Thursday, April 30, 2009

a woman's work place ...

Two weeks ago when I had great angst about my woman boss did I really try to put to thought and words what I have been feeling all along about women in the work place. So here it goes!

I have never truly felt at home in the work place but I am the bread winner so I must I am not into competition and a bit shy. I do not like to follow the crowd nor to I do to well with being told what to do. I cringe and get smaller under criticism. I have always wanted to be a part of a good team but never found one. I am not a leader type because no one wants to follow me. I am a very hard worker and find myself working my best at being left alone. It may sound like I am not a good worker but I know that is not true. I am most dependable.

I have been seeking the Word for clues to my malaise and I keep going to Proverbs 31 for help. She starts off as being valuable to her husband. She is confident and good not for selfish means but in the care for her husband and home.

Now begins with the work that she does. She is able to select wool and flax and is eager to work with it. Now I didn't always work with yarn so I am not going to say a true woman must - no. I do believe that a woman knows what works best in her hands when it comes to what she is good at. Next she gathers food from afar. Hmm, I used to bake before I found out where my HA's came from. I cook but am not confident to have others taste and critique. But I do gather here that she is interested in nourishing her family. She knows what is good for them and what isn't. She also knows the health of family. She gets up early! Well, ugh... Moving on... She is a leader as she cares for her family and her servant girls. Well, lookie here. She has servants to help her but to honestly put it into day's world, it shows that she can lead. She buys land and with her earnings plants a vineyard. She is a gardener. She likes plants and flowers. She knows what feeds not just the body, but the mind, heart, and soul. I love the fact that she has strong arms and works vigorously. She is a hard worker and not afraid to get into it. She sells what she makes or gardens. She likes the trade. She is generous to those in need. Her home is warm and her family are clothed in warmth. Her home is decorated in royal colors of richness. Her list goes on and on.

Bottom line a woman's work is creative, nurturing, home keeping, and generous. Two words? A creator & nurturer. So how does a modern day woman deal with the business world? What if a woman isn't creative but a numbers girl? Can she be a biblical woman in the business dog eat dog world? Can a woman bring the woman of Proverbs 31 into the work place?

I know I feel frustrated in today's work place. I know I am a Proverbs 31 type of girl. I am creative and a nurturer. I like being at home. I like keeping my home but I must work. So what if I could find work being a Proverbs 31 girl in the work place? And what would it look like?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

looking forward ...

I've been a funk and I know better. I do think it is a process to travel through and to get my bearings for the new terrain. You can prepare and thought you have traveled this spot once before, but it still acts new and it is like processing a death. All deaths are unique and new. So I can either get more into a funk or be ok and move forward.

God is good at giving me His Word to hold onto. Today Luke 9:62 really caught me and challenges my mind when it seems easier to give into the dark thoughts and immobility they bring. ''But Jesus said to him, 'No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.''' I was feeling pretty guilty. More Words & Word Pictures came to mind. I do not want to be a Lot's wife who looked back and became forever a pillar of salt. She outright rejected God's best for her. Instead God wants us to be salt - tasty and light.

I have found a small treasure trove of verses that put your focus in the right direction.

''Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.
~ Isa 43:18-19

... forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. ~ Phil 3:13-14

Let your eyes look straight ahead,
and your eyelids look right before you.
Ponder the path of your feet,
and let all your ways be established.
Do not turn to the right or the left;
remove your foot from evil.
~ Prov 4:25-27

What I need to get back to was the grow spurt I had at my last job loss. I focused on God-Victories. I sang chorus & hymns. I meditated on God's Word. I hope that I shake off this fog and get on with this unexpected home time. I do have a lot to do with my home and with my creativity. Now is the time to sing, talk back, organize, and get creative - oh, and look for another job...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Marley & me ...

I would rate this movie a 9.5. Mom says anyone who is thinking about a dog should see this movie. Having a dog is an investment and should never think that when it get hard to do that giving up the dog as in option.

We have 3 puppers and love them all. They are toy fox terriers. My parents got Bobby and Andy after the loss of Sam a black toy fox terrier. Bobby and Andy are brothers and they work together as a team when it comes to protecting their home and people. Bobby sees things and will alert Andy. Andy doesn't seem to 'see' as well but he is a little tank and the hair on the back of his neck stands tall as he is a little fighter. Andy is the smallest but he is boss. He will guard the empty discarded cookie box from the others! Tink is the addition because little bro couldn't handle him anymore since an addition of their little girl. But after watching Marley, Tink is better behaved!

