Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blue Cloud ...

I am in love!  I am in love!!  I am in love!!!  Can you tell?  I am in love!!!   I am going to sound just like a wine connoisseur!  You know the ones who twirl the juice around in their glasses, the ones that sniff, and the ones that taste by swishing and spitting out the wine.  They then proclaim they can taste rain or some fruit or maybe it taste a feeling like maybe it was rustic.  I just cannot phantom all those tastes in some fermented grape juice!  That is until now....  that is what love is all about.

My house is full of multi beiges and this washed out beige pale sick green.  I lived 16 years of beige.  I want crisp white.  I like it stark and cool.  But for one room I want something different than white so I was thinking a grey that is all the rage.  However grey can be too boring or it can even have a base of green in it.  I was struggling.  See I have this really cool room that gets a lot of sun with vaulted ceiling.  It also has a sliding glass door.  It gets real hot in there. I want this to be my library and where I house my iMac.  I want it to cool in the summer and warm in the winter.  I want this room to inspire me.  I want to get lost in my thoughts and to be able to daydream all the while with my fingers dancing out my thoughts and dreams upon my silver keyboard.

I thought I would find a perfect grey but the paint cards I was bringing home were shades of dusty blue.    They would change to green in certain lights.   Some were too bright.  Some too dark.  Most not grey at all.  The days were counting down to my paint vacation.  I had to make a decision and fast.

I walked into my home improvement store and found an all in one paint.  Then I found the color.  I bought it and came home with it.  It is a bit DARK!  I thought my house was going to be white!  I hoped others would like it too.  I had taken far too long in deciding the paint color and I needed to power through!  I have got to get this house done.  I have to get the jeep inside the garage before winter.  I am taking far too long getting this done.  Never mind that I had foot injury keeping me out of the of commission for those first two months.

I put this dark blue color on the walls.  No turning back now.  In the midst of it I looked out into my living room and noticed this same blue in my furniture.  Then I realized this same blue is my white dishes.  Duh!  No wonder I didn't flip flop.  I picked this color and just went with it!  This is my ultimate favorite social color!  It is calming - something I hope others see in me.

This color that is on my library walls is called Blue Cloud.  I describe it as the color an oil artist would pick for those chilly mountain scene.  When the sun shines full on it is a bold strong blue.  When it night out and you turn on a low lamp, it has soft accent of purple.  If you turn on the overhead light, there is a rich red berry tone that echoes.  Creamy white window treatments and carpet gives a good pop.  Reds compliment.  Dark woods make it rich.  Silver makes it elegant.

Now all I need to find is a beautiful corner desk so that I can put the iMac there so that on side I have the window and the other side have the sliding glass door.  Then I can take it all in and then exhale through my fingers and onto the screen.

My brain is soothed and energized by Blue Cloud paint.  I cannot help but BEAM I am so in love!!!