Friday, September 30, 2005

the Anatomy of an Intricate Listener...

When you meet her, she has an air of someone who is shy with a mysterious smile. She is playful but don't let that fool you. Her eyes tell of a deep mix of a thinker and a listener. Her talk is full of tough questions not to challenge you but for her to learn and understand better. Her speech comes out in jerky fashion. It seems her brain and tongue often disconnect from one another. Often others misunderstand her and think they can influence or teach her. When the talking is done and you have parted company, her thoughts either continue in her sub-conscious or they continue in a slow cooker. Her listening does not stop.

first stage
She is soaking in all the details of the conversation. All the words and the varying tones, all the topics and the varying trails, all the relationships and the varying connections are collected. There is no room to actively think ahead with words to say. The conversation is moving. It is instinctive for her to have questions and she is not afraid to voice them. They have served her well. When discussion comes to the end, ...

second stage
... the conversation is no longer in motion. Her subconscious catalogs and organizes the different topics. Connecting the dots and putting them up to her other experiences and 'learnings', more questions surface. She is going about the business of her day.

third stage
At times it is like her brain indexes and thoughts or a rerun of the discussion pop up. New and deeper understandings are realized as she sees that the connected dots make up an interesting concept or picture.

She is often quite amazed at how her brain works. Her gratitude is heard by her Creator.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

an agnostic...

"I'm an agnostic," he said in a conversation about politics. She knew his political views and always tried to avoid that topic at all cost, but she was trapped with no where to go. She did a pretty good job at holding her own. But when he said, "Don't tell me you think Christians are being pursecuited here in the States." She looked at him with eyes that said, ''Now where did that come from?" ''He wasn't listening,'' her heart said.
agnostic = doubter, disbeliever, atheist, nonbeliever, cynic, skeptic, pessimist, disparager, detracter

Q's for the agnostic:

In simple terms agnostic means you doubt or disbelieve. What do you doubt or disbelieve?

With agnostic being a mild doubter on one side of the scale and an atheist being an actively extreme disbeliever on the other side, where do you lie?

If you doubt who do you believe in? Do you believe in yourself?

If you believe in yourself & who you are as a person, can you rock the world by yourself?
(How do you rock your world?)

Being an agnostic, don't you find the doubt gives you a negative outlook through out all the layers of your life? Is there anything that you find enjoyable?

Don't you find you have a negative bias about everything and everyone? Don't you find that people run from you because of this negative energy you give off?

What can you be positive about? Can one person change the world?

Dear Savior,
Today as I experience a true doubter, I saw in a deeper way why You ask of us a Raw Faith. Faith in You gives us a Strength that lies in Belief. I see Hope. It is like a brilliant warm Light. Life is often a rough adventure, but it is the Faith and the Belief that makes Life fun and exciting.

This agnostic is poor in spirit and that saddens me. He loves computers but you wouldn't know because all he can do is talk bad about them too. He seems to have no passion but this negative bias. What I do know is that he didn't have a good childhood. I do not seek to change him. That is up to him. I am asking for the right questions to challenge his own thinking and to know that I am not attacking him. Maybe he is seeking .... with this thought I do find hope. You are a Transformer of lives.

You created him and You Love him so much that You sent ONE Man to come and radically change the world. You will show him the scars in that afterlife he doubts exist.

I could not live in constant doubt and negativity. There would be no reason to live. Melancholy has been there in my life. It was a tough road. You covered my weakness and doubting soul. To think that to me it was little doubt, to You it did not matter the adjective. It was doubt. Thank You for believing in me. Thank You for not letting me go. Your Love is Light. Thank You for the Good Life.
~a believer

Sunday, September 25, 2005

great trials...

"Great trials bring out God's Great Strength." ~ Spurgeon
Our trials measure our inner strength and beauty.....

Dear Great Shepard,
She had gone through and was still going through some heart squeezing stuff. Her song was asking You to be small enough for her tears! I sat in my pew wanting to jump up and scream. I was open to her pain, but I just could not contain myself.

You are Huge and You are Still. Just perfect for my tears. Thank You for how Awesome and Mighty You are and still so very Gentle.

He had prayed how he wanted the church to rise up and be able to show love to our fellow countrymen. I sat in my pew thinking if I expressed that kind of attitude, I would have expected my earthly father to say that instead of asking, DO.

