Wednesday, February 28, 2007

preparing for His Abundance ...

Preparing for His Abudance must mean that you are lacking something. So lets say I am lacking a husband so in this area I should begin to prepare for His Abundance. Almost sounds like I should be cleaning out the house, doesn't it? As I have been picking up in another area of my life like oraganizing my home, I need to open up space so that I have room to welcome in. Out with the old and in with the new.

There is an excitement when you begin to prepare. Daydreams become more frequent and I love daydreams. I believe this is the best way to treat yourself. You begin to see what is really important to you. You lavish yourself with all the best so maybe you won't be so quick to settle for less.

So what if you are waiting and waiting? Say that husband area has been bare for 30 some years, do you still prepare for His Abudance? Sure, I say yet as I do, I know I find it difficult to be confident here. I have been 'laying down my Isaac' almost daily. I am finding though that it isn't as hard as it use to be. This is scary too. It is like I'm I am giving up and settling for less. I have to retrain the brain because it is really letting go. I suppose if you get 'nit picky' giving up and letting go are two different things. Letting go is freeing.

I've noticed my vision is clearer. My eyes are more on Him and not on him. No man can out do God in the love and romance department. It is seeing what I have and not what I don't have. It is being satisfied and content. I am beloved by God. His purpose for me is confirmed by the passions, dreams, and talents He tucked into my heart when He created me. Like a proud Father, He is delighted when I succeed. How enjoyable that is to me.

I just had a thought! Maybe I got it all wrong with the letting go.... or maybe I need another step to complete the formula.
Letting go is allowing yourself to fall into God's waiting Almighty Arms!

joy strength

Here are some of Swindoll’s quotes … they might be paraphrases but good to keep:
You can’t complain if you are praying.
You can’t worry if you are singing.
It is easier to be a witness if you are a joyful believer.
It is easier to release all if you have joy.

the Joy of the Lord is my strength! - neh 8:10

soft heart ...

My eye stopped at ‘he who hardens his heart falls into trouble’ because for some reason I have this ache to be soft and probably is why I get so upset when I am angered. I repeated this phrase over and over to keep it close as the day unfolded. But I remembered the first part about a how a good man fears the Lord and had to figure out the puzzle. If a harden heart is opposite of a man’s fear of the Lord then the fear of the Lord must mean you need a soft heart! Now I really liked that. It affirms this ache to keep a soft heart about me… ‘’ let your gentleness be known to all men ‘’
Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord,
but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.
prov 28:14

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

song, blush, land ...

1. Birds singing as I am rushing out the door for work. Geese honking as I search for their v-formation coming over the top of my apartment building. Harmonizing with the beloved hymns playing in my jeep. Praise the Lord, oh my soul, & all that is within me, Praise His Holy Name

2. Cleaning the big blush brush and watching the pink swirl in the white sink draining away, leaving black bristles looking like a wet hairy dejected puppy after his bath. Finding the next morning the blush brush softly whispering across the cheek leaving a perfect wisp of color behind.

3. Remembering a conversation {’woman is like a territory or land’} from a dear but faded friend and still gleaning new thought and learnings. Knowing my book-dream is still there and that a long gone gift can still have good returns.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Wild Heart's way ... part I

Jeremiah 6:16 has become a treasure scripture of mine and when John Eldredge used it to begin chapter one of his book called, “The Way of the Wild Heart”, I was intrigued.
’’Stand at the crossroads & look
Ask for the ancient paths,
Ask where the good way is & walk in it
& you will find rest for your souls.’’
I have been watching for this book after the first one called ‘Wild at Heart’ came out. I have been wondering if John would give some kind of hope after showing how every man alive has this big old hole in their heart!

I must say that he has begun his book with telling men that this is not a formula but rather a path that every man must take to be whole. There are six markers:


I am still reading the book and have had some really powerful moments and I am wondering how I am going to get it all out! I am also looking at this with my girl-eyes and wondering what her path should look like spelled out. I think I am having some pretty good thoughts.

My dear friend told me that 'you can tell that the Bible was written by one BLOKE telling the story over and over again'. He called it the 'butterfly effect'. What it means is that if you look at the old testiment you see the stories repeated in the new testiment. What is your pet name for God? One of mine as you probably have heard me say over and over again is Heavenly Father. While I am reading this book I am seeing God my Heavenly Father in every Bible story with new eyes. My love for His Father figure has deepened even more.

