Saturday, June 03, 2006

the break up ...

I would rate this movie as a 5, a -5 that is, for the yelling. I had a headache (from walking about in the sun this morning) and I hate excessive noise and especially yelling. I should have known that break up would actually mean break up yelling! However, I would rate the movie as a whole a 7. There is a message here and it is incredibly sad that it took breaking up for the message to be clear. There is no getting back together either!!!! Pretty brave to do for all those of us who like movies that come out right in the end!!!

All break ups have to do with NOT bringing your full self even the ugly parts of you that hide out. All break ups have to with NOT giving up your own wants and do something with the someone you love just because you love them. All break ups have to do with someone not fighting for the us.

Break ups are not exclusive. As I walked away from the theater, my mind traveled to the broken friendships and even broken job experiences that I have accumalated. It is difficult to own up to what I might have hidden and what I could no longer take. Yet, I know that I have given of who I am, the good and the bad. I am a pretty deep person. I often give too much. I am not afraid of learning. I keep polishing. I keep morphing. I show up. I keep hoping that one day my good relationships will out weigh the break ups.

I could have bashed certain people in my break ups here, but I couldn't. Relationships are way to important. I am extremely sad in most of my broken relationships and feel most like Aniston's character. Yet, I have had a sigh of relief in one or two of my broken relationships and that is a difficult scary thought to me! To have a feeling of relief seems so guilty when connection is so important to me.

So wow! a hugh mix of thoughts and emotions.......

movie review : United 93

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