Sunday, July 31, 2005

surface vs. depth

I have picked up Nicholas Sparks latest book turned paperback called the The Wedding. When I read books I like to think of the author as a character too. Why did he write this book? What journey does he want to take us on? If the author is a character than I too am one. Why do I continue with the book? What do I hope to get from this book? I also believe that I get more from books that choose me at a certain time of my life.

At this time I am seeking out life, seeking out a woman's life, & seeking out what married life is. (I have many trails I am on! This is just one here for now.) As I read The Wedding , I was intrigued by the leading man's observation of his married life. He had a choice of a deep marriage or a surface one. Now in his fifies, he realizes what he has missed out. He looks at his wife as beautiful as when he first met her. He is now on the path to bring connection back.

Yes, I am not married, but I can't see co-existing under one roof and never really diving into the depths of togetherness. Togetherness is the stuff of married life! Is it not?

This is a good read so far. I hope the leading man truly enriches his life by reaching out again to his wife. I hope it isn't too late.

I like reading Nicholas Sparks. First, because he started his dream in his 30's. That gives me hope that I can be an author at any age. Second, he gives me a male's perspective on relationships. Third and most painful is that he always has a huge twist that rips out your heart. I don't think I ever read his books with out crying in the end.

Love listening to the Country Countdown on my way home from church on Sundays. A new song to my ears was by Gary Allen titled "Your the best I've ever had." Yup, a song about losing his girl. I can't wait to hear it again. I want to know the story.

Speak out loud of your love. Reach out .... hold hands. Life is way to short not to dive into the depths together

Saturday, July 30, 2005

a little relationship maintenance....

When it comes to relationship maintenance or even if one is thinking about beginning a relationship, I find that you can have better success if you try three things.

  • How to decompress...
  • How to empower...
  • How to connect/attract....

  • There are times when there is going to be a bit of stress in a relationship.... well, maybe a whole lot of stress. Sometimes a bit of heat is good for movement, but knowing how to decompress the situation or the person you love will allow for breathing room and not for combustion. I personally know that I would rather have a simple exhale than popping my top with all my insides splattered about. Way too messy for me. You do have to be aware of your partner's boiling point and know what works to depressurize. I, the Questioner, find that just asking the question "What would decompress or depressurize you in a stressful situation?" opens up a discussion that can work both ways.

    There are times when there is going to be failure or melancholy in a relationship ... well, maybe a whole lot of down time. Sometimes a bit of mellow is good for reaching upwards, but knowing how to empower your loved one allows for value and worth to glow inside and bubble out making them a better person. The Questioner again isn't afraid to ask "What would empower you?", but for me other questions and discussions work to know what makes them feel valued. This would lead to a million different side trails. So, lets see if I can narrow it down... I think it is key to appreciate a man's actions and to appreciate who a woman is. Think verbs for men and think nouns for women. Simply put give genuine compliments and gratitudes. "You provide me love and a nice home. Thank you for all your hardwork for us." (ie: for a man) "You are a beautiful lover. You are my home, my safe place." (ie: for a woman) If this conversation and action was a part of our daily relationship life, man, our relationships would totally rock!

    There are way toooooo many times that life pulls us apart from our relationships. Too many demands from the outside world like work or children drain what precious little time we have with each other. And for men they think they are built to do it alone (total myth, guys! sorry!). They are told often to be a man no tears. God created us women to be relational because He knew that it was not good for man to be alone. We must make connections. I think this comes from knowing their love language. Is it words, acts, touch, gifts, or time that makes them feel loved? It is a sure thing that if they feel loved they reach out. Just connecting .. doing things together .... rekindling the sparks of what first attracted you ... just plain romance is the real language of love. So why do loose this essential language? I think it was my father who said "if you don't use it you lose it." How true if we do not speak the language of love.
    ... decompress .... empower ... connect ... attract ....
    all she wants is to hold hands and look into his eyes ... knowing that they journey through life together ...... or it is not worth it....

    make connections ... not distance

    Friday, July 29, 2005

    to wait....

    A man's strength is in action. In love he pursues her. A woman's strength is at rest. In love she waits for him.