You are so Strong and so Compassionate. We fail You. We weary You. Yet, You still Love us. You cheer us on to be more raw in our faith. Thank You, Heavenly Father.
~ your little lamb

Spurgeon: Transforming God

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What if I refused to receive sour milk...?

It sits in the carton on the top shelf of the refrigerator waiting for breakfast or for afternoon cookies. Oh, those yummy just baked gooy chocky chip cookies just ready to be savored with a cool glass of milk. Yes, don't forget how good that milk is for your bones. Mmmmm, nothing wrong with milk!

One night you crawl out of bed and sneak downstairs by the light of the moon streaming through the windows. Your destination takes you straight to the frig. The light burns your eyes as you reach for the carton. You are too sleepy to get a glass. You open and tilt your head back and take in a huge gulp only to have the sour milk hit your stomach and back up and splattering all over the kitchen and down your pjs. Free radicals have taken your milk hostage.

Sour milk = sour stomach. What you received into your body, came racing out.

How about that? What can you do if I refuse your sour disregard for me? I will not be left a hostage. No, I won't yell to get you to notice me. I will not devalue others. I will not waste away.

Why not refuse your carelessness and your distraction? When I refuse your negligence, I guard my wellspring. What I give cannot be spoiled by your inattention.

What you receive, you give.
wine tasting 101: bowl of honey

Monday, September 19, 2005

the neighborhood bully....

The name was familiar to her ears. Noooooo, could not be! The name took her back to her elementary school days. She lived with her parents and her brothers in a trailer park. There was an upper level and a lower level. The neighborhood bully lived down on the lower level.

She remembers him back to her to kindergarden years. He was always picking on the neighborhood kids. She must have felt that because they were in the same grade that maybe she should be able to stand up to him. And maybe this is the reason he found that she made a good target.

It was a sunny day in the neighborhood and the big yellow school bus was to drop off the trailer park kids. The bully had threaten her or maybe it was her brother. Made no difference she was the oldest and she would do what was necessary to protect her own flesh and blood. She had ushered her brother to the front of the bus and asked if the bus driver would detain the bully until she could make it home. The bus driver refused.

It is a good thing she lives on the upper level. A plan was forming in that mind of hers. As soon as her brother's feet hit the pavement, she yelled run. Then she ran screaming bloody murder for her mother as she swung her clarinet case all around in attempt to scare the bully. *what a sight that must have been*

Her mother came out to see what the commotion was about. Can you believe it? The bully was right on their heals. The mother told the bully to go pick on someone his own size. He said he was! The girl might have been the same age but she was quite a bit smaller than him.

Those days would have seemed like so long ago. Yet how quickly that name takes her back as it did the day she heard it again at her new place of work. Nah, he isn't one in the same. This guy looks different. So she went on about her business. Then this guys daughter came to work. After some chatter she soon realized the guy was the ol neighborhood bully.

Amazing to see the bully in a whole new light. Age give her wisdom and grace to see what life could chip away. The neighborhood bully had changed into a very fun loving and doting father. He was still married to and in love with his childhood sweet heart and had a very beautiful (inside and out) daughter who had a wisdom above her years about her.

Amazing to have that the ex-bully come to her and compliment her on the deeply thought out and hand-crafted graduation gift she gave his daughter. It was a moment for her to hold and cherish. She couldn't wait to touch her feet to the ground and run home to call her mom. This time was there was no screaming but soft gratitude and amazement .....

Sunday, September 18, 2005

just like heaven...

Love this movie. Would rate it a high 10 and a miss clean award! No, I do not think it is like "Ghost" like the reviews would say. Rather it seems to be more like "Return to Me."

Sure it is a simple love story but it is more about living and loving life. Two lost souls in a walking death find each other. One who was consumed in work the other consumed with loss but both out of step with living. In their numbness they begin to connect with each other. They begin life anew when they fight back against giving up and disconnecting.

In this movie pay attention to meaning of connections. Pay attention to the garden. Notice the circle spiral in both. Every event and every person in our lives is here for a reason. If we don't meet up at one time, we will meet in another. It is meant to be. The message? Pay attention to all the connections in your own life and savor!.

a movie review: must love dogs

bowl of honey...

