Wednesday, January 30, 2008

sharp & straight ...

My dear children,
Do not be nice people. I know I used to say nice matters and in a way it does but only in kindness and respect. You are living in a world full of ulgy and meaness. You will get your heart broken and you just might find your heart getting hardened. I don't want that for you. Your Heavenly Father doesn't want that for you.

I want you to be joyful in the Lord as it is your strength, staight and sharp like an arrow, and majestic in your pace like a lion unhindered by the enemy. That is why I bring us together as a family in our quiet time and why I challenge us all to dig deep in God's Word on all the issues that come up in world. I love our family discussions. I challenge you to hide His Word but also to it to us. I love your different views and get excited over your discoveries! I see how His Word lights up your eyes. When you leave the nest, I want you to be able to continue this in your own life and start it up in the families you will create.

Nehamiah 8:10 ~ The Joy of the Lord is my strength. A simple verse that you have hidden in your heart and a challenge we have done daily make Joy a priority in all that we do.

Proverbs 127 ~ You are the arrows staight and sharp in my quiver. As I release you out into your world with all your dreams, passions, and purpose, my fullest desire is to never stray. Stay in love with God. He is the best Keeper ever and He makes not only your way straight, He makes you straight and very sharp. You won't get lost or fall short. Act on His Love Letter.

Proverbs 28:1 ~ The righteous are as bold as lions and what about a lion that makes them bold? The pace of the lion is described as stately in their stride and retreats at nothing. Wow!!! There is a time to retreat and hide when your safety is in question whether it is physical or spiritual. But there is a time to be bold and it is your faith. Be proud of God and let God be proud of you and delight over you. You do that by walking in right ways. Don't question His Promises. Believe them. Be the lion!

The bigest most precious of all truths is to be soft. Guard against the hardening of your heart. You know my home is always open to you just as God's Arms will always welcome you. No matter the missteps or heartache that you fall into, we will always take you back. Never ever feel that you have done something so wrong that we could never love you. If you don't know how to 'fix' things back up, remember you can't only God can.

Happy is the man who is always reverent, but he who HARDENS his heart will fall into calamity. ~ Proverbs 28:14
He who is often rebuked , and HARDENS his neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. ~ Proverbs 29:1

Keep straight. Keep sharp. Keep Joy of the Lord. Keep bold. Keep soft.

I love you and I believe in all your dreams, passions, and purpose. Go!!!!

huge huge huggers my luvs,
always your biggest mommers

Monday, January 28, 2008

not a good girlfriend ...

A woman's retreat is coming up in March at church. This kind of thing does not interest Mom or me. We just know that if we would go we would feel like an outcast etc. Welllllll, a lady I admire for some time from a distance asked if I would consider going to the retreat. I smiled and said no, its to loud for me. She again pleaded asking if I would think about it. I said no and that I admired her as I reached out to touch her arm. Tears filled my eyes as I turned to go. This was hard to say no but I am that sure. However, by saying a final no does not mean this girl won't think about it. I was moved.

A comment she made has stuck with me. She said that she was not a good girlfriend and all her life she was around guys. I was like wow! I am not a good girlfriend either! However, I wondered what her birth order was. I am a first born girl of two brothers. My brothers' worlds had no influence over me so besides me not fitting into a girls world, I don't fit into a guys world. I have and will always struggle with understanding the friendship thing. I am the classic loner. I am single. She is married with boys in their late teen years. We are probably around the same age. I think she have been a tom boy. I am very creative. There are a lot of unknowns and with my track record, I am not sure I want to risk taking on a friendship only to have her walk away.

I would like to send her a card but I am concerned about messing up admiration that is already established. Why risk admiration that is a sure thing on an uncertain gamble of friendship?

In this lull where most of my frienships are dead or quiet, I have studied my history. I do not pursue friendships rather I let them come to me. I thought I did my very best and wondered why they left. Then I had a 'table-epiphany'. I wanted deep. I craved deep and all I got was what they brought to the table. I finally realized that I could only have what they brought and nothing more. Then I was reading in Proverbs that I could be choosy when it came to friends! Here I was taking what was coming my way and jumping in with all of me! Ok, I know - loser! I am understanding that if someone comes in friendship, I have a choice to decide if and how much of a friendship I wanted. I understand that I too bring something to the table.