    Ok, wait a minute. Wait? Now how hard is that especially for a woman. So I studied wait. Love my favorite dinosaur, Thesaurus, for these little treks.

    wait ≈
  • stay, remain, linger, tarry, abide
  • continue, reside, keep on
  • persevere with, persist in, carry on, soldier with
  • expect, look for
  • serve, attend

  • These words are verbs which really mean they are action words. When made to wait especially in a relationship, it is the hardest kind of action to do. It feels like inaction. Feels like standing still. Relationships to women are fluid. A nice soft ebb and flows feels right. My heart will rest easier if I use the meater words for wait. They feel more like action.

    Well, if this woman is going to wait, she is going to wait in a beautiful place like 'a quiet english garden' or 'in a cove' to watch the surf meet the sand. Her way of surrounding herself in beauty and tending to beauty.

    Wait is really being at rest. Contented with yourself... Contented in who God created you to be. Being enough..... Delighting & savoring...

    Thursday, July 28, 2005


    Legacy is not only what you leave behind; it is also what you put forward. When you look this word up in the dictionary it refers to it as past or history.
    "Anything bequeathed ... disposed of by will"
    It is almost like something done in secret. People's wills are created behind closed doors only to be revealed upon death. Almost like they didn't want to deal with the aftermath their will caused! I just don't like thinking about legacy like this.

    I like to think legacy should be a very conscious thought and everyday action. It should be simple and yet powerful. I finally found my definition: Legacy = happy, healthy, & wings .

    I ask myself the questions:
  • Am I happy?
  • Is it healthy?
  • How are my wings? Can I fly?

  • It is the basic steps to take care of myself and to catch my dreams. This kind of legacy helps me to live and love deeply today and tomorrow leaving 'yesturday's' bequeath open to a future of possible happy and healthy dreams come true.

    Tuesday, July 26, 2005

    at LookOut Rock

    Inky black ocean waters pound the beach and rocks. White foam snarles and whips high in the air. Lighting arcs from high in the heavens and strikes trimmers through the earth. Rain hits huge and hard. Violent electricity frizzles about.

    Looking closely there is a lone figure rocking back and forth on LookOut Rock. Pain etched deeply in her bent frame. Her face is contorted. Her tears mix with the rain. Drenched to her skin, a deep heaviness courses through her.

    If one could pull back earth's veil, holding the girl is a strong Man clothed in Light. Not all is lost. He is protecting her and allowing her to release all the pain she feels. His rain is mixing in with her tears and washing her clean. Letting her feel His strength and power.

    He will carry her indoors, tucking her in blankets with warm chamoline tea. When she awakes in the morning, His Light will burn in her heart. Blossoming into more.......

    the shove

    What drives a Redeemed Eve to abuse?

    - leaving her alone for days & months
    - keeping her always at arms length
    - never allowing her to keep you in her eyesight
    - going away mentally, emotionally, physically, & spiritually
    - sharing your life but then hiding away & getting offended when she seeks you
    - no acknowledgements when she proves her metal & survives you over & over again

    All you are teaching her is that she is not enough. That she is not capable to handle you. You shut down her beauty. You really do need her.

    You would be surprised if you allowed her full access into your life that she is quite resilient and is built to handle hardships better than her counterpart. She can save you from yourself and the lonely life you lead. Man is not meant to do it alone. Life is to be shared or there is no fullfillment.

    The Redeemed Eve knows who she is in Christ. She knows her journey. She is in a very secure place, but it does not mean she cannot be driven to abuse..... Eve is Ramsoned and Redeemed.... she is no longer depraved...... So Eve keeps exercising Beauty.....

    ''It's about Big Love & bulging Vulnerable hearts....
    and the honest truth and the profound choice we make everyday to live our lives in color and choose love all over again.''


    Standing before you is just a girl asking a boy to love her.....
    asking a boy to walk together through life
    asking a boy to pursue her
    ... no it is not a game to her
    but she does know that if a boy pursues her,
    she will be loved all her days.
    she will know she is enough.
    I am enough. I have enough. I love enough. I risk enough. I fill enough. I get enough. I handle enough. I am loved enough. I am healed enough. I am ready enough. I am enough.