God has truly blessed me and given me a sweet life. But I have allowed myself to feast on the bitter fruit that life offers instead of the bowl of honey sitting right in front of me. ~~ randi

Ahh, love this image. We move so fast through this life often in disconnect. Being Still is an action. It is connecting with all the moments. Enjoying and Learning.

'to ignore' a good thing?

"The greatest human desire is attention," he said as made his first introduction with her. He was dashing and had a brain to boot. This was the first day. Many days later though he was gone and she was wondering what is this? Oh, but many more days later he was back. She was expected to pick up where they left off.

"Attention is constant not whenever you feel like it," she said as he explained this is just how he is. Hmmmm, not so said her soul. She kept up because she is a hard worker on her relationships. Then days go by he is gone. Then back. Nothing she said was working.

"Where are you?," he said when he came back to nothing. He kept trying but only a few days. She was hiding still and quiet. She was there hearing every word. She said everything she could but he had not heard her. So she turned it around and disconnected to lose him forever.

"Very sad that to ignore someone is a good thing," she says as she walks away without the chains holding her down.

a little fire ... a little quiet....

She is this wierd mix of fire and quiet. There were the years where she was banished to her bicycle and her books for companionship. She felt a kinship to Anne of Green Gables. Anne loved her books and her imagination. She drank up Anne's dramatic antics feeling those feelings inside but never able to live it.

There were the years where she just tried to survive as a wallflower. She didn't want other teenagers to look at her and see the clothes that did not fit. When her parents went to parent teacher conferences, the teachers could not remember their daughter. "Oh, she must not be a problem then," was the comment her parents brought home. Not great news when even her teachers couldn't remember her. Oh, if she had the nerve, she should have introduced herself to the teacher! No, she was quiet because she was taught respect.

There were the years she studies up the on self. Wondering why she was such a wierd person that no one really saw the depth of her heart. Amazing that she did not pick up some habit to fill this void. She probably could credit the fire that is always brewing inside keeping her breathing and alive.

There were the years where she finds her ears ringing when she goes home after a family gathering. Everyone chattering on about news of everyday happenings, yet no one heard a peep from her. Some extended family members would make a remark about her futher excluding her. Oh, if she had the nerve, she might just have twisted the comment back to hurt them. No, she was quiet she was taught to honor her elders.

There were the years where she is trying to find her place as a woman. Is she beautiful enough? Will someone ever love her fire? Will someone ever acknowledge her passions and dreams? Will she be enough to love? Will someone ever see how amazing smart she is and not run from it? Will anyone know she how hard she loves? Will she succeed in her dream being heard?

Through out all the years she just wanted enough attention but she was given disregard. She has struggled with knowing how to live this wild mix of fire and quiet. She still has the fire and she has learned the worth of her quiet nature. Yet, she still struggles....

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

life reality...

Even before she can strap in the similiator begins. All kinds of flashing lights and blaring sounds churn and pitch around her. Blazing red and orange hit her like a hot searing fire. She felt anger rip at her flesh. A tense panic began to juice up her heart. Yelling hammered her ears. A fight plan was sent out to her limbs. Her blood began to turn in to fizzing acid. She took a step back and gulp slowly in a moment. She had to stop the madness. How quick the stimuli had inflamed her into anger. Her time would run out if she didn't choose now how to respond. A cup of cool water. Blue pooled and soothed the landscape before her. The heat transformed into a soft breeze.

Even before she could take in what had happened, a booming clap of thunder snatched her heartbeat from her. Jolted into the next round, she felt icy razor sharp raindrops pelt her skin. Grey puffy clouds packed and bump into each other. A deep pain of sorrow pulled her mind and soul down into a inky void. Heavy tears ran down her face as she hugged herself feeling soo disconsolate and alone. This wasn't working. If this gloom took over her, she would be no more. Releasing her grip, she held out her arms. To her surprise her arms bumped into another human being. As she wrapped her arms around this human. The grey mist began to left. The sharing of tears gave way to soft smiles and brilliant blue skies.

Even before she could whisper a gratitude, a howling wind whipped wet dead leaves of naked black trees. The ground was blacken mush and the dusky air was hollow. An eerie durge was playing. The casket weighted down the backs of the pallbearers. Death was too heavy for her and she began to beat her chest. 'Noooooooo' shattered the screen before her like a cracking mirror. The yellow sun rose from the edge of night. She found herself bathed in light. All around her was flowers all dressed in their colorful elegant party dresses. She picked as many as she could so she could give away likes smiles....

