Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wildwood dreams ...

I had a daydream where I was riding a mighty steed in a hard run. The mighty steed's mane and tail whipped wildly in the wind as did my heavy hooded cloak. I am making my way to the Little Church of the Wildwood where I would dine at a banquet feast as well as to lay down my heavy pack upon the Alter of Prayer. Afterwards I am looking forward to a more leisurely ride home. The songbird of Hope would be singing Joyfully within my heart. I would feel a glow...

However, the daydream becomes more sinister as my steed is wildly charging forward in a heavy sweat. I am frantically holding on as well as holding onto the Sword of the Lord. The church isn't like the one of the Wildwood. This one is broken down and is vandalized by man's own message and agenda. A heavy darkness the air and a sticky fog fills the brain. The Word of God is betrayed and deface. It is a war to getting back to our first love...

I weep as I am surface from my daydream.... God's Word is the Truth, the Life, the Way I must hold too. All I need is written in His Book. I never thought I would have to be a crusader of love for His Word to my own people and my own place...

The Church has One Foundation
Long with a scornful wonder,
We saw her sore oppressed
By schisms rent asunder,
By heresies distressed.
Yet saints their watch were keeping
To hail a brighter day,
When God should stop their weeping,
Take their reproach away.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Robin Hood

I would rate Robin Hood a 9.5. It is up there with the likes of Braveheart & The Last of the Mohicans. I love when nobility is for the common man to obtain. I think in all of us there is the urging need to be noble, brave, and kind but our daily lives seem so ordinary, drab, and mundane. In reality there are no castles to defend or dragons to slay.... or are our eyes veiled?

I felt I was in good hands when I went to see this. The director of the Gladiator, Rigley Scott, made this movie. There was a lot of hoopla over how he depicted it but that didn't matter to me before or after seeing the movie. It is a good story. I loved it. Of course, I do fancy a good romance and adventure. The 'knight' gets his girl. Good ol Russell Crowe in his gruff manly way has his kindness. I think we all know the story but I really beamed when you saw Robin out there at night planting the corn! My heart shrieked 'Score'! Can't wait to see Maid Marian's face when she finds out!

Again, I loved the movie. I long for nobility ....

Probably wouldn't let the kiddos see this. There is a lot of fighting even though it wasn't gory. There is a situation where the king of England is in bed and you end up seeing buttocks.... {rolls eyes}

Thursday, May 20, 2010

listening to the liar for truth!?

I am not sure how to start. I really need to find a new church. I am frustrated and my parents are frustrated. We have done a bit of church hopping and we highly doubt we will find one. This church isn't as fundamental as the ones I went to as I grew up. I must say that of late the bad theology has kept me on guard. Maybe I need that but I want to be able to go to the Banquet feast and eat wholesome healthy food. No junk or garage please.

I cringed when I saw who was speaking on Sunday. This person is notorious for taking Scripture out of context to push her message. Yes, I said her. I don't care for women preachers. Speakers are a different animal. Why don't I leave? I am single and I am tired of doing everything on my own. Church should be a family thing .... at least. Dad is my covering since I am single but with his comment on Sunday something about not wanting to go to a conservative church.... What? I WANT a conservative church! I want to know that what is coming from the pulpit is Bible based.

Well, I should get to what I need to unload!

She started off saying that God has laid on her heart what she was going to say. As the Sunday sermon was coming to a close she said "The church needs to adapt to the world" in order to win others to Christ. She had a visual where 3 men where on stage, one holding the cross, the next had his hands like folded like the church, and the third holding a globe. They were all lined up. Then she moved the globe up saying that as the world changes the church needs to change so there is a direct line to the cross..... I WAS LIVID! I wanted to jump up and shout and make a royal fuss. I could hardly contain myself. Good thing I am a quiet person!

I have been thinking about this all week almost non-stop. There also have been other life events around here that just have added fuel to my fire. I have come to the conclusion that if I ever have the opportunity for one on one face to face communication where someone says this is what the Lord has laid on my heart or God is in this and I know the Holy Word does NOT say this, I am going to let the hair stand straight on my neck and let my face get red and I am going to point blank say, PROVE IT. Give me at least 3 passages in the Holy Bible that says what you are trying to feed me!

God NEVER shows or speaks to us things that He has not already spelled out in great detail in His Holy Word. Beware least you call Him a liar!

1. Yes, God's Word is for the WHOLE WORLD/ not partial
*John 3:16 *Romans 2:11
Mark 16:15 "He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
2. God's Word is narrow - no accommodations - no sugar coating.
3. God's Word is a stench & an aroma II Cor 2:14-17
4. Trust & Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus
*Must live by the Sword
5. God's Word & God Himself NEVER changes
6. must live in the world but be ye separate!
7. be Biblically correct not political correct.