I am unsettled when it comes to new friendships. I am learning but I am not sure of these new legs. Maybe I am learning something about 'not being a good girlfriend'. Just maybe there is a whole group of women out there who belong to this 'not a good girlfriend' club. Hmmm, so I can stop wondering what it is like to have a ton of girlfriends doing the game nights and girls night outs. Whew!!! I know I don't handle groups. I'm just a one on one type.

I knew here would be a good place to pull out all my thoughts and maybe I will figure out my next step or maybe I will be still...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

to hide a doper ...

Mr. Policeman,
Is it wrong to look out the window at you to see what you are up too? First off you ruined the peace and quiet of a Saturday night by loud knocking and threats shouted to a downstairs apartment dweller. There were three of you but I only heard your loud threats. After the two other cops left, you sat there in your car. Aren't suppose to work in twos on weekends? Then when you saw me looking out and dragged yourself up to my apartment with your threats and demanding to come into my apartment to see if I was hiding the her.

You were loud and that just made me boil. I knew I did not have to let you in but you were tall and big and loud. All that came into mind was that I would let you in if you would take off your boots. You said you could not do that. Then you said 'just let me look around the corner'. I let you but you kept accusing me of hiding her.

''I keep to myself. I don't know if she is here. I did see her leave at noon to go to work but I did not see her come back. I don't care if I see her car out there or not. I did not physically see her come back.'' (So she stole drugs from patients at the nursing home and she smokes dope? I am allergic to tobacco so why would I allow her to hide out in my place?')

I wish I could talk in the heat of the moment but I can't and probably best that I can't. I am livid you threw your weight around here making me the victim. If you had a warrant than you could have gotten a key to get into her place instead of throwing your weight around and getting your sorry self into every other apartment instead of hers.

Thanks for letting all the smoke from the 5 smokers that live in this building get into my apartment and make my eyes burn. I have a hard enough time of it when the door is shut. Thanks for making me so livid. What a way to end a very weird emotional week. I think you need to learn to be quiet and observe people. You are lousy at reading people. Sorry that you have to work around criminals, it is sure rubbing off on you.

I much rather live peaceably and quietly. I do not like policemen up close and in my face. You are needed but for me at a distance. I do not like this feeling but because the days are evil I know you are 'just doing your job'. I still will pray for your safety and I will still cry when one of you fall. But please don't through your weight at me unwarrented...

always the concern citizen and I guess noisy neighbor

to stifle a craft ...

Help! I just do not understand. The round and rake looms are said to have been around a long time. I had never heard of them until they became a big thing in '05. So what has happened to the history? It cannot just be about the chucky e-wrap. Let me tell you that ain't pretty. My biggest grief is that there are very little in the way of patterns out there compared to the formal knitting. On top of that when I find out there are new instruction books out there the craft stores will not carry them nor do they give the time of day in trying to locate these books. Sure, I could get them online but I will not trust that until I know the patterns are good ones. There was a book that I did find that after looking at the ridiculous patterns, I ditched the thought of getting them.

I have three books that I want I think will inhance my loom knitting journey but to locate them is becoming a nightmare. I have a lead that I might be able to snag one of the books at a local department store. I hope so as it was on there website and it could only be available online....

The three books in question are:
Learn New Stitches on Circle looms by Anne B
Learn to Knit Cables on Looms by Isela Phelps
Loom Knitting Primer by Isela Phelps

If you can actually pick up the book and take a peek inside, then I want to know about the place.

Why is it that this craft is soooo secretive? Let this craft come out in the light of day! Let us be able to self learn and give away beautiful homemade gifts from the labor of our hearts!!!! It has been great with the limited ideas and patterns to see my brother light up over fun baby hats for his little girl. Great inspiration for me!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

to disturb a mind ...