    It is being full and hungry. It is growing and being balanced..... It is knowing in her heart that she is enough and no boy will defeat the beauty of her essence.

    (all grown up ... a mirror truth)

    tears are sacred....

    Tears are sacred. To use tears to manipulate another to do your will undermines the essence of tears.......

    Tears are for cleansing pain from your whole being much like when the rains come with a cool front to cool an overheated earth. Tears are the moving of your heart and for the passions of human spirit that rise up and overwhelm you with a joy and a sence of everything is alright. Tears are a voice to things we may have pushed down and ignored.

    Tears are a holy ground. It can be violent and peaceful. It can be torture and pure. ... Humans were made to cry. It is a gift........ Do not abuse

    Monday, July 25, 2005

    keep family together.... virtual storytelling

    What a precious memories to make! A mother goes out to her mailbox and finds a video tape from her husband in Iraq. She pops it in and there her husband is reading stories to their children.

    An American woman soldier is providing this service to her fellow soldiers as her way to share her beauty and legacy to her world. BRILLIANT

    signs to the End Times vs. Behavior of the End Times

    I am one that does not like to think or talk about the End Times. I would much rather leave it to mystery. Of recent a thought about the End Times popped into my head. What if we are a bit out of focus when it comes the End Times? What if we missed the point when we look so intently at the events and over looked the Behavior?

    Everytime I come across a passage in the NT about 'nations rising against nations or about earthquakes, famines, pestilence or any fearful event or heavenly signs' (Luke 21:10), I find verses tucked in like 'you will be betrayed by parents, brothers, and friends, and they will put some of you to death' (Luke 21:16). My heart does not like to hear this! I cannot fathom betrayal from my loved ones. Yet, God says to watch for this. Then I look deep into the depths of my being. Could I betray my own loved ones in the faith? It is a very easy thing to do. Look at Peter and even Judas! This totally makes me nerveous!!!!
    'By standing firm you will gain life.' - Luke 21:19
    'Keep yourselves in God's Love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to Eternal Life.' - Jude 5:21

    So as I feel the 'last days' creep upon me and the foul darkness breathe on my neck, I must keep my words and actions in check. I must exercise love ... I must exercise beauty..... I must stand firm.....

    Sunday, July 24, 2005

    O Love

    O Love that wilt not let me go,
    I rest my weary soul in Thee;
    I give Thee back the life I owe,
    That in Thine oceans depths
    Its flow may richer, fuller be.

    O Light that followest all my way,
    I yield my flickering torch to Thee;
    My heart restores its borrowed ray,
    That in Thy sunshine's blaze
    Its day may brighter, fairer be.

    O Joy that seekest me through pain,
    I cannot close my heart to Thee;
    I trace the rainbow through rain,
    And feel the promise is not vein
    That morn shall tearless be.

    O Cross that liftest up my head,
    I dare not ask to fly from Thee;
    I lay in dust life's glory dead,
    And from the ground there blossom red
    Life that shall endless be. by George Matheson in 1800's

    I newly heard this old old hymn sung with voices only. It stired my soul like a cooling breeze after a hot day. I am most humbled to be loved unconditionaly every moment of my life by the Almighty Holy God.
    A Love that wilt not let me go is Love indeed!

    If you can you must listen to Gaither's Australian Homecoming on cd or dvd.

    Saturday, July 23, 2005

    Babies & Mommys

    "A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on,"  wrote
    poet Carl Sandburg

    In each little bundle there is a calling upon that new little heart. Little Passions ready to begin Life's Journey. Exciting Adventures to take them into their most full self. Little Ones to leave the world changed and better......

    I am childless by choice. Singlehood has been my path and there was no way I wanted to raise a child by myself. But other more honest feelings surfaced as I walked alone. First I just felt like there was no mommy inside me. There was no want or need for a baby to complete me. I was not drawn to the softness of a baby's world.

    As the days of childbearing are entering the last days or in other terms the biological clock is ticking out of time, the need is stilllllll not there! However, a 'Mommyness' is blooming in my heart. I have always been drawn to people's stories. What really draws me is their passions and their dreams. It is like sitting at the feet of a master artist creating a work of art. I like the unfolding. I like the mystery unveiling and all it requires of me is to observe.