All three puppers have given their hearts to us as we have given our hearts to them. They are the best at helping you laugh when the days are anything but laughable. They are animated and warm. They look at you with their puppy eyes begging for treats or tummy rubs and sitting there watching a movie about the love of pups and rubbing tummies of sleeping pups brings delight to my sore heart.

I found myself laughing hard and crying just as hard too. I am emotional all the time now but I think I really cried too much because of the thoughts in the back of my mind are about my next steps in being jobless and what I need to do to get back in the work force but to do something that I love doing...

Love my pups. I thank God for furry little hides that love me so much....

Monday, April 27, 2009

a specific job ...

From ''Bedside Blessings'' by Charles Swindoll April 24th reads:

Be specific in your prayer life. If you need a job, pray for a job. If you're an engineer, ask God to open up an engineering position for you, or something related for which you are qualified . . . . If you need fifteen hundred dollars for tuition, ask for that amount. Make your petitions specific.

He will surely be gracious to you
at the sound of your cry;
when He hears it, He will answer you.
Isa 30:19

Whew! I know that I need to be specific in my prayers but to read this on the very day I am unemployed reminds me that God is in control. I know He has great plans for me ... am I willing to TRUST?

I have been reviewing what I am good at and where my strengths lie. I want a job that is creative. I would love to write but I have not had any bites of encouragement. I do plan to get back to the basics of my English degree and get back to studying my passion. I would love to be creative. My crafts have gotten me no where and leave me discouraged. There is a lot of talk but no action. There is a ton of work on my side with no results. I am great at self learning and works well alone. I like teamwork but never have seen it work in the business world. I love being organize as it allows for work to be done well and efficiently.

I am not sure where that leaves me but I am working out the specifics and resting that God is working for my good. I have to remember that this is the in between time where brainstorming is king and I love brainstorming! When it about staying above the water, it is hard to wait patiently. I am too hard on myself. I want to keep my mind renewed but I want to be kind to myself as well.

Off to figure out unemployment...

The battle is the Lord's

Sunday, April 26, 2009

jobless ...

What I thought would be coming sometime over the summer with more time off and on and then total let go, came mid morning Friday, April 24th. That was the last day of work for me. There is more job losses yet with the plant still working and boats piling up in the front of the plant and in the back. When my mind goes back, it still baffles me.

My man boss did come in after and said how sorry he was and that it wasn't his discussion that there where other jobs that should have gone before me but his name isn't on the door. He also said that I was a good worker and that I did a good job and that was not the reason for the let go. He also said that whatever he said really doesn't help because those same words have been told to him and they didn't help. I did convey to him that I had really enjoyed working for him and this is truly honest because he has been the best so far.

The christian HR person who is a good friend of mine told her boss that she would not be the one to be in the room when they let me go. Minutes after she did come down with a card. I told her not to go so fast that I would like a hug. She gave me the best hug.

I did have to go to my female boss and ask her if she wanted to go over things before I left. I had been waiting for her to ask me but she didn't. Not sure what was up with that. My mom said that she wouldn't have been so kind (she is being the protective lioness here and I appreciate this). I told mom that I couldn't do that after the verses I gathered from the Word about being a good servant to my earthly masters. I did tell mom that I find it disturbing that no matter how much of a hard worker that I am that it depends on the style of getting the work done to whether someone was a good worker or not. I know my style greatly differ from the girl boss I have that came in after I had learned my post from another plant that we had consolidated. So when she takes over and she does her style then my style of things will only mean that I didn't do a good job. {sighs} But that is past and I am looking forward...

As I was leaving other girls in the office where quite shocked and now worried. They figured my job would keep me there longer. I did pay the bills and those invoices were coming in like crazy. Why they are still building boats is beyond me.... ok, I know forward thinking now.

To be really honest I was getting more and more frustrated with my job since last September. I also knew that if the things got worse, the job would get worse and I didn't know if I wanted to deal with it. I am a creative person stuck in a numbers job that was increasing becoming more confining. I didn't know what to do. My creative side gets really battered every time I try to make a go of it and it fails. I have been looking at this job direst as God working a way for my creative side to bring home the bread and butter.