I love the movies because I get to get inside a story visually. I love the nuances you can pick up on by the demeanor of the character as well as from his clothes or walk. I love certain actors who can get a character so well that you see the character and not the actor. I get chills when I hear how my favorite actors get into their characters. It is so down right scary how deep they go into and how hard it is to come out of it a.k.a. Joaquin Phoenix when he portrayed Johnny Cash in Walk the Line. I love deep but with deep comes the fine line of dark and keeping from falling into the dark dark blackness... I am deep and have had a very tiny piece of dark. I have grown up around men who are deep and have had a piece of dark- hopefully not as dark as dark can get....

As I have pondered over why actors take on very dark roles, I realized that they do so because we all are human and the tale we all tell is about the good and the dark. They take on these dark roles and we the listeners to these tales begin to feel for the characters. An actor can NOT do his character justice without being able to empathize. That hits very close to me. I feel that I empathize well with others around me and it can leave me in a very bad place where I become less of me and my nerve endings become exposed...

It is sooooo distressing and upsetting to hear the news about Heath Ledger. I loved the Patriot, the Knight's tale, and yes, the 10 Things I hate about you. I heared that he was doing the Joker in the next Batman where he really went to the dark side and to find out that he had been doing some really dark characters.... I get this panic fear inside.

I have had my spell of dark and it was only a little bit then God showed me great Joy. I have been scared straight and scared senseless when loved ones around me begin to tip... Our minds can travel at the speed of light and often in may different directions at once but when you begin to focus in on dark, you can go too far and either fall off by accident or so far out there you can't get back.

We have to condition the mind. Whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good report, virteous, praiseworthy - THINK ON THESE THINGS. (proverbs 4:8) We must say when.

I am soo sorry and sooo disturbed. My heart goes out to Heath and his family. Empathy is a great gift and a scary one too. Empathy is very much needed in a hurting and broken world. I feel empathy and know it is a gift but I don't know very much on how to use it... I am still learning.... Maybe the lesson here is that human life is fragile and only God can hold all of us together...

Heath, you were a great story teller and had a great smile that reached your eyes.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

boundary lines in pleasant places ...

On Sunday the pastor said that God uses two things to bring us closer to Him - beauty and pain. My mind tried and tried to add more to the list. I think I had another thought trying to intrude because I want to be drawn closer to God through beauty than pain. I think I was trying to get out of the pain part but there is no way, is there? Then yesturday I was listening to Elizabeth Elliott and the topic was about pain AGAIN and accepting God's portion and cup for us. Ok - when topics repeat in my life, I know I better listen...

To stuff it down into a bite size piece, you must suffer, bear the cross, receive pain in your life to really know Christ. He ultimately took on the cross. At what price? A price toooooo much? Yikes! As she continued on I wrote out my pain and how this 'suffering' is allowing me to know God.

To be single, to wait and wait, to feel unseen, unwanted, and not enough all the while wanting to be connected to another in marriage is to know God as my Husbandman, as my Great Keeper, as my Hiding Place, as my Refuge, as my Protector and Great Lover, as the Burly Big ARms wrapped around me letting me know that I am seen, kept, and delighted over... Wow!

Then she used this verse!
Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Psalms 16:5&6

Submit to the portion and the cup given to you and you will feel secure. He is the Great Keeper and He knows me because He created everything about me. He sees the future and without Him I have no good thing... (ps16:2)

He surely knows that I would not handle being alone with someone than being single and alone... Yup, I do love my boundaries ... secure and pleasant....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

the wild flower power loomed hat ...

Ah my dear Lucia,
OOOO I am sooooo excited! I completed your new hat!!! I know I made you one for Christmas but this is a pretty wild one. Your daddy loves to put you in hats. You were wearing the one I made you last Sunday and your daddy was telling them that his sister made it for you. Your Grandma told me this and I beamed!!! I think that is what motivated me try another hat this week.