    A true mommy's understanding of her baby is that it is already package with passions and dreams. True mommys know that she is just one who her baby passes through. The baby is not a carbon copy of her. A mommy is a life-bearer and she nutures, inspires, and energizes. She wants her baby to grow in happiness and health. She wants her baby to grow strong wings because she knows the baby will leave her home one day.

    If life had given me couplehood, I would probably had children. However, I am not sure that mommy would be the mommy I have discovered that is just now blooming . Maybe I would have tried to control to much. More honestly because of all my ''mixed up feelings'' I would have been too afraid ....

    What is more important now is that I am just a different kind of 'mommy'. I am a life-bearer of a different sort. I coo over those baby dreams. I beam when I see flight......

    To be a mommy is just being quiet & observant allowing dreams & passions to flourish

    Friday, July 22, 2005

    What do you see?

    Carl Sandburg wrote: "I see America not in the setting sun of a black night of despair.... I see America in the crimson light of a rising sun fresh from the burning, creative hand of God."

    What do you see? Do you see that Light still has the power over the evil that brews in darkness? Do you see that you can make a difference in this world? Do you see Light's calling on your heart?

    I see the Dark Shadows breathing out despair and doom. But I see the lightness of my own heart. I see Beauty as my legacy to leave this world a better place.....

    Thursday, July 14, 2005


    A week has gone by now and we know more about the shadows. We listened and watch the stories come from London...... I leave one more snapshot of observance here.....

    Light is about life, joy, and beauty. Darkness is about death, horror, and distruction. We must hold dear to LIFE. We must want to live and live fully. We must give value and worth to all that come into our worlds. We should welcome ... like leaving that candle in our windows to give a path of light to that weary traveler needing a shelter. Honestly, I just want to climb up into that big blue sky and shine that bright sun right on all shadows. I want to see them disappear for good. I know their time will come, but in the meantime I will walk in the Light, exercise beauty, and cheer on the fighting human spirit.

    It is truly a wonderful life .......


    Wednesday, July 13, 2005

    resist ... you are not alone....

    There was many dark things happening in Middle-earth and they had gathered at Rivendell to seek widsom. Elrond the Elf-king speaks:
    'You have done well to come. You will hear today all that you need in order to understand the purposes of the Enemy. There is naught (nothing) that you can do, other than to resist, with hope or without it. But you do not stand alone. You will learn that your trouble is but part of the trouble of all the western world. from the The Lord of the Rings chapter the Council of Elrond

    Key points is you must always resist and that you are not alone. 'The Alone,' where you are at your least value and worth when no one seems to be there to cover your back, is when you are going to be vulnerable to the Black Riders and their Black Breath. You wonder why lone shadows or a pack of lone shadows blow up themselves and others? Go back to your most lonely times you will find a moment or two where you faultered. What did you feel?

    That is how terror strikes. The Black Riders are here. Lurking around in dark shadows. Don't walk alone. But remember to cover other's backs as well. The world is built to be relational. There is work for men and women alike.

    I have been using the Lord of the Ring for my thoughts on terror. I find in the pages a guide or maybe more like a curtain drawn back. It is like going up in the airplane and looking down rather than trying to understand from the murky shadows here on earth. It fills me with hope and a since of a mission to take care of my world. To cherish LIFE and to spread beauty. You must live and cherish all lives as well as your own. And the only way to change the ugly shadows on this earth is to open up windows and let in the Beautiful Light. I have strong joy. I am not afraid. I have a purpose in this day and age.

    Tuesday, July 12, 2005

    a man's calling in this new age of terror....

    In the world of men strength is their ultimate wonder. They want to be tested .....
    'Yes, I, Gandalf the Grey,' said the wizard solemnly. 'There are many powers in the world, for good or for evil. Some are greater than I am. Against some I have not yet been measured. But my time is coming. The Morgul-lord and his Black Riders have come forth. War is preparing!' from The Lord of the Rings chapter Many Meetings

    yet they have a bit of hesitation. Will they come through a challenge with valor or will be forever shamed? Will the Good or will the evil take them over?