God does not reveal one thing to you and say something different in the Word. If so, maybe you what you are listening to is coming from the evil one. Hmmmmm!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Truth vs a fool

God never shows or speaks to us things that He has not spelled out in great detail in His Holy Word. Beware lest you call Him a liar! .... Yeah, I have a bee in my bonnet for sure this time. Of late it feels like I have to be 'the Word defender'. Guess this happens when you soak in His Words. First, you find that you are totally falling in love with God and then you get real touchy when others mess it up.

Twice now I have heard people say this is what God is telling me and then when they share it, I am shocked they can even say it. Example, the pastor said that "the church needs to adapt to the world..." YIKES! PROVE IT!!! GIVE ME AT THE VERY LEAST THREE PASSAGES THAT SAY THAT!!!!! Well, more on this later. I have so much to refute this claim but I have very little time tonight to really exhale! The other example was an excuse to live with a man. Oh, God led us together .... What???????? God ordained marriage not living together!

"The foolishness of a man twists his way,
and his heart frets against the Lord."
~ Proverbs 19:3

"Because, although they knew God,
they did not glorify Him as God,
nor where they thankful,
but became futile in their thoughts,
and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Professing to be wise,
they became fools."
~Romans 1:21-22

Once upon a time I had something real good and I would ask God what I should do in certain situations. But this real good thing is now long gone and I realized to my horror that I was going on what I felt God was telling me and not going straight to the Word to get my answer. Now I am always looking for the answers from His Word. See, feelings are so fickle and people are wishy so-washy. I needed SOLID truth. Something that does not fail or fall apart. I never again want to be insecure. It is like be sea sick on a turbulent ocean that is heaves you this way that that. All you want is to kiss the solid sturdy unshakable ground. I won't go back. It must be solid quality answers and you only get that from God's Holy Word.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

10 Sacreds ...

I listen to Ravi on on Sundays and he always gets me thinking. He said that when you reading the Ten Commandments that you really should put in the word SACRED. So I tried it and you should to.

Here is my list:
1. God is Sacred.
2. Serving & Loving God is Sacred / Every day with God is Sacred.
3. God's Name is Sacred.
4. the Sabbath is Sacred.
5. Honoring your parents is Sacred.
6. Life is Sacred.
7. Marriage is Sacred.
8. Boundaries are Sacred.
9. Truth is Sacred.
10. Contentment is Sacred.

Your list just might be different than mine but hopefully it just might jar your heart from the numbness everyday life can have on it. I know I am looking at the Ten Commandments differently. They are sweeter and dearer ...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Hallelujah is more ...

I certainly have a bee in my bonnet so I hope that I can focus all my thoughts! I am huge on the meaning of words to the point I have pet words and words that I use only in a certain way. Then add to it that I am huge on the hymns and that this new 'christian' music is basically too much about the 'me' instead of God and too repetitive. Soooooooooo, there was a new song sung at church ... talk about 'heart'burn!

I have no clue what the title was but it probably was 'more than a hallelujah'. The song was about how bring our messes, our pain, and our problems to God was better than a hallelujah. I wanted to scream.

Interesting tidbit was that Pastor Steven Davies that I listen to on has been preaching on Revelations. He just happen to break down the meaning of Hallelujah. 'Hallelu' means praise. 'Jah is short for Yahweh / Jehovah. Hallelujah is a word that is pronounced the same way in every language. All this new knowledge as added to my fuel!

See, I noticed several secular songs of late have taken the word Hallelujah and really downgraded it. I have even heard people on tv use it and to me it blaspheming God. Oh, say what is wrong with the song sung in church.... Let's go back to Job. What are his words? "THOUGH HE SLAY ME, YET WILL I HOPE IN HIM" ~ Job 13:15 How can you hope in God without having a little bit of of a song in the recesses of the heart and without praising Him. Go to Hab 3:17-18 "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the field produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, YET I WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD. I WILL BE JOYFUL IN GOD MY SAVIOR." Wow! To be broken apart and a total mess and left up the pieces to God AND praise Him is what it is all about.

Bringing my messes to God canNOT be more than a Hallelujah to Him. I have to do both. There is no halfway about it. If all I am doing is bring my messes to God and forgetting or a better word 'refusing' to bring my Hallelujah, I have not learned anything at all. Let us learn from Job and Habakkuk. It is less of me and more of Him. He is more than worthy of our Hallelujahs even in these earthly messes. Oh, and get this 'PRAISE IS BEAUTIFUL'. Oh! Oh! Oh! I get it like a kid squirming in her chair with arm wildly waving and the tongue razor sharp with the answer!!! Being able to Praise Yahweh is the reflection of my soul meaning my soul is in the right place and is beautiful! I love that!!!

Praise the LORD!
For it is good to sing praises to our God;
For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.
~ Psalms 147:1