Just today I realized there was a reason for Joseph, Jesus' earthly father, to have passed away before Jesus begain His ministry. It is to show every man who feels fatherless or feels that their father has let them down that they have no excuse. They have a Father or a King to come to for guidance and for fathering. Pretty powerful shake up - no excuse to whimp out.

This time the author makes sure his readers have the tools to heal up the wound. You, a man, is a beloved son. You have what it takes. You have the strength to use for good.

Not finished yet ... verrrrrrry powerful ... go read for yourself and see what you think...

meaning of life

Sunday, February 25, 2007

one lost ...

Heavenly Shepard,
You said You will go out and search for the one lost. You would leave the 99 in the fold or safe pasture just to go and find one who has lost his way.

I am lost. I've lost my way. I've lost my hope. I've lost my security. I've lost my joy. I'm a misfit. I've got sorrow in my bones. I've lost my sight. I've lost my hearing. Find me again.

I remember seeing You when I first started out on my own. There was just enough money and slowly over time the savings built up. Now my savings is slowing depleting. I am ok but I don't see You in the finances. Is it because I am ok or is it that I am just not seeing?

All week I have felt a great ... I can't even find a good word for this gloom... just a grey mass of some sort tugging down on my heart. I am always seeking You especially in Your sunrises or sunsets... I didn't feel You as much.

I haven't heard much from You ... I am reading a really powerful book. I've talked to You about it and I am seeking You but I haven't heard Your special Words here.

I probably did hear You but have so quickly forgotten. I probably did see You but have gotten so distracted. Find me. Catch me from falling into a dried up well.

To feel Your strong hand on the scruff on my neck... To feel Your Almighty Arms cradle me near to Your Heartbeat... To know the Great Husbandman loves me deeply ... To see Your nail pierced hands.... To be loved unconditionaly by You the Great Lover... To know that I am loved, valued, and important ... To feel Your undivided attention...

I want to feel all my sighs leave my sunken heart. I want to feel my soul puff up on Your warm love. I want to close my eyes and fall to sleep ...

Rest My lost sheep. I am here. Rest in My Words. Rest in Me... I love you, little one. I am here in your night. I watch over you. I am creating My Best in you. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sleep, little one.
~Always Your Creator, Your Heavenly Father, Your Great Shephard, Your Great Husbandman & Lover

'But the Eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him,
on those whose hope is in His unfailing love,
to deliver them from death
& keep them alive in famine.
Ps 33:18-19

Ahh, I have misinterpreted! You said You will never ever leave me nor forsake me! Even if I feel lost or a misfit, You are right there quietly holding my hand and keeping me.... {sighs}

meaning of life ...

Ravi Zacharais (you can hear him via podcast!!) was answering the question on the meaning of life today on the broadcast. Ravi broke it down into 4 areas:
-as a child the world in new and big, their eyes light up and their little mouths are in the shape of an 'o'
-teenagers are testing this world and what they have been taught, always searching for truth
-adults are wanting value, attention .. LoVe ... it seems to finish out who you are..
-as old age comes security is the roots that keep you

Ravi goes on to explain that all these needs are answered when you are saved by God. I believe this. But just now a question popped up. What about a believer who still questions one of these needs because they feel it intensely? Job lost his wonder and questioned God after his losses. God answered him with 64 questions ... all about the wonders of creation! I have question God on the third but I always reminded that humans fail, but not God. My heart settles down ... when I let go...

I wanted to share what Ravi had to say because I am reading a very interesting book on a path of a man. They relate... I will share the book here on llj soon ...

a slush day ...

There is an inch of slush out there but no ice accumulation on the trees. No church today. I was hoping for no church because I wanted to spend my morning seeking God on my own.. have my own church. It might get better later. I do hope I can get my 'pupinator fix' and be with family today =)

There is something special in having an unexpected morning all to yourself to spend as you please without any timetables set by others or society. Can't wait to set some dessert in the crockpot, read, and paint all the while praying without ceasing ...

Maybe I will have to declare more 'slush days' for myself ... it is like a mini vacation ....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

giving away needs ...

. ¡Q? #99 .

How can you begin giving away what you need most in your life?