    One of the Black Riders stuck his sword in Frodo's shoulder. This sword's target was to pierce Frodo's heart. Evil's goal was to change Good....
    ... the weapons of our Enemy are deadly. To tell you the truth, I had very little hope; for I suspected that there was some fragment of the blade still in the closed wound. But it could not be found until last night. Then Elrond removed a splinter. It was deeply buried, and it was working inwards.' ..... 'Don't be alarmed!' said Gandolf. 'It is gone now. It has been melted. And it seems Hobbits fade very reluctantly. I have known strong warriors of the Big People who would quickly have been overcome by that splinter, which you bore for seventeen days.'

    'What would they have done to me?' asked Frodo. 'What were the Riders trying to do?'

    "They tried to pierce your heart with a Morgul-knife which remains in the wound. If they succeeded, you would have become like they are, only weaker and under their command. You would have become a wraith (ghost) under the dominion of the Dark Lord; and he would have tormented you for trying to keep his Ring......' conversation between Gandolf and Frodo in the chapter of Many Meetings from The Lord of the Rings

    Most times the biggest risk in taking on the challenge and being tested is just simply TRYING. If you feel like a Hobbit small & insignificiant, remember with great joy that they are a tenacious lot and fade very reluctantly. Yes, we are in a new age of terror - ' War is preparing' . All good men from all good lands must hear their calling. If fear grips your heart, TRYING is strength. Would you rather be a MAN or a misty grey vaporouswraith - ghost-like without substance? Let Light & Goodness ring out to all people..... with this Valor will be rewarded to those who kept tenaciously trying.

    Monday, July 11, 2005

    the meaning of black riders...

    For a girl, or a woman, or a mother evil or ugly deeds done to hearth and home are hard for her to wrap her brain around. Inside her veins fear trys to run cold to paralize her. Inside her brain questions start to overload and short circuit motivation to change her world for good. Inside her heart her emotions run extremely hot. Inside her soul an Eden where she can hide renews her beautiful strength. Then she walks in beauty with her hand in her Mighty Warrior God.

    I tend to live in my brain and questions tend to overload me. As I look back over the past four years of this new age of terror, I have monitored my own growth and path. I know I have a future not yet known to me, but I know my steps are strong and are of Light. I have an understanding of evil. I have 'sight' of the God-Current underlying all events that happen on this earth.

    This new layer of understanding of evil comes from the summer read of The Lord of the Rings Where Strider tells the Hobbits about the Black Riders:
    They themselves do not see the world of light as we do, but our shapes cast shadows in their minds, which only the noon sun destroys; and in the dark they perceive many signs and forms that are hidden from us: then they are most to be feared. And at all times they smell the blood of living things, desiring and hating it. ... We can feel their presence - it troubled our hearts, as soon as we came here, and before we saw them; they feel ours more keenly. Also, 'he added, and his voice sank to a whisper, 'the Ring ( symbol of power, greed and evil) draws them . ' from the chapter A Knife in the Dark

    My thoughts are no where near the end times. My thoughts are totally on my Creator and Ancient of Days. He is of Strength and Beauty.
    "The mountains shall depart & the hills be removed, but my compassion shall not depart form thee, neither shall the convenant of My peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." Isa 54:10

    "This is the way; walk in it." lsa 30

    Sunday, July 10, 2005

    personal light journey

    In the summer of 2001 this American was hearing from abroad the great distaste of the Isreal and of the US . I was becoming quite alarmed. However, I was just thinking that the gobal world thought Americans were loud and acted much like a rable-rousing teenager. On September 11th my worse fears not even thought of happened. I personally felt attacked especially because I had a great love of my country.

    As I watched the years unfold since, I must give my heartfelt gratitude out to PM Tony Blair. He has been a great friend to my President George W and he has been a great friend to the common American people. (Thank you PM Tony Blair for having our backs.) As Great Britian too has been attacked by the dark shadows, I found myself really realizing that this is more a global issue than a just the Westerners and their love for democracy and freedom.

    From NY and Bali to Madrid and London I have grown less not knowing what to do to realizing and seeing the undercurrent of these events. This summer for the first time I have dove into Tolkien's writings. The Lord of the Rings have lifted the veil and have allowed me to see things about this world. The dark shadows are back and we must work as one to expose them to the Light. Caution yes but no waivering.

