Monday, June 26, 2006

to perservere?

Feeling like I am falling apart, I wish for still waters. James 1 keeps coming back nudging me to ask for Wisdom and stop doubting Him or my growth. I do want to be angry and in the same breath I don't want this rage. I must not forget all that I have learned. I must go back to my favorite verse.
Trust in the Lord & do good.
Dwell in the Lord & feed on His Faithfulness.
Delight yourself also in the Lord
He will take care of your heart.
~Ps 37:3&4

... look full in His Wonderful Face & things of earth with fade away ...


  1. I read this today and it resonated strongly with my heart and the journey God is leading me through right now...

    Today, I am living in the spiritual substance of what was just a dream thirty years ago. My ambitions have suffered greatly, yet my dreams are being fulfilled. While I have not yet arrived at the greatest aspects of my calling, I understand the difference between ambition and true leadership and it is this: Ministry is not a call to lead, but to die.

    Every advance that I have made spiritually was preceded by an opportunity to die to self. The power in my life comes from where I have died to self and now live unto Christ.

    Do you want to advance spiritually? God will arrange opportunities for you to die to self. You must discern them. Dying to self and its ambition is the means of reaching true spiritual fulfillment. If you react to the opportunity to die with anger or resentment, you will fail to reach fulfillment. However, if you can maintain your vision even while your ambition dies, you will succeed. Death precedes life. Truly, we must die to go to heaven.

    The Cup by F. Frangipane

    Keep exhaling. You're a treasure and you remain in my KingdomMail...

  2. thank you =)

    every journey has those dark moments, death moments .... times when you make your resolve to keep your faith firmly in His Everlasting Arms, times when you look back and see how far you have come, times when you delight in the joy, the love, and the beauty that came in to your life through the birth of pain and blackest nights...

    mmmm, interesting truth ... must die to go to Heaven

    thank you for treasuring me in my darkness