Well, I guess I would first have to start with my needs. Hmmm, I like to be loved and I know love has five aspects of action (words, quality time, service, gifts, touch) and a whole lot of presence (preparing, provision, proof, PRESENCE). Lately, I have been finding myself doing small stuff for my parents like cleaning up the kitchen or organizing a closet for them or even helping Dad move in the new family table. By coming up with ways to serve my parents, I have found contentment. I think it is really a happy way to love out and in turn feel loved by doing something special for others. Now I need to try it on others ... but always more like a hit and run ... with the only expectation of knowing that I loved and finding that as the only satisfaction I needed.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

can you see Him?

*They moved and their old house is still on the market for over a year now. She was telling me that even though it feels like a heavy rock around her neck, she sees God in other areas of their life that this is just a timing issue and it will sell. Other marriages could not withstand something like this but in their marriage they encourage each other by putting the focus back on what God is doing in their lives. “If God is working in these areas of my life, then He is working in the house part of my life,” she said with confidence.

Yes! It is hard to know that we are God-Masterpieces and that He works quietly but efficiently and in the Best Time always working on the fine details of our lives.

*She was a mother of six children. She had a rough go with it but had finally gotten her life straight with God. Three of her kids were at the elementary school and one at the middle school while she was at home with two little ones. It has been extremely cold for several weeks and she depended on a space heater for some extra heat. Carbon dioxide got her as well as her two babies before the fire broke out. What is a comfort to her family is that she has Everlasting Life. What this young mother of 32 didn’t realize that by her quiet turn around that in her death she would touch others for God more than she could have ever dreamed her little life could. Truly a grand and bold living when we see with Heavenly eyes …

silver linings if you look!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

8 vital friends ...

Recently I have shut down all operations for understanding and making new friends. I have renewed efforts to maintain my old ones but just have throw up my hands and turned my back on present day trying …

Funny, how I still try to figure out this mystery of friendship. There in the 'new book' area at the library was a book called ‘Vital Friends’ by Tom Rath. So I thought I would pick it up and see what it said and if it would give me a different view point. This is a book more about a study done on having friends in the workplace and how it makes work a better place. Interesting concept and one I believe is true. I wonder how the author thinks this will go over with the bosses. I was quite surprised and taken aback out how some companies LIMIT the amount of contact you can have with other employees! I did NOT how bad it could be out there! Oh, one last point the author seemed to make is that you should have at least one friend covering each of the areas (small description below).

Ok, so I do have to share what I learned and also add my two cents. (sheepish smirk)

concepts from book :
A huge concept for me is that I focus too much on me. I have been always improving myself trying to be a better friend. Even though I thought I had detoxed from my addictive self help books and behavior, I had not cleared this out of my relational area. I don't think I've made the ‘rounding error’ of expecting my friends to be good at everything. Rather I think they should be just a tad more attentive something I think is very lacking in today's world. My wake up call is that I should be analyzing what is right with the relationship and what the other is bringing into the relationship.

The book breaks down into categories 8 traits of friendships:
Motivators, pushing your strengths (coach)
Stands up for you & what you believe in, your best advocates
A friend w/ similar interests, familiar ground, foundation for lasting relationships (sames)
Always there for you good or bad, can sense your thoughts, feelings, & actions (lifetime relationships)
Bridge builder, networks, connecting others (hostess)
Fun friends, gives you the boost you need, lets you smile and laugh
Expands your horizons & encourages you to embrace new ideas, opportunities, cultures, & people, knows how to ask good questions, & this makes you more receptive to ideas
Gives you advise & keeps you headed in the right direction, they help you know who you are & who you are not

my thoughts :
I like this list and have let my mind wonder through them. I have begun to look at people in my life and tagged them with one of the above. By doing so I know what they are bringing to me.

I believe there are opposites to each one like the ‘Builder’, I believe there is an Tear-down, ‘negatives’ would be my pet word. I have one in my life right know that I am at my wits end. So I working out in my mind how to build and possibly navigate him towards the positive. Well, this is all thoughts, don’t know if I am strong enough at the moment to withstand getting into the action with one so gloomy. No, he is not a friend but someone I have to put up with and would love to be able to keep my sunny side when he is around.

From this list I have the label of the friends I need in my life like a Collaborator Companion Builder Energizer. I am looking for someone who has a lot of sames because I am soooooo tired of feeling like a huge misfit. I want a team player who is playing for the team and not out for one because I really like doing things with someone and not by myself every moment of every day. I want someone to recognize my good stuff and love it and tell me about it. I want someone who knows how to refresh and revitalize all the good in me after a bad day.

