are in my family or my friends or my co-workers then I am doing them for the church.  It does not necessary mean that if I don't quite fit in a church church that I am not serving.  

Pipe down on the making declarative statements about you must go to Sunday School or teach a Sunday School.  Pipe down on the need of wiping little pink bums in the nursery when the next few words you say it that oh, that isn't my gift.  Pipe down on pushing growth groups as a way to get deeper with the morning sermons.  TOGETHER.  TOGETHER.  TOGETHER.  Yikes.

I too believe in the need of one another especially as the days grow darker and darker.  Let me decide when enough is enough.  I have a small plate here.  I am a loner type who can only handle one person at a time.  The group thing is way too much.  Don't push.  I have family, friends, and co-workers that I take love on and take care of.  I don't need this constant drip drip drip of musts.  

Here is me in a nutshell...
An African Violet needs to stay in the same small pot to be healthy, to bloom, & to grow.  It is not like other plants that get root bound thus needing an ever bigger pot.

I am much like an African Violet -- freshen the dirt & tend to the root but keep the pot small.  I am tiny but mighty for God created my deep quiet fun nature, & my talents, & my spiritual gifts to come together on a lone stage quiet & small.

Loud is in.  Outgoing is in.  Groups are in.  Don't forget the need for quiet.  Don't forget the need of alone time with God.  Don't forget there is no we when before God.  No one will be there.  Remember the talent story.  The master gave one person 5 talents, another 3 talents, and the last 1 talent.  I may have a small talent but I do invest.  I don't seek a huge return.  I am quiet about it.  I can't wait to place it at my Heavenly Father's feet.  I want to return these investments of mine better than I had received.