My heart did bottom out and I had tears. I did get the mad feelings, the zombie feelings, the remembering feelings, the back and forth feelings, and the extreme feelings. All of this is part of the death process. However, these feelings do not rule my day. God has been preparing me because I have been seeking Him through these times. The sparrow at Thanksgiving, the FEAR NOT at Christmas, and even the self discovery of Amigurumi were my ways of 'talking back' God's Word to my feelings. Through all of this I find that we Christians do not TRUST God as we should. If we are truly believers we have to realize that to fear and to quake is a sin. Yes, we will feel these feeling but we stop it by SPEAKING ALOUD THE WORD OF GOD to these feelings. When you focus on this, God's Strength will expand in your life. It is ''forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.'' ~ Phil 3:13-14

I have been muttering under my breath often 'new beginnings' to shake myself from the behind things. It is all about getting that soapbox out and talking back the Word. It is a process and it is a battle but this battle is the Lord's! What verse in Psalms do I share now? There are sooooo many. I love King David's word - such a help in times of need. ''I will say of the Lord, 'He s my Refuge and my Fortress; My God, in Him I will TRUST.''' ~Ps 91:2

Are you trusting and obeying?

fear not
stress not
worry not
fret not

In every situation you are either going to believe the Word of God or the lies of the evil one.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

mediation on the Word ...

First of all, God's kind of mediation is filling up the mind so much so that it overflows into your heart, life, and soul. Ok, I got that off my back.

Here is a verse that I love about mediation ...
"May my meditation be sweet to Him;
I will be glad in the Lord.''
~ Ps 104:34

What I like about mediation is that my prayers are 'talking back' the Scripture. I have stopped the nagging and the tears over the painful heart wrenching stuff. It makes for a better relationship with my Heavenly Father.

Ravi put it best -
''When the meditation of the Word is gone - the thrill of life is gone.''

I must say that my life has come alive and it has to do with God's Word!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

heaping happy instead of grief ...

Having a bad day at liking my 'new' boss - a female boss. Argh! It doesn't help that I wish I could be creative and not work with numbers. When I am a mess, I go to the Word to find the 'Right Ways' ...

Feeling unlovely ...
Prov 15:8 ... He loves him who follows right ways.
Wanting His love so desperately. This I must do:

'Obey those who rule over you, & be submissive,
for they watch over your souls, as those who must give account.
Let them do so with JOY & not with grief,
for that would be unprofitable for you.' ~ Heb 13:17

'Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh,
with fear & trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ.
Not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ,
doing the will of God from the heart,
with good will doing service, as to the Lord & not to men.
Knowing that whatever good anyone does,
he will receive the same from the Lord,
whether he is slave or free.' ~ Eph 6:5-8

'Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us & has given Himself for us,
an offering & a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.' ~ Eph 5:1-2

'If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;
& if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
For so you will heap coals of fire on his head
& the Lord will reward you.' ~ Prov 25:21-22



Saturday, April 11, 2009

simply? HE IS.

He is the First & Last, the Beginning & the End!
He is the Keeper of creation & Creator of all!
He is the Architect of the universe & the Manager of all times.
He always was, He always is & He always will be ...
Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, & never Undone!
He was bruised & brought healing!
He was pierced & eased pain!
He was persecuted & brought freedom!
He was death & brought LIFE!
He is risen & brings power!
He reigns & brings peace!

The world can't understand Him,
The armies can't defeat Him,
The leaders can't explain Him,
The leaders can't ignore Him,
Herod couldn't kill Him,
Hitler couldn't silence Him,
The New Age can't replace Him!
He is Light, Love, longevity, & LORD.
He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, & God.
He is Holy, Righteous, Mighty, Powerful, & Pure.

His Ways are Right.
His Word is Eternal.
His Will is unchanging.
His Mind is on me.
He is my Redeemer,
He is my Savior,
He is my Guide,
He is my Peace,
He is my JOY,
He is my Comfort,
He is my LORD,
He rules my life!

When I fall, He lifts me up!
When I fail, He forgives!
When I am weak, He is strong!
When I am lost, He is the way!
When I am afraid, He is my courage!
When I stumble, He steadies me!
When I am hurt, He heals me!
When I am broken, He mends me!
When I am blind, He leads me!
When I face a trial, He is with me!
When I face persecution, He shields me!
When I face problems, He comforts me!
When I face loss, He provides for me!
When I face death, He carries me Home!

He is my Living God!!

~ author unknown

May you seek & know Him because He first loved you & pursues you all of your days.