Then to my surprise there are ones I do not care to have like the Mind-Opener. I am a Mind-Opener but I notice that others Mind-Openers tend to discredit my feelings or thoughts on the issue. They instead push their issues and beliefs. I am so tired of feeling inferior. I have jumped into life and had life lessons and am where I am today because I have been open to tasting life. I also like a healthy balance of limits or rules to keep me enjoying life to the fullest. I love to ask questions but here is where I get those Mind-Opener Mothers mothering me! Yikes! Get away from me! My feelings count and I would like to have some credit that I put the belly up to the table and pay attention. Not stupid here! I do have to give credit to a guy who was a great Mind-Opener for me. He listened and was able to steer me graciously by asking questions where I would answer all the while coming to another way of thinking. I felt secure and care for. I wasn’t discredited. Man, I miss him. I wanted to learn how he did that. I haven’t found another that could do it so well. Why do I tell you this? Because every one can be tagged by the list above but it takes someone pretty special to do it the right way or be tailored to suit the best in you. I know I want to be better ... opps there I go again focusing on self development

final thoughts :
This book is a guy writing out a theory and he is really on the right track. It is good for the reader to really work this out in their life. It is very important for all relationships to see the good the other brings to the table. There will be less break ups.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

corn flour ...

A week past I was googling for recipes involving corn meal. I stumbled upon 'corn flour'. In all of my years I never knew what this was. You could not find in the local grocery store until recently because of the large popluation of latinos that are here now.

I am very hesitant when anything says flour because the first thing you think is flour from wheat. But rest asured, corn flour is made from corn. Corn flour is starchy which is good for baking. So I will be trying to bake some of my old favorites. I did try my favorite lemon bread with corn flour and oat flour. It isn't as sweet as what regular people would like, but it is soft and rises like a bread or cake should. I will try again when I can find agave.

Anyway back to the original reason I found and bought the corn flour for...
I wanted to make my own corn torilla! Wednesday I tried but when I rolled it out, it wanted to crack. You are suppose to use plastic. I tried plastic wrap and to get it as thin as you are suppose to, it stuck and would not come off. Then I tried tinfoil. Nope, same problem. I even used the bottom of the bowl to press it out. Again, a mess. I used pressed out in my hands as far as it would with out cracking. I fried them. Nothing like what you get in the store. The recipe did talk about a torilla press. I didn't know where I was going to get one.

Today on my mac apple run, I found a torilla press right there at Martins (neighorhood grocery store)! I got it. I tried it this afternoon. It worked. It did not work because I had a press but it worked because there was a thick piece of plastic for you to use in the press. I had perfect round corn torilla's that came off the plastic just so. I am keeping that plastic as long as I can. Very hard to find plastic thick like that. I am one happy girl right now. Finally, some working out right with my food allergies. I had my egg mcmuffin wrapped in a corn torilla. Now when mom has to have her homemade pizza's, she can without excluding me!

A note about my food allergys:
Is it going ok? Well, no .. because there has been a year long focus on foods, I seemed to be obsessed with keeping my foods around me. I have a tummy that is mad at me and I have the munchies because I just do. Not good. Then my own family finds it difficult to cook for me. Dad made the family favorite, chilli. He changed the beans so I could eat it. What he forgot was not to use the chilli powder. I had a spinach salad when I went out with Mom and Dad and the next day Mom is making me a salad asking me what I can have and not have. Well, not the lettuse! They can't win! Mom is always wanting pizza whenever she needs a quick meal when all of us are home!

I keep trying to make this work. I think winter eating is hard because I go to food to keep me warm .... The munchies is there because I am bothered even though I am joyful. My middle is bloated and very fussy. I just need to relax and let go...

Friday, February 16, 2007

questions asked...