Your daddy said that you could use a green one. Well, you are in luck. I happened to have a green yarn and a green, pink, and purple yarn. I did the trim in green and the hat part is in the multi yarn and turned out longer! Opps, hard to gauge how things will work out on a loom. No matter becuase as I was thinking on it, the longer part works out better for the big loopy flower I loomed for the top! Yes, I made a six loop flower in green with the multi pom pom for the middle. Wow! I am just buzzy over this. It looks unique and cute. I think you will look sooooo coool. It is a good thing you are young and no bad or squirrelly comment can hurt you. It will be a show stopper!

I am all smiles. I can't wait to see if it fits and what the reaction will be!!!

love you
aunt keeper

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

to understand ...

Tell me & I forget,
show me & I remember,
involve me & I understand.
chinese proverb

.:first angle:.
I wiggled with delight when I stumbled upon this today only because I know this is a truth. I have had a moment in a relationship where I was just screaming on the inside for you to involve me.... It wasn't just for my benefit but for you as well. The only way to be a good team is to take this step and ask me to come in... 'You just do not understand' is an excuse! Stop it! Involve me!!!

.:second angle:.
I feel that I am empathic. I tend to listen and often deeply. I am inclined to go over the moments after I am alone. I truly like to listen. I don't forget... mainly because I engage my own feelings to the intensity that I think you are going through something and try to feel it. I involve myself very quietly and under the radar. I desire to understand... whether or not you let me!

Wow, when I look at it from the other angles like a personal rule 'not to tell others what to do, rather ask', I begin to connect-the-dots. Isn't asking involving another's thought and learning process? You betcha!

a good thinker...

1st pizza ...

Nooooo, I've had pizza before but with my food allergies, pizza just would not do because of the flour. Last night using the corn torilla recipe made the dough more wet and patted out the dough onto a stone. I slathered spaghetti sauce on top with shredded cheese and parsley to top it off. Yes, very simple. That is how the very first pizza was made! Then I put it in for 30 minutes at 400*. The crust is very thin and crispy. It was perfect for me. I can't wait to do it again with maybe just a few more ingredients like onions and olives....

Sunday, January 13, 2008

man-harlot/man-whore ...

Dear Daughter,
Having teenagers in the house, our family quiet time has focused on reading the Proverbs daily each month since the book and the month have 31 days. By starting this practice, we hope that when you are out in the big wide world you will come back to the Proverbs and find the strength to stay in obedience with your God. Also being a teenager means you are beginning to test your wings. You are learning to think for yourself. What better way to develop your wisdom than going to a book where the wisest king wrote down God-Wisdoms. Remember King Soloman may have been the wiset king yet he too had times of stumbling but keep the words in your actions. Be tenacious in actively obeying because as you obey, you are loving your God, the first commandment.

Always remember that you at your youngest was a strong little girl in your faith. Nothing could deface God in your bright eager eyes. Sadly as you grow older life and stuff of earth will tear at your flesh and your eyes become dull with pain and your innermost being feels so weak. Get back to that little girl and hold her hand! She has much to teach you about strength and the love God desires from you.

Let me tell you about what will tear at your flesh. I will use strong language not to scare you to tell you like it is. Proverbs 1-10 but especially 5 talks to the men warning them of the harlot. But I warn you of the man-harlot or the man-whore.

A man-whore is smooth and kind. He will give you attention where you have been dry for so long that you think that maybe you have some nasty mole growing on your face that you cannot see. You smirk but tis true. The enemy is a thief and he will steal your beauty and your God-confidence. You will feel so empty. And when you are in the light of the man-whore, you will feel things you never felt but longed for - acceptance. I hope and pray that the hollowness stings you before you walk to far into this false-light. It is my job to build up your faith.

The man-whore will take any form to get you. First he will be a friend but watch because when he starts to persuade you into things that you don't want - RUN! Hide! Proverbs is alllllll about hiding! It is ok to do as long as you hide under God's wing.