    The God-Current ( what God does when it seems nothing is going to our own plans) is very much around us if we only look.

    Be not afraid to be true Image-Bearers. We are moons reflecting borrowed Light.

    Keep shining ... true living....

    Saturday, July 09, 2005

    a dark vapor or "a brilliant blaze"

    A dark damp vapor that creeps and devours. Falling back into the shadows only to creep out in another shadowy form. Only way to fight off this hellish fog is bring out the fires ... bring out the suns. Shine out and keep the way bathed in all that is pure blinding light.
    "I would rather be ashes than dust!
    I would rather
    That my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze
    Than that it should be stifled by dry rot.
    I would rather be a superb meteor,
    Every atom of me in magnificent glow,
    Than a sleepy and permanent planet.
    The proper function of man is to LIVE, not to exist.
    I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
    I shall use my time." by Jack London

    Just in case you read something here that you should not. This author does not speak of blowing up yourself or people for a cause. The only way to make a difference is to LIVE a brilliant full of light kind of life.

    We are not called to distort our faith or our values by use of death. A true faith requires of man to LIVE a life a step up. Faith gives our life a deeper meaning and a way to fly higher.
    It is "not the fact that he was willing to die for his faith. Better still, he was willing to LIVE out his faith all the way to the end" from "Let's Roll"

    Be more
    Be more passionate
    Be more compassionate
    Be more

    not less

    Friday, July 08, 2005

    Soak in Beauty in the midst of terror

    When words cannot heal or calm, beauty can. As I was searching for more today after London's horror, I found beauty in a simple picture with the top news story on yahoo. The picture was of a couple embracing & kissing a goodbye in front of a Tube station on this day after.

    It was simple expression of togetherness. It was calming. It was cheering on the human spirit. It was sheer beauty. A simple kiss .... meeting of hearts ..... a beautiful promise ....

    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    London O London

    In my days of youth and calm I got to walk in the streets of London and ride the Tube. Jet lag was not going to stop me from soaking in everything around me. It is like going back and taking out memory-movies remembering the places and the people.

    I cherish those days of youth and world travel. Now as terror-weary adult, life is still more precious. I continue to soak in space, experience, and people. My world is smaller and more global. Today I was touched by the calm Brits. I was moved. I wept.

    This is the summer of Tolkien for me. England & Brits, I find comfort in the great pen of your author.
    (Frodo thinking) But though his fear was so great that it seemed to be part of the very darkness that was around him, he found himself as he lay thinking about Bilbo Baggins and his stories, of their jogging along together in the lanes of the Shire and talking about roads and adventures. There is a seed of courage hidden (often deeply, it is true) in the heart of the fattest and most timid hobbit, waiting for some final and desperate danger to make it grow. ... He (Frodo) thought he had come to the end of his adventure, and a terrible end, but the thought hardened him, He felt himself stiffening, as if for a final spring; he no longer felt limp like a helpless prey. from The Lord of the Rings chapter "Fog on the Barrow-Downs" by Tolkien

    I find that the fire stirs in me. I am an impassioned American. Sure I am ticked off but peace and compassion rule my heart. Terror only kicks up resolve to stand up and walk tall.

    "The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower; the righteous run to it & are safe." prov 18:10

    "where two or three are gathered..."

    Monday, July 04, 2005

    Freedom thoughts...

    I am pretty passionate about my country, the USA. I like going back and imagining what our founding fathers, mothers, and families felt like as they were living. Coming to new lands and creating a new place. Worshiping the way they wanted. Then choosing to fight for these new freedoms they wanted to have and living out an "American Dream." The war for these United States was a very long and bloody one. Why do we forget this? Why do our hearts ache to bring our soldiers back for the war we are in now without letting them FINISH the job? Have we forgotten our own young history?

    "I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
    "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us....." - from The Fellowship of the Ring chapter The Shadow of the Past by J.R.R. Tolkien

    I remember video of the poisoning of the people and animals in Iraq. I was sick. I am sick now of all the negative press on the war. Show the positive action taken. We the people have the right to see the success and the victories no matter how small they may seem. I was sooo excited to see the Iraqies vote! I get soooo excited to see the soldiers talking to the children and working with the villagers to rebuild schools and towns.