Then the similiator came to a complete stop. She stumbled out. Her next test was to journal what she had learnt. Her thoughts began to cover the page. She could learn all about right and wrong. She could make her standards and establish her core values, but it was not worth much if she could not take ownership of the situation. It was all about her behavior. She could react to the forces around her and watch her world destruct or she could break the bad cycles and give out good.

What you receive, you give.
What you give, you receive.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

what is the "Fear of the Lord"?...

"He will be the Sure Foundation for your times,
a Rich Store of Salvation & Wisdom & Knowledge;
the Fear of the Lord is the Key to this Treasure."
Isa 33:6

'Fear of the Lord' leaves us quite mystified. When God is all about love and acceptance , how can fear be apart of a Loving God?

Be truthful. Isn't Love risky? Isn't Love sacrificial action? Doesn't Love give you a bit of fear? Yes, because we have to trust.

'My times' has a lot of accusations being thrown about .... My major grief is behavior. How do I behave in troubled times as these? How do I behave when other's have let their behavior splatter much like a speeding car over a mud puddle?

I know what fear does to me. When shouting, pointing of fingers, and anger swirl around me, the insides of me melt away and there I am with no where to run, red faced, and a total shaky mess.

Titus 3:2 "... to slander no one, to be peaceable, to be full of courtesy, to walk humbly..." This is the hard work of love and fear.
Who better to trust God?
"You cannot be with a Strong God without receiving strenth. God is always a Transforming God. Fellowship with Him changes our likeness until we become more like Him."
~C.H. Spurgeon

" ... in Christ I can be bold
robbing God : : : wonderfully made ... : : : behavior ...
... fear --> love --> risk --> sacrificial action -->

Spurgeon: pure jealous love

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

a little history...

Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

~ emme lazsrus

These words are found on the foundation of the Statue of Liberty. Words woven in the fabric of America. I take great pride in these words because I am a dreamer. To dream you need a safe place to nourish your imagination and to take flight. America has been a refuge to many people through the ages.

America now has her own huddled masses, homeless and tempest-tost. These are her refugees. Their homes, what they did for a living, loved ones and pets are broken. Their dreams are gone.

Miss Liberty has turned to face her mighty Mississippi & Gulf shores. There are tears streaming down her face as she whispers a prayer. When she opens her eyes, she sees the masses with lamps of hope held high and arms open wide. A sea of humanity holding each other together. This is her people of the United States. She is proud.

Once again pioneers renewed will dream big dreams. The will make their first steps again here on homeland shores. They will soar again like wings of the eagle.

refuge and refugee come from the latin language.
re = back ; fugere = to flee

... Oh, to be a reflection of God the Great Refuge

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Refuge & refugee

Refuge = shelter from danger
asylum, sanctuary, hideout, hideaway, safe harbor, any port in a storm, last resort, support, anchor(age), home, hospital, retreat.

refugee = one who flees for safety; person taking refuge from war, persecution, or natural disaster
misplaced person, evacuee, escapee, runaway, displaced person

Psa 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Dear Almighty God,
I am blessed to find you a Refuge and Strength. I am gladly a refugee. You are my Sanctuary and First Resort. Without you I would not know True Strength when I am so helpless. I find Safe Harbor in your Everlasting Arms. You heal my gaping wounds and dry my tears. I am not of this world and I feel the pain acutely; however, I know I have a Place prepared for me. Everywhere I look I see waste and distruction. I feel the sucking away of my soul. Yet, Your Beauty and Your Joy keep me strong. You are my Anchor. You love me with Unconditional and Sacrificial Love. You have romanced my heart. I am so grateful from the bottom of my heart.
~~your beloved little girl

: : : Refuge : : :

Monday, September 05, 2005

a pale raspberry to eat...

"No, it isn't ripe."

"Oh yes, these are golden raspberries."

The taste is more crisp and very delightful. They are first a pale green. When they are ripe, they turn a pale yellow. If not gobbled in at the first hint of the golden stage, they blush.