1. What are you most passionate about?
painting on glass, writing, my pups, my family, my home, joy, blue, journeys, adventures ...
2. What are the THREE things for which you are MOST thankful?
my faith, my family & pups, my deeeepest friendships

3. Other than your parents, who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
It would have to be God. He has been with me through the thick of it and I have found great and many wonders in Him like Joy! I was once named 'dark valley' but He has given me the name 'from the dark valley blooms Joyful one'. Because He filled my heart with creativity, I can delight and savor His Creation through the eyes of an artist.
4. The four things your friends say about you are:
Creative, Loyal, Good Listener, Quiet

5. What are three of your BEST life-skills?
*Finding creative solutions to everyday problems
*Remaining calm yet resilient during a crisis
*Being a good friend and companion

6. What is the most important quality that you are looking for in another person?
Someone who is not afraid of working hard for the relationship .. a hard working team player. Someone who is strong in dwelling in possibility. Someone who shows up and is willing to share the good times as well as the bad times. Someone who knows without a doubt that the sharing makes the relationship richer.
7. Other than your appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you?
quiet person! It takes time for me to warm up to you but when I do .. surprise!

8. What is the ONE thing that people DON'T notice about you right away that you WISH they WOULD?
I am not some lost puppy in need of mothering! Asking questions is a way to figure out the next step...

9. How do you typically spend your leisure time?
painting, writing, reading, walking

10. What are five things that you "can't live without?"
JOY of the Lord, paint & glass, pen, imagination, CALM

11. Describe the last book that you read and enjoyed. What was it about? What did you like most about it?
*Tolkien's The Lord of the Ring series (not a book I would have normally read and was surprised! I love it)
*Captivating (painful to read but to understand the war on a woman's soul is powerful)
*The Barbarian Way (sparks off-roading with God)
*the Zone 'Diet' books (teaches you the balance of food)
*The Love Languages of God (real insight into how God uses our love language to love us and how we in turn love Him back)
*God Works the Night Shift (very powerful eye opening way to look at our dark nights - now hooked on all the author's (Ron Mehl) writings)

12. Describe one thing about yourself that only your best friends know.
Even though I ask why and have deep thoughts, empathy is a special gift that tugs at my heart. Like with all gifts, one must stay in awe of its power.

13. Is there any additional information you would like others to know about you?
I am very tenacious. I have warm expressive eyes. I have a lot of fire when it comes to those people or things passionate about. "Bright eyes gladden the heart" prov. 15:30

must haves/can't stands ...

Note: I developed this from a long list and could only pick 10 for each. It was difficult ... and at times I saw duplicates. It is a process everyone should think about and do. It is a good selfish. It is riding yourself of the fat suit you have accumalated and facing your naked self in the mirror. You know it is working if it hurts a bit.

Must Haves:
I must have someone with a similar deep commitment to spirituality, who shares my beliefs.
*Emotionally Healthy...
I must have a partner who is emotionally healthy, and able to share a stable life with someone else.
I must have someone who is willing to work hard at whatever they do.
I must have someone I can count on to always support me.
I must have someone who is good at talking and listening.
My partner must be financially responsible.
I must have someone who isn't afraid to take a risk and who sees life as an adventure.
I must have a partner who is hungry for new information and knowledge and who strives to learn as much as possible.
I must have someone who is comfortable giving and receiving affection.
*Conflict Resolver...
I must have a partner who will work to resolve rather than win arguments or conflicts within our relationship.

Can't Stand:
I can't stand someone who can't manage their anger, who yells, or bottles it up inside.
I can't stand someone who treats everything in life as secondary to their job.
I can't stand someone who is belittling, impatient or hateful to people in any situation.
I can't stand someone who sees material items as a measure of success.
I can't stand someone who generally sees the world from a cynical perspective.
I can't stand someone who fails to come through and is unreliable.
I can't stand someone who uses illegal recreational drugs.
I can't stand someone who likes to spend excessive time sleeping, resting or being a "couch potato."
I can't stand someone who is constantly unhappy about their life.
I can't stand someone who engages in sex outside a committed relationship.

I cringe when I read this because really I am weak just like every other person. There are a few of these that I have fallen down and struggle to get back up. These are strong statements and come off as being very cemented. Not all bad because even as I am weak, I must know my life and where it has been. It is very right to want the best when looking for a relationship. By having a list I feel you are one step better in knowing what kind of relationship you want and will give to another.

if I could ask ...

1. When in a relationship, how much personal space do you generally find you need?
2. What is your opinion of committed long distance relationships?
3. How many years have you lived alone?
4. How trusting are you?
5. How would you assess your verbal intimacy skills?

Hmmmm, if I could ask only five questions to get to know the other gender, these are the ones I have picked. Funny to that these questions are really from really getting to know a 'him'.