    It is always our duty to push back the shadows. The price for Freedom is always an insane amount. If it is for good, our first concern should be generosity. It is up to us to decide what to do with the time given us. Sure, I want to live like the Hobbits happliy in their Shire; however, it is the call on every man and woman to make a difference in their world. Freedom is far stronger than the shadows if it is in the hearts of man to have courage and hope and fight to the very end.

    Sunday, July 03, 2005

    What is missing from the Wedding Ceremony?

    I have never seen the signing of the Marriage License during the wedding ceremony. It is usually done in a hurried matter in a corner of the reception hall. This contract is the most important piece of the commitment that the two are making to each other. Why do we hide it like a dirty secret? Why is this piece of paper so umimportant in the wedding day yet it a major deal to erase when there is a divorce? Put this Wedding Contract right there in the middle of the marriage as a reminder that this for real and it is binding and should be handled with care and love.

    the great loss of the "thinking languages" of male and female

    Compartment thinking is part of the male language. When man is facing a problem, that is where he puts all his focus. Think of the brain as a chest of drawers and most likely for the male, work is going to be the main problem. All other drawers remain tightly shut as he goes about correcting the problem. Everything around him is shut off.

    Even if it is a home issue, the male goes straight to the work drawer and opens it. He finds that no matter what kind of problem he has the work drawer is his answer. The profession the male is in defines him. It is workable with his hands or his mind. It is what he can mostly control. The stuff of relationships and the stuff of home has tooooooo much flow and not an easy thing for a male to understand or really what he can control. The man likes things firm like land. He can understand sure things.

    Multi-task thinking is part of the female language. When woman is facing a problem, she brings in all kinds of reinforcements. Still thinking of the brain as a chest of drawers, a woman has all the drawers open. Nothing is closed down. Everything is connected to everything.

    When a situation presents itself, the female goes straight to the chest of drawers and opens every single drawer .... not just opens but pulls out the drawer and dumps out all contents. Then she will sit in the middle of the dumped contents and proceed to sort and resort. She will not do this alone. She will get on that phone and calls in every available reinforcement inviting them to come and help at her dump site. Sorting things out and knowing everything is connected is the female's source of control. A woman has great understanding of relationships and home. The woman likes things that flow like water. She can understand the ebb and flow.

    When a male has gone into compartment thinking locking himself up tight in that one drawer, how does a woman relate to that male language? She is banished from him. In fact when she is banished from him, her stock in his life has just went to zero.

    With a female multi-tasking is demanded of her. The world and the males look to the female as 'the secretary' doing this and that at the same time. Her body is even designed to multi-task ie: the baby on her hip as she does her laundry. If a woman is to survive she must come to an understanding of balancing the flow of her life.

    100% of life - 90% of the unimportant = 10% IMPORTANT allows the female to better live her life. This opens up her love to flow out into her passions and pour out value to the loved ones close to her. However, because this formula works for both her and her male counterpart, the male banishment of her leaves her stock in his life and his matters valueless. She is shut off - basically unimportant.

    No one language is more right than the other language. But suppose there is a way to bind up the languages where one is not banished but allowed together on a 'team language'?

    A 'team language' must be spoken or both female and male are banished from each other forever in an unending cycle ... never knowing the true lesson of the journey is teamwork.

    Value & Worth

    Saturday, July 02, 2005


    What are we to do with fear and compassion as we struggle in our daily lives? Do we become paralyzed and immobile? If we are to bring justice, do we destroy or is there a way to bring healing though compassion? Bruce, aka. Batman, learned to take his fear and executed compassion as he went back to save his father's name as well as his town, Gotham. Positive Action is the only way to live.

    "We fall to learn to pick ourselves up" was Bruce's learning curve. First spoken by his father when Bruce was mending from his fall into the bat well. Then voiced at every hard turn in Bruce's struggle to find his positive action.

    Bruce finally could repeat back to his childhood friend What you do tells of who you are when she asked who he was behind his bat mask. He took on his journey. He proved to believe good and then became a good force.

    Living is about the action we take.

    a movie review: Bewitched