Wednesday, July 10, 2013

griefs of the lilac …

Part of being strong willed is having super solid thoughts of how things should be and how things should be done. These thoughts are not random. These thoughts are logical.  These thoughts are connected to the very fiber and essence of who I am. 

Maybe it is being a girl in a man's world that makes me second guess my thoughts when it contradicts a man's thoughts. Maybe it is because I'm a strange contradiction of tenderness and strictness. Maybe it is because I am most happy when submissive but when my thoughts are swept aside, a violent torrential storm erupts. 

A current event has just played out and I am red hot livid. I am here trying to put my words down to get these ugly emotions out of my body and my heart. Spilt milk is spilt milk. You can't do anything but except it, right?  But wait, there is clean up to do…

My split milk is the tree trimmers that whacked the lilac tree to the ground where it was living conjoined with the lilac bush. I should have pinked flagged like my gut said so they would not touch it. I voiced my concern about the lilacs along with the new small bushes I have bought. 'Oh, they will be fine.' I had so much unrest in my heart that when the trimmers finally arrived I asked God to guide them. When I got home I rushed to the backyard to see if they spared my lilac tree and my unspoken wishes. I want to be silent and sweet no more. I want to rail against the one who made me second guess myself.  Oh wait, I was the one that second guessed. 

Thursday, July 04, 2013

an angry American & an Ancient Path ...

I am an angry American.  Here I stand on the cliff of time where looking forward, all I can see is destruction of a country I was born and bred in and harbor a love and patriotism for.  When I look behind, I see an ancient old path straight, strong and true that built this nation on a very formidable foundation.  An ancient pathway that holds true to piety and self control along with freedom from government dictating personal religion.  The Bible was our founding fathers' guide to create a country that would serve God.  An ancient pathway long overgrown and barely visual today.

The dissenting voices have become like bombs and clanging cymbals drowning out God's Ancient Still Voice.  Many have recanted their so called beliefs to be like everyone else so as to be politically correct and socially relevant.  They  have forgotten what there parents had told them.  Something about 'would you jump off a cliff if everyone else is doing so?' It is like a gay parade cloaking themselves in rainbow loud colors to hide a tarnish and blackish meshed hazy soul where freedom means no self restraint or self control.  This parade is so clamorous and so narcissistic they do not see the cliff they are marching off of and into the pit.  Do not think that I am insensitive as I tried to understand coworkers who have taken on this alternative lifestyle.  They can be super nice but my love and loyalty lies with God the Father who is a jealous God and wants our selfless love no matter how frail and human it is.   Sadly, as I look at all the gays that have surfaced, I no longer see them as male or female but rather as an it deprived of the great differences and characteristics that make males strong and females beautiful.  It is a very grey murky world.

What gets me most as an American is the taking God out of every thread that make us great and dragging our founding fathers through the mud.  Last week US Supreme Court decision to make gay marriage legal made me ill.  It is most difficult when the other side seems to winning at destroying our moral fabric and you know that once the salt is taken from this world, Sodom and Gomorra destruction will rain down once again.  Even though the world is heavy in labor pains, I have a sure foundation.  I have an ancient path to trace to my present time ... to pull back the weeds and clear the path.

Let me tell you about US Supreme Court member, James Wilson who came from Scotland in 1765 to study law and obvious stayed!  He was appointed to the US Supreme Court by President George Washington in 1789.  James Wilson holds the distinction of being one of the six Founding Fathers to sign both the Declaration of Independence AND the Constitution.  Benjamin Rush, a physician, fellow signer of the Declaration of Independence, father of the public schools and I could go on, described James Wilson's mind as a "blaze of light ... He rendered great and essential services to his country in every stage of the Revolution."  Here is a quote from James Wilson on the law of God being the 'supreme law.'  "Having thus stated the question -- what is the efficient cause of the moral obligation? -- I give this answer -- the will of God.  This is the supreme law.  His just and full right of imposing laws, and our duty in obeying them, are the sources of our moral obligations." (The Laws of Nature, 1790)  Oh how my heart began to soar again.  This my heritage.  This is my America.  This is my US Supreme Court that I can cheer on... to shout an Amen.

The US Supreme Court of 1885 (144 US 15,45) "Certainly no legislation can be be supposed more wholesome and necessary in the founding of a free, self-governing commonwealth ... then that which seeks to establish it on the basis of the idea of the family, as consisting in and springing from the union for life of one man and one woman in the holy estate of matrimony; [the family is] the sure foundation of all that is stable and noble in our civilization; the best guarantee of that reverent morality which is the source of all beneficent progress in social and political improvement."

I know I shouldn't be an angry American since I'm just as pass'in through.  I am a citizen of Heaven.  I am in God's Kingdom.  I know Who wins.  America will not be in Heaven.  True.  But our founding father's dreamed a very huge dream.  They wanted to be a beacon to rest of the world.  I want to keep that dream alive.  I look to this ancient path, this ancient bloodline to not give up and to reach out in God's Grace and His Everlasting Love to my fellow American citizens, to be God's ambassador.....

So this Fourth of July I put a spotlight on the Supreme Law that has made this country and holding to this Supreme Law will keep this country....


This is what the Lord says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. 

But you said, 'we will not walk in it.'

I appointed a watchmen over you and said, 'Listen to the sound of the trumpet!'

But you said, 'we will not listen.'

Therefore hear, you nations; you who are witnesses, observe what will happen to them.  Hear, you earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to My Words and have rejected My Law."  

Jeremiah 6:16-19