Big black hairy bumblebees love these bushes for the sweet nectar so make sure you pinch off the berry and not a bumblebee's bum!

pointing fingers...

* more vs. less
* owership vs. victim
* better vs. bitter

What are we teaching the kids and teenagers, when grown adults are pointing fingers. We all know the old saying about pointing. Any kid could tell you.

Our children need to know how to take ownership. Isn't freedom about being more? Everyone in the world has heard of the American Dream. Their are poor children who dream of coming here. The Dream is about making a better life. It can start anywhere. The mental first step is "I am going to live my dream." Some come here but they had to start there in their own country.

Challenges need to be met with the same determination as following your dream. Even when all thing lay in ruin, you pick up the pieces and if you have to you dream a bigger dream. Overcome and be more than what you were. Just taking ownership changes you. Give up the ashes and wash your hands. Be ready for God's beauty.

If our children could see adults modeling ownership of their dreams as well as their challenges, what a huge gift we would give our future generations.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

My Anchor Holds...

Though the angry surges roll
On my tempest driven soul,
I am peaceful, for I know,
Wildly though the winds may blow,
I've an anchor safe and sure,
That can evermore endure.

Mighty tides about me sweep,
Perils lurk within the deep,
Angry clouds o'ershade the sky,
And the tempest rises high;
Still I stand the tempest's shock,
For my anchor grips the Rock.

I can feel the anchor fast
As I meet each sudden blast,
And the cable, thought unseen,
Bears the heavy strain between;
Through the storm I safely ride,
Till the turning of the tide.

Troubles almost 'whelm the soul;
Griefs like billows o'er me roll;
Tempters seek to lure astray;
Storms obscure the light of day;
But in Christ I can be bold,
I've an anchor that shall hold.

And it holds, my anchor holds;
Blow your wildest, then, O gale,
On my bark so small and frail;
By His Grace I shall not fail,
For my anchor holds, my anchor holds.

by Daniel Townes 1930

This is were I want to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
At Rest......

to wait

positive action absolutes...

"The darkest moment is your most sacred
... holds you greatest potential."

"What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us." ~ ralph waldo emerson

My personal epiphany:
Positive Approach
Positive Answers
Positive Decisions
Positive Game Plan
= Positive Action

Positive Magic = Appreciation, Value, & Worth
Positive Force = Faith

Key to Survival = Claim Victory no matter how small

Move to what you can control.

"Do what you can with what you have where you are." - Teddy R.

What you recieve, you give. What you give, you get back.


* 100% communication = 7% verbal + 93% action
* humans fail by not acting
* BELIEF is what you become
* Dwell in Possibility
* Value = you will move heaven & earth ... if it or someone is important enough to you

Friday, September 02, 2005

at morning's Light...

She sits on her favorite rock overlooking the eastern horizon. She comes from her bed of nightmares. With a cuppa warming her hands she snuggles with blankets. She is waiting for the sun to rise. She wants to bathe in the warmth. Her soul skips a beat as she feels golden rays peek and tease her over the horizen. There at the moment of the glorious reveal, she feels kissed by her God.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full into His Wonderful Face
and the things of earth will fade away
in the Light of His Glory and Grace"

"Arise, shine, for your Light has come and the Glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and His Glory appears over you." Isaiah 60:1-2

"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day."
Proverbs 4:18

ty Lovely!!!

prayer triumphs and requests from Hurricane Katrina's wake

I hold these Truths...

* negative attitude = rejection of Faith!
This hit me to the quick! I have lived in melancholy for many years and it lurks in many of my corners still today. I was ashamed as this new truth haunted me. Negative attitude has everything to do with complaining, whining, fighting, slandering, doubt, and worry. If I let these dark and ugly things fester in my heart, there is no room for God to work. There is no love, no joy, no goodness, and no faith.

My next step was to dwell in possibility. Every time I doubted .... I switched to dwelling in possibility. Why not? was a question I explored possible dreams and filled out my life with them.

* joy is the stuff of strength
neh 8:10 "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength." Quite simply declare His attributes

* passion is the stuff of love
Love is purely action and sacrificial. Love is listening and caring for another's welfare. Love is loving your dreams and passions into life. Love is loving yourself and knowing you have a purpose to live and give here and now.

