Friday, December 23, 2005

life abundant ... the greatest gift ...

December arrived on her first year at her college campus. The winter chill was in the air and like always felt a bit alone in her little world. The activity set for Friday night was the showing of 'It's a Wonderful Life'. She never saw the movie and decided she really wanted to see it.

Everyone else had plans either to go home or out or go to the movie with their boyfriend. With a brisk determined walk she slipped into one of the rows. She was very still as to not disturb anyone or bring notice to her. Finally the lights went out and the story of a lifetime unfolded. Tears pooled and trickled down her face. She pulled her coat closer around her. She was a George Bailey and there in the darkness God brought this story to show her she did indeed have a 'Wonderful Life'.

The lights came on and she hurried back to her room. Not wanting to share this most intimate moment with her roommate, she turned out the lights and went to bed. Under the covers she poured out her heart to her God and God cradled her to sleep. This was the beginning of her journey as a young woman. He knew her journey ahead would be a lonely one and could be very trying. This movie was to carry her through those tough times and bring her to some pretty amazing adventures.

Today on her wall hangs the sign 'It's a Wonderful Life'. She is always reminded and often her prayers and thanksgivings are filled with Joy as she takes stock of her rich life. This is her life theme.

This Christmas there is an ache in her heart. Four years ago she met a George Bailey. Over these years she discovered how rich this man was. Often when his innermost feelings came out, there was an air of keeping people at bay. Very strange when this man seemed so personable. Both enjoyed discussing movies so she asked him if he had ever seen her favorite movie of all times, 'It's a Wonderful Life.' He had never ever had!!!!

Over this past year again times seemed tough on him. With each passing month the more isolated he became from her. For Father's Day she sent a letter wrapped around her precious video copy of 'It's a Wonderful Life'. Not wanting him to reject for some Christmas feel good story, she explained how the movie touched her life.

She finally replaced her copy and tomorrow night with the glow of candles and the Christmas tree lights she is going to Bedford Falls. Joy will accompany her as an ache burns in her heart for another George ...

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