What will the man-whore persuade you to do? Bondage. Yes, M&S - the whole master-slave thing. You are called to be free. The whole bondage thing isn't foreign to you because you have grown in the Bible. You know submission. Beware, the enemy is cunning and can make it feel right. Don't hush your faith. God wants you free. Keep reading Proverbs. Submit to God only. No Godly man will persuade you to do anything that does not feel right in keeping with God's word.

The man-harlot is also a pimp. He will use you and sell you. He defames your beauty. Don't think he looks like what the tv and movies portray him to be. He can look safe and trustworthy. He is a one nighter as well as someone you can't get rid of once he has his talons in you. Don't ever get caught. If you do, seek God and He will free you. You will have pain to go through so it is best never to find yourself in this position.

Key things to remember:
If he persuades and persuades you,
If he uses your beauty against you,
If he pays attention to you,
If you hear a quiet voice saying no,
If he defames submission,
If he sells you or cuts you in private or in public,
he is a man-whore and man-harlot. It doesn't matter how simple he may seem. He will become the monster you never thought would happen to you.

I use to tell you that 'nice matters' - while it speaks of respect and good manners, around man-whores your nice becomes your acceptance to what he is selling. Your nice is thrown back in your face with 'so this what your really want'. When you are nice by talking and listening, he will twist this around and claim that you want to be dominated, used, and abused. Oh, they will be cunning alright and dress up the words so they lure you in ever so slow but surely. Don't be nice. Don't be mean. Don't stay. Leave without a word or trace. HIDE.

You may think that you will be safe within a marriage. I know your dreams and yes, Daddy has been a great role model for you and what you are looking for in a man. Thank you, Daughter, for sharing your dreams with me. Know I pray for you every morning and cherish your dreams. Back to plans. Remember God-plans do not go according to your time schedule. You may have a season where you will be and live alone. Maybe it will be a lifetime of aloneness or maybe it be before you meet the man of your dreams or maybe it will be after you spent a season with that man of your dreams or maybe it will be within your marriage that alone comes to you. Just know that you are not safe alone or in a human bond. You are only safe in God-Arms. The enemy is a thief. He even thinks he can pluck you from God-Arms. Keep your faith and turn your eyes to Jesus.

The harlot warning in Proverbs isn't for the young men or your brothers only, it is for you. The days are evil. Monsters lurk everywhere. The enemy is a thief. Protect your beauty. It is your value and the enemy knows it. You remind him of God's Beauty and that makes him livid. The more beautiful you are inside the more he will try anything and everything to kill the beauty in you. Hiding in God will keep you.

I love you, my daughter. You are beautiful. Keep guard. Love your God with all of your strength (physical), mind, heart, and soul. I will always pray for you.

always with love

Saturday, January 12, 2008

death thoughts!!!

I have to admit that I do my share of thinking about death. I have an overwhelming sense that I will out live my family and probably my friends too. Yet, as I say this I think about my own funeral plans. Why I do this I don't know especially if I will out live all those I hold dear! But maybe I am not the only one that thinks about death...

My latest thought about death is about knowing when a believer dies. You know that when they walk on Heaven's shore there will be a great celebration while we who are left on earth are sad. So why not begin the party here on earth? Sure Heaven's been preparing but we still have the edges of this believer. It is time to pull out all the stops. Why do we hush up or hush others from talking about death? Talk!!!! Sing!!!! Dance!!!! Enjoy!!!! They are leaving and they most certainly won't be coming back once they stepped on that celestrial shore!!! I won't blame them either!!!

I don't know but I say it just might be worth a try. Make death a party! Being saved is the ultimate gift given by our Heavenly Father. It is a gift that gives and gives. With death we finally receive everlasting life!!!! Wow! Pure, whole, beautiful, and strong. What more could you ask for??? A forever union with God, your maker!!!! Oh yesssss!!! Purely Heavenly!!!!!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

high waters ...

We had a nice huge snow storm on New Year's. Big snow. Pretty snow - the kind that sticks on trees an inch thick making everything like a big huge winter wonderland. My Dad went out and got some really coooooool pix. I am thinking I need to get copies... They are so beautiful!