* compassion is the stuff of life
Life is growth and beauty. Life is fragile and yet resilient. Life is like a seeing someone burst into a simple smile. Life is the opposite of death. I want to always error on the side of life. I am overjoyed by seeing the triumph of the human spirit.

* don't waste beauty
Create. Give. Work hard. Sing. Dance. Play.

* move to what you can control
Be thankful. Affirm. Appreciate. Enjoy every monent. Delight & Savor. Claim Victory. Declare His attributes. Celebrate because you do have a wonderful life.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Dear Almighty God,
I am an angry right now. I see a modern day version of ''the lord of the flies'' playing out before my eyes. I am sick. The behavior is so desperate and so sub-human. I know the loss is so crushing. I cannot believe what I am seeing. I am overwhelmed.

You are 'The Creator' so You are just the Master at Creativity. My mind can't stop. I have poured over an atlas to 'see' the cities that I have never visited. I have paced around my livingroom with a ideas of how to lead these people out. I have see human chains coming down from the north spredding like a web. I see a new modern day 'Railroad' taking shape as these chains come and start moving people to towns and to the next. I see a hurd of helicopters approaching the south. If they aren't built to rescue, they go in and drop food and water. etc God, maybe I have some silly notions but that is how I would like to help. For now I will help the way I know I can. Those silly notions though will not lay still. You created my mind and stuffed it with an imagination. If I own it, You will honor it. Thank You for romancing me in creativity.

I am so grateful to have fully come to terms with what life is all about. I use to think it was something to solve. How delightfully wrong I was. Thank you for my life right now in times that are unsure. I am no longer a victim but a warrior princess ready to love my world, to spread beauty, and to encourage life full and overflowing. I will take ownership ... unleashing my simple, intense, lovely, passionate, intimate, compassionate, sacrificial, raw, untamed faith.

You are Light and I am a borrowed ray. I dip into Your overflowing Well of Mercy and Compassion.
~~~~ always Your little girl

"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it."
"If you can dream it, you can become it."

at morning's light

our richest resource...

What 'fuel' would truly make a human or a country rich? What 'fuel' would we be able to use to survive any horror? What 'fuel' is friendly to the enviroment? What 'fuel' do we have right here in our own back yard without depending on anyone else or country? What 'fuel' gives back to you instead of running you dry?

No way is it oil. Nope not natural gas. Nahhh not even the hydrogen. Not even corn which by the way my state would love that!

CREATIVITY Yes, you heard me.

America was built on being innovative. They invented things that we take for granted all over the world. Acting on their imaginations they changed their way of life and all the lives to come after. Let's prove to our forefathers our grit. Let's get back to our grassroots. Let's change our world.

What depleats this great resource? The media, politics, big business and our own selves for allowing them to infect our minds with chaos. All I hear on the war front is the death toll. Every few of the good stories of how we are giving Iraqies a chance to change their lives. I know those stories are there and are begging to be told. When I hear just one glimmer of hope, I spred it like wildfire.

Media is a blantent offender. They predict gas prices will be $3 gal by the end of summer. Sure enough it is. Only because they have created panic in us. Now they are predicting $5 gal by the end of the year. Stop the insanity! Why do we give into this? Make a change! Where are our scientists? Or even some person just tinkering around? We need creativity desperately!

What is going on with the chaos of the hurricane makes me sick! I again am going to pick on the media. I know that the living conditions are horrid and I do not make light of that. The media is our eye and they show negative report after another. I know they help a little. But in the big scheme of things they have resources like helicopters, satalite phones, cameras, huge audience and big owners. I would like to see them at least make food drops on those rooftops where there are citizens. I would like to see them use their satalite phones more allowing these poor people to get messages to their loved ones. I would like to see them make video messages to send to authorities about the needs or messages to loved ones. The media needs to get with it and use their creativity to help where they never thought they could. I would forgo days of no news if the media would rock my world with their help.

Politics have caused gridlock among the agencies and among the citizens. Look at capitol hill. Nothing is getting done besides more laws and infighting. Creativity is our freedom but you would not know it.

I am just sick because we have not learned from our history or even our movies. Those action /world destruction movies have a lot of good human spirit in them. We love to see that we can be heros in chaos but when it meets us what do we do? Become sub-human.

Hard words but needed. It is time to hear the call to get creative. Let's change our world now.