I got to know this 'he' as a friend. It was finally finding someone who I could be safe with all my past childhood insecurities and finding that 'he' had the same insecurities too. We had a lot of sames and a bit of differences that would strengthen the us. He seemed to be able to socially interact and I think I could have brought the home that he was missing... I will never know how we would have mixed it up. He is gone. I believe the trusting me whether he knew it or not was his dent in his armor. He dismissed my presence ... not sure why ...

But these are my questions. They came from the best of us and the worst of us. Even in the friendship, I kept my growing love for him a secret. Even when he ask if I thought there would be a future for us! I almost slipped. But see I want a man who knows and goes after me. Do you know how I knew it was love? Because I knew that I would work for our love all my days and I wasn't going to give up because the work was to much...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

unattended fires ...

I found this quote:
Husbands are like fires. They go out when unattended.
Wow, is this true just to husbands or men? Couldn't this be true of any relationship? Hmmm, yeah. This makes a better quote said like this:
Relationships are like fires. They go out when unattended.
I've tried to keep the fires going but with all I tried, they fizzled out. I've have been in the reverse situation where I have been unattended and I fizzled out.

I started reading a book about friendships and I am not read to share what I have discovered but what caught my eye was that it isn't about fixing yourself to be a good friend but what this friend offers to the relationship. It is taking a different look and I am at the bottom and ready to look at from another angle...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

God with Emmanuel

Emmanuel has a picture of a girl and kept that picture for six years always in hope that he would see her one day. ( I have a picture of someone special and I have memories. I have let go ... do I dare to hope?) Emmanuel is a 'lost boy' from the Sudan. In a Kenyan camp he noticed this girl. He couldn't help but drink her in. He couldn't get enough. He saw someone with a camera and beg to have their picture taken.

Emmanuel carried that picture (his most valuable luggage) in his Bible with him all the way to America. He went to college and went to Canada one Christmas to meet up with friends when he went into church. There was Veronica! Can you imagine? (We often talked about the day we would meet. I still think about how that would play out in different scenarios.) They married last year and are expecting their first child. She has a visa thanks to Oprah.

Do I hope again to meet him on this side of Heaven? I think I will let go and let God handle him. I will remind God of the faith Emmanuel (God with us) had in meeting Veronica... I believe you can let go and still hope. God may seem invisible but He is ever-working out His beauty and His fierceness in us...

Emmanuel & Veronica's Story

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

powder, wisps, 4x4

1. Snow so fine ... finer than powdered sugar but strong as fine glass particles ... blew in and rested on the dash as I climbed into my jeep for my morning blizzard commute. Maybe the snow powder rushed in to keep warm.

2. Straight white smokey wisps like ribbons blowing in a frenzied rush to cross the road before I can run over them. When I am past, the ribbons twist upwards in circles like they are trying to nip at my tires.

3. Thick silky snow has had its way with the roads and the plows cannot keep up. Getting home means using the 4x4. This much and this soft means the tires cannot eat at the snow like it normally does. There is some slippage but I feel the control kick in and keep me from flying off in a snowdrift. Bummer that I have to go through town with other drivers but to arrive at home safe and sound is a sigh and a gratiful prayer that my Heavenly Father was at the wheel with me.

The blinds are open and the candles lit so I can enjoy the gusty wind and snow. A snow day for tomorrow dance in my dreams as I tuck in for a long winter's nap...

Friday, February 09, 2007

to capture a snowflake...

Woooo hoooo! I found out how to capture and keep a snowflake forever!!!!

step 1. Get two pieces of glass and when it is lightly snowing, go outside and let them fall on the piece of glass.

step 2. Then use Super Glue to encase the snowflakes. Then slap the two pieces of glass together.

step 3. Put in the freezer for a week. Then whala! Captured Snowflakes!

I will definitely have to try! And if you have a microscope, you could really get up close and personal!

I love snowflakes and would have loved to share this with ... sighs

Thursday, February 08, 2007

anger snare...

Make no friendship with an angry man,
& with a furious man do not go,
Lest you learn his ways
& set a snare for your soul.
~prov 22:24 & 25
I find myself talking about anger a lot. I seem to be a calm person on the outside yet I know of this fire that can spring up very quickly and blistery. I hate arguing and raised voices. I would rather be calm, cool, and collected. Tone of voice, complaining, someone telling me 'speak up, I can't hear you' or 'what did you say?', having to repeat myself, and the obvious not listening or not getting what I am trying to say burns a white hot within my heart. I crave for peace and calm. I like myself best when composed.