It was cooooold too. 8* was the high temp. Now that a week has gone by and a warm up happened. All that snow begun to melt making the earth very soggy. Monday going to work there was lightening spraying across the sullen skies. Monday night cames heavy thick raindrops pelting and beating everything in their path. It was freaky as the tornado watches were in implemented. We are listening to the wind. Is it coming? Looking out the window, the raindrops where huge and flashing silver as they forced themselves 100 miles an hour earthward. Where is all this water going to go??? You just knew there were going to be hign waters everywhere.

My town is a town that has a river running through it with tiny creeks running around. Where ever you go, you cross a small bridge. From past rainfalls you know where the water will collect. You know the park downtown will overflow into the grocery complex. You run through how you are going to get to work - go throught town or risk going through the country. I tried the country and then half way through, I decided to cut back into town. There was water in places I didn't know would collect. What is terrible is that the river won't crest until Thursday and here it was just Tuesday, the day after.

I made myself go through town even though it takes longer and having to deal with slow down areas around the schools make for a very hands on driving. Ugh. But the good side is to see the rivers swollen and brown. It is amazing to see first hand Nature's rhythm. I have a small remembrance back in the 80's where it was just this bad. Today I am collecting these visuals in my memory and wonder if it would ever get worse than this. What would it be like?

I am safe. My place is safe. Parents basement got wet but Mom said the eve drain away was off track... Wonder what it is like now? We always had problems with the wash room side of the basement. A human condition is going around finding out how family and friends fared. It must be like when our Bobby and Andy (family pups) wash their paws after they had a tussle just to make sure what was mussed up is put back into place...

Monday, January 07, 2008

1st photobook ...

I finally did it! I had some pictures on one site and they said move it or lose it. I began to shop around and finally decided on Shutterfly. They offered me a free photobook for switching. I spent some time two weeks ago scanning in photos and all day Saturday finishing up the book. It probably could be better but it shall do. It is for me anyways! The finish product should reach my door by the middle of January...

I now am bitten by the bug. I gotta do more photobooks! Ideas are just boucing around. Just what I need to take away more time from my writing project!!!

Next photobook will be for my Mom for Mother's Day. She wants a photobook on her parents. I can't wait!!!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

divine power of love ...

I have two stories to tell today. They are true stories. I hope I remember them well and tell them well.

1st story is about a woman and a man who are married and in love. They have children. The man has to go to another country for a job, I think. He writes home often. One day the woman receives a letter from him saying that he will not write her anymore that he has fallen in love with another woman. The woman is a mess and doesn't know how to tell her children about their father. The children know something is up with their dad because their mother isn't doing very well at hiding the tears. One of the children asks if they will be getting any more letters from their father. Knowing that she is caught, she must tell them the true. "No, your father has fallen in love with another woman." The children think a moment and come back to her with a question, "Is it ok that we still love our father even though he doesn't love us back? Would you tell him to write us letters anyway so that we can love him still?"

(ok, the story does not end here ... !)

The letters from father continued to come and mother continued to read them to the children. One day a letter came for her and this was the most painful for her to read. This letter contained the news that he had cancer and would not be living long. The request he had hit really hard and what would she do. He requested that from her that she save back some money and send to his new family saying it was from him. He had no money left and he didn't want his new family to run into destitution. She sent back a letter saying that what she could do was have the new family come live with her and she would help them learn the new language and get them set up here.

Wow, that is loving! This is the second time that I have gotten the nudge that I can still love someone even though they don't love me back. I must eat my words! I am always spouting off that love is work. The hardest work is loving someone without getting love back in return. And... isn't this what God has done and continues to do?

The next story is about love and time and a true story.

A solder in the midst of a fury of battle with bullets raging on all sides was told to get to on saving the fallen conrads by his commanding officer. However, he hesitated and kept his eyes on his watch. It seemed ages before he finally looked at his watch one last time and then began pulling his fallen buddies to the rescue. After the firefight he was asked why he hesitated and what was so important about his watch. He said that he wasn't a christian and he didn't know about life after death but his mother told him before he left to read the Bible and that at a certain time everyday that she would be praying for him. In this battle of life and death, he thought best to wait for his mother's devine intercession...

