Thursday, November 27, 2014

a thanksgiving pearl ...

Thanksgiving is essential to the life of a believer.  It is the key to a full and abundant life.  It unlocks Joy within the heart.  What one thing encompasses respect, maners, love, relief, and thoughtfulness but giving thanks?

I became a believer when I was 5 but in 2003 with a job loss I knew I needed a restart.  Meloncholy was my draft setting.  I was slumped at the window of life watching the world go by without me.  It was a good time to try thanksgiving for a change.  It was a small step that got bigger and bigger with each passing year.

Thanksgiving is like a pearl.  It takes an irrantant wrapped and wrapped with praise to be something of great worth.   It puts the focus on the Heavenly Father's Mighty Arms than the pungy pesky problems.  To sum up Psalms 107 from wastelands, darkness, rebellious ways, lost at sea to thanksgiving ... the upright SEE and Rejoice but all the wicked are shut up.(v. 42).

I SAW God come through when we had major storm&nbsp on July 1st. There was massive cleanup to do at my parents' place. The house, garage, and fishing boats escaped structural damage but the winds shredded the ancient trees. There was so much damage that at lunchtime I noticed how defeated my Dad was. I called the brother to come help. While Dad and the brother got the chainsaws up and chewing, my 10 year old nephew and I pulled and hauled big branches to the road. From this hardship I found out my nephew was a talker!

See, the men in my life are quiet and when there are problems afoot they hunker down to process. I never want to be the cause of their silence so I have been seeking God in understanding the inner-workings of man. Having this moment of time with a little man with a fresh divorce in his childhood was God-Given and is a keeper for a lifetime. I hope my nephew felt valued from having my ears as an audience.

God wasn't done with my lesson.  I had a longstanding question for my Heavenly Father. Men grow men. What if there are no Godly men to come along side and mentor your man?  Can a God-seeking girl be a healing presence and God's instrument in her man's life?  Bob and Cheryl Moeller were sharing their book "How to Get Your Husband to Talk" on a podcast. I had done three things right. During a shared activity, I listened and asked clarifying questions. God is so Good.  His Arms are Mighty in every storm.  I am so thankful to have the summer afternoon to be at the feet of Jesus listening to a little man!

This story seems a bit glossed over so let me fill you in with some of the not so glamorous parts.  It was a hot day and hard work.  We were a freak show as people drove by real slow to see the massive damage.  There was no electricity for a week.  Mom and Dad had to come use my guest bathroom.  The stress spurred on the shingles for Dad in the months following.  This was a hard blow.

This is NOT easy and some irritants get by us to take us out.  Sometimes the vision gets blurry before we realize we need a time out  -- a declaration that this day is a day of Thanksgiving to God and whisper not  a need or care.  What a difference it makes.  God doesn't need the Praise for Himself but rather the puny human is in need of praising the Heavenly Father.  We are forgetful -- oh so forgetful.  The world loudly and noisily lies to us and we easily believe the lies and promptly forget the Truth.  Thanksgiving gives you SIGHT to see and to boldly Rejoice in God's Sovereignty.  He never stops protecting or providing for our every need.

I must stay this again - I never want to forget that summer afternoon that my ears were in the presence of my nephew drinking in his every word. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for such a wonderful gift!

Sunday, November 09, 2014

choose life or death ...

Last weekend two women who were battling cancer made a choice.  One decided to take matters in her own hands and end her life before cancer could.  The other young woman choose to make a goal and met it before cancer could.  

My purpose here is to record my observation and also to encourage faith when challenged by pain and suffering.  I'm far from being callous.  Every single human would never choose pain or suffering and every single human wants to be in control.  I've had dark days and I've had days when I've cried out to my Heavenly Father asking what my purpose is on this earth.  Ok, I've not had to walk the shadow of death or bore the pain of Job.  So maybe I should not speak ever so boldly or maybe I should...

As the news of these two women where annouced on Monday, it was so blantently obvious.  My heart sunk and I turned away in disgust as I heard the one woman ended her life because she didn't want her live her life in a deteriorated  state.  Too easy.  Too cowardly.  Then the news turned to the young woman who is battling brain cancer.  She too knows her days are numbered and her biggest wish was to play in her first college basketball game.  She can't really practice like the other girls anymore and she cannot run the court to make the basket but her fighting spirit is contagious.  Her school as well as the opposing school decided to move up the first game so she could play.  As they set up for her to make the first basket and the last basket of the game, every heart of the fans and of that of the whole nation were bursting with deep emotion welling up in the eyes.  Very courageous.  Very moving.

It seems very ironic that both women where in the news at the same time.  Seems a very obvious contrast and answer to a very tough question.  No, I do not know the spiritual condition of their hearts but I could not help to be moved and put down a peg or two.  Are you willing to let the Creator of Life decide how and when it is your time to die?  Are you going to face the end with His Light on your face or are you going to turn away?   Pain and suffering can darken our faith.  Will you let it?

Have you experienced something tough that initially would never have chosen but when you  gotten through you would never go back to change it?  Those 'throughs' are the perfecting of our character. It is usable silver minus the dross for the Silversmith. 

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!  I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on the account of me. Philippians 1:21–26