I admire coaches who know how to direct their teams with quiet voice. Tony Dungy begins his season by saying to his football players that his voice will be no louder than this and look at the respect he gets. Both Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith are strong coaches that do not yell or throw their tempers about the place.

How do I master the anger when it comes? Does this anger that burns serve me? What is my vision for my heart and life?

Heavenly Father,
There has been movement again about anger within me this past week. Today I was convicted strongly and I have to confess that I am lacking in self control with my telephone skills. Please forgive me. With You I can conquer this area that I am failing at. Just like the break through with learning how to engage others, I know You can break through in this area bringing me through. Those around me see my sunshine and now my vision for my telephone peeps to see the sunshine.

I tried the engaging and apologitic skills this afternoon and saw some break through... now I need to keep it up. It will be hard and I need You every moment. My heart is ready to break free from the anger snare. Thank You for not giving up on me!
~always trying

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

embraced forever...

I think I am a lover and a romantic. Yes, give me the ooooooowy goooowy yummmy sticky hubba hubba. Even as I say this I know true love is hard work but give me that too!!! Not afraid.

Being a very visual learner, I have to share my excitement over a rather interesting picture. A man and a woman preserved love by their final moments on earth forever. Eyes locked on eyes and arms in tender touch and legs intertwined ... Cannot help but be encouraged! Yeah, call me wierd. I do not care!

Monday, February 05, 2007

things vs people

memo to self:
Remember that when THINGS break down NOT to get bogged down in the frustration but to remember the PEOPLE surrounding the things. Always question yourelf: Thing or person? Am I using the thing to promote God's love, joy, peace, security towards the person? Ultimately, you are either proving God or the little gods (idols).

Thinking like this allows me not to put limits on God and to keep my people connections open and free of debris from the wreakage of things...

things I

Sunday, February 04, 2007

29 - 17 !!!

Woooohooooooo!!!! The colts did it and I am happy happy! Was a bit nerveous when da Bears made their touch down the very first grab of the football but like the Colts they started slow and sure and steady all the way through!!!! Way to go!!!

Again the credit was given to God not in the usual hollywood way but a real way. It was awesome to see two quiet coaches and friends conduct themselves with such a calm that garnish great respect. It made me want to renew my own efforts to control the fires that rage at times within.

One proud hometown fan here. {beaming}

a note ...
There have been some deaths of football players outside night clubs etc... I heard over the weekend that both teams had a lot of respect for their coaches, they were not going to put themselves in any kind of bad behavior. How cool is that?

colts vs bears

rumors of war ...

My spirit gets weak and weepy as war has filled up every page of every day. Through tears and prayers I view the world as I hide out for rest in my space. Then last night Billy Graham had an old 'classic' sermon on that really gave me a peace. I cannot say the words he said exactly so bear with my telling ...

Rumors of war and war will be an every day occurrence.
so no peace?
Peace comes on in Him.
what about peace on earth?
Peace on earth was Jesus born to us.
so no peaceful days?
You ask the wrong questions. Peace is only found by putting your life in God's. You are promised and given Everlasting Peace so you can live in the days of rumors of wars and war. Peace will rule in the end. Good will triumph over evil. And after the Final Battle, Peace as you wish now will be forever.

Dear Almighty Warrior & Prince of Peace,
I feel much better. I was out of focus a bit. I have Peace living in me every day. By keeping my eyes You, the Prince of Peace, I can live in war and rumors of war. No, it doesn't mean that I carry peace signs. I have a battle to fight and prepare for no matter if physical or spiritual. I always knew I had a fighter's spirit....
~always Yours

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Colts vs Bears

I am not a football fan. I like soccer and love hockey but I do not just sit around watching them. I will keep a running knowledge of wins and loses of teams around me, but no, to really sitting down to them unless there is an important game like the two teams from your back yard playing tomorrow at the SuperBowl. I probably will watch {sleepish smile}

I can remember back when in the late '80's the Bears and their SuperBowl Shuffle Song and Dance they did. I remember paying attention those games and watching of few. Love Walter Paton and Refrigerater Perry. So having them win a bid to go to the SuperBowl was pretty cool.