Whoa!!!! I think enough said and time for the mental gears to chew on this...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

latter times: forbidden to marry ...

Several times I have heard that in the latter times marriage will be forbidden! Yikes! NNNNNooooooooo!!! Can this be??? They are taking it from I Timothy 4:1-3 "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith ... forbidding to marry ..."

I am an old fashion girl with a verrrrrry high regard to marriage. I believe the marriage of a man and woman two pictures of God's whole reflection - a man being the warrior and the woman the beauty. God designed it so that each has a job to do and together they are a reflection of God. This bond of marriage can only be strong with hard work and the covering of God.

Ok, yes still single here and don't know the trenches and I've heard the 'be glad your not married'. I quietly look away as I roll my eyes. I am not stupid but I would love to have marriage yet as I say that I have to admit to you that when I bring my requests to God, I admit to Him I don't want marriage if it will be heartache and misery. It doesn't have to be! I am not afraid. {sighs}

Anyways I just get super frustrated hearing doom and gloom on the marriage front from Paul. I know he thinks a single person can better serve God than one distracted with marriage. Then here he goes on about the latter days and being forbidden to marry. I know that what Paul has written is God-Breathed, but I just struggle with it.

Here is my grief:
So in latter times it will be forbidden to marry ... so wouldn't it be the best of times to keep a marriage? You know the kind of marriage between a man and woman who love each other and love God and that love just spills over into the world with kind acts. Now I say that is the best kind of preaching!

As I write these things I can't help but reflect on all the broken marriages and lives out there. No wonder the forbidden to marry movement comes to be. Whose to say it isn't here already? With all the live ins and co-habitations? Or take the single population on the rise? Not to mention the multiple marriages.

Hmmm, latter days...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

hiding place ...

This song happened to come across the radio waves on a station that plays hymn music. I love this radio station because the old greats are so soothing and fortifying to my soul. This radio station is very picky in choosing new up-to-date songs. If they like a new song, it must fit the old hymn like feel. This song did just that for me. I went to find the words and realized that it is a now song. Quite surprised!

What grabbed my attention was 'hiding place'. I often go to the Psalms because King David is my favorite Bible author and my favorite Bible character. I need to do a word study on 'hiding place' to see how many times it is mentioned in the Psalms. I did a quick check using the internet and was disappointed in finding two places in the Psalms. I don't think it took in the account the times David mentions 'hiding in God' etc. I think it needs a human study...

Check out this verse from Proverbs where David's son is writing down God-Wisdoms. "A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself; the simple pass on and are punished" Prov 27:12. What about having a God-Confidence? Wow. Again it takes a balance to hide and to stand firm. You must do both. They walk hand in hand.

Here is the song:

There is a hiding place where hope is born.
In a time of danger, when our faith is proved
There is a hiding place where we are loved.

There is a hiding place, a strong protective space,
Where God provides the grace to persevere;
For nothing can remove us from the Father's love,
Tho' all may change, yet nothing changes here.

In a time of sorrow, in a time of grief,
There is a hiding place to give relief.
In a time of weakness, in a time of fear,
There is a hiding place where God is near.
~ Bryan Jeffery Leech

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008

Big white puffy snowflakes began to fall last night. Candles and Christmas tree lights aglow. Me in blankets watching some movies and looming was a soft and delightful way to ring in the New Year. I do have moments of delight and joy while the gloomy numb ones sit in the dark corners. I know a bit off but I am a fighter so I am bringing it home. I will dive into all that brings my lips into a upwards curl and lights up a brilliant sparkle in my big brown eyes all the while not striving! Tall order but hey that is what living in balance means...

Here are a few good words from the Almighty...

"I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
jeremiah 29:11

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all that you do, and He will direct all of your ways."
proverbs 3:5-6

You can have many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail.

The Lord says , "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."
psalms 32:8

We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.

... what reassurance!!!