I like Manning on the Colts side and Dungy the Coach. Manning and the Colts have been trying to get past them Patriots for a couple of years now. Very happy to see him succeed this time.

I like the fact that the Bear's coach and the Colt's coach are friends. Love the fact that Dungy is a Believer. And it is pretty cool to have teams from near you able to make it in the BigGime.

Well, to the Bears your biggest fans are going to be huddled in blankets watching it on big screens cuz it is snowing back here as you play in warm Florida. And to the Colts, woohooo for home town pride!

I have no favorites to win so the game better be a nail biter all the way through.....

Just think two weeks ago the Bears where fighting it in snow on their own terf and the Colts was in a nail bitter - I couldn't stand to watch... this week total enjoyment ... well, honestly I might be leaning for a Colts win.... hey, can both win? Both making it to the SuperBowl is a win win, right? well, I will settle if only it is a nail bitter....

blizzard warning ... !?







` * ` * ` * ` * ` *
The tv is declaring a blizzard warning but the National Weather service is tamed down.

I lived through the blizzard of '78 and have fond memories of it and the things we did as a family. So when I heard there is a blizzard warning, I was surprised because we aren't getting much snow but a whole lot of wind. The wind is making the snow that we do have look like a white winter sand storm with twirls of snow and wide whisps of blowing grains of snow. Pretty cool to take in. I will give you updates if we do get some snow with this and yipppeee for blizzard only if I can craft away (and keep warm) without going into work on Monday!!!!

Oh, I had to laugh with the bit of mother talk posted up there 'MAKE SURE YOU WEAR A HAT AND GLOVES'. Sorry, that won't do. Needs to be more gruff. MAKE SURE YOU DOUBLE UP ON YOUR CLOTHING. I'VE BEEN WEARING LONG JOHNS ALL WEEK AND DOUBLE MITTENS EXTRA. Well, a hat would do wonders or ear muffs. I haven't done that yet. I don't like messing up the hair!!!

For all you who complain about the winter, I smile. You must enjoy or you will freeze up like a icicle!!!

Friday, February 02, 2007

things ...

O, the accumulation of things! Of late I have had this mental banter if something is not useful then it is time for it to go. Why go through the headache of it. It has tormented me and kept me from the peace and calm I crave. Like my iMac slowing up, I updated (& is much better) but I was getting close to throwing out! Now it is my jeep that I am having some evil thoughts!

Then I heard about how these parents raised their kids with the best concept about things. They taught them to ask ‘if the THING was a tool or an idol?’ I liked that because it deepened my own thinking on how I should deal with my things. Am I using my things for the advancement of the kingdom or am I overwhelmed with technology or gadgets that takes my peace and my calm especially when they crash and burn? Am I using the gadgets to give love or touch others? Am I using things to bolster my passion for living a Godly life and being God-Confident? If not, then the item stays on the shelf or the item gets donated. It isn’t just about giving out but can give you means to keep yourself covered and cared for. It is about the clear vision of whether or not you are enslaved or free. This comforts me as I deal with my jeep problems. I feel my hand opening up and my heart calmer. It is God's gift and He sees fit to give or take according to my needs...

God is my Keeper. By His Hand will I be defended and secured. He takes care of the sparrow so much so that He is mindful of my needs. I need not get bogged in the mud as I baha in my jeep…

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Orange jumbo, hair, little flakes

1. Taking one orange jumbo jelly bean and savoring the flavor burst in my mouth is purely a simple joy now that I cannot gorge myself on sugar. Having this food allergy now allows me the opportunity not to overwhelm my taste buds with overload of sugar rather it gives me a time out to enjoy the first taste of an old love.

2. My love hate relationship with my hair has calmed. I am more patient and relaxed with it. I am not always cutting it every time it doesn’t feel just right. I have always loved its softness and even now with the silver lining peaking through the soft browns, I can feel graceful with how I deal with my hair. I still do not like hearing comments on my hair because the psycho babble in my head goes crazy.

3. There was light snow this morning. After swishing off the windshield I stopped and noticed the tiniest snowflakes. So small and so detailed… so beautifully created. I smiled because I know intimately the Creator and His handiwork is the finest and the richest. Tonight when I went home for the day, the snow was coming down so slowly like a real live snowglobe. Catching snoflakes on my sleeve to soak in the fluffiest smallest detail made time stop.