Friday, April 10, 2009

moai + ikigai

I first heard the about the 'ever closing social circle' a few years ago in a discussion about kids and them leaving the nest in the next four years. I had not thought of it like that until I watched my father as his parents died and we began the hard process of dissolving an earthly place of resisdence. Then I began to have thoughts about my future and how I would handle my own parents ... ok enough. I have made an ultimatum with my self, that God has promised today and I will not trip myself up by thinking on the dark side of the future.

In the book called 'Blue Zones' There is talk about moai a Japanese word for having a social network to keep you healthy and alive. I have been wondering about my very small moai and thinking that as we get older how the circle gets smaller and smaller. It will take work to make it bigger...

There is the Japanese word ikigai which means that which gives you purpose and is to help you live longer and better. I can get this word because I love dreams and passions. Dreams and passions light people up and make them alive! When these dreams and passions begin to touch others, the purpose of ours lives increase.

I believe 'moai' and 'ikigai' need to go together. Don't they feed off each other? I love 'It's a Wonderful Life' ever since I first saw it in college and was so moved by tears that I had to hide under the covers so my roommate wouldn't see my tears because it was such a powerful emotional experience to me. Our lives touch others every person we meet. I just don't think we get it....

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Friendship has been a life long search and disappointment for me. As I hit the middle road and have come to terms with what is in my life, I realize that my mother and father didn't have 'deep friendships' except each other and this is my heritage as well. We may be too deep or too tenacious for others that it seems like we are a bit peculiar.

I have been finding comfort in with Proverbs 18:24 ''A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.'' I love the but because being here in the verse means that I even as I am friendly that sometimes it just isn't going to work or be as deep as I like BUT there is a Friend who is so close to me and deep and joyful too. So with this knowledge tucked under my arm, I have decided to start jotting down the Bible truths in makes make a good friend and to put it into my life.

* Proverbs 18:24 = be friendly but it doesn't mean that you will always have friends but you will always have the FRIEND.
* Proverbs 18:1 = isolating yourself or being insular = selfish - our lives interconnect w/ everyone we meet.
(also isolating yourself means you have rage issues)
* Proverbs 27:9 = ointment & fragrance - friendship is about hearty healing counsel and delightful sweetness
''Ointment and Fragrance delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man's friend gives delight by hearty counsel.''
* Proverbs 27:17 = iron sharpens iron = it is important to FIGHT for the friendship
I did not like this verse because I do not anger or fighting but when I saw this as a Top Chef sharpening a knife against a piece of flint, I do not see anger or fighting but rather becoming a better me. I see the value of fighting for ''ship'' but not the fighting for being right.
* Col 2:2 If you are a believer, you are knitted together with other believers and this is ENCOURAGEMENT.
* Eph 5 - walking in love & redeeming the time
* Prov 17:9 - Harbor love not hate. When you think about the things you love about a person, you cover that person in love. When you think about the things you hate or even dislike, you cover that person in hate and begin to dislike that person.
* Eph 2:10; Gal 6:9- use your gifts
* Phil 4:5 - let your gentleness be known to all men.

I am sure that there is more for me on this search as I am always on the look out to be better. It is most interesting to see how God uses ''ships'' as His means of Design - marriage b/t man and woman, family, friendship etc. I love His Workings...

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

the trust factor ...

I've been muddling over trust in my heart for a long time. I felt the underlying issue with a dear friend now gone from my life by his choice was the lack of trust - I think in anyone who got to close. I guess it means he trusted no one. Plus God has spoken about TRUST in His Letter to us 134 times in the KJV alone. It is all over the Word. A verse to sum it up is Phil 3:3 ''Rejoice in the Lord & have no confidence in the flesh.''

So this dear friend now gone lacked trust in people so that is a good thing, right? NO. Just like a believer who is angry at someone or something is ultimately angry at God. So it is with trust. When a believer is distrustful of everyone and everything, they are ultimately distrustful of God! 'He just don't care or this life wouldn't be so hard!'

As a believer our full trust must belong to God and when that trust is in the Almighty, the trust trickles and overflows into all our relationships. This overflow helps in the best of times and most of all, in the worse of times. We are not abandoned in a trash heap of discarded relationships nor are we abandoned in 2 bit jobs when we would rather be living out our dreams and passions. When all is lost, WE ARE NOT. God knows exactly where we are.

Being discarded by what I held as a precious friendship, I could go on being distrustful in my relationships but I cannot. God knows just where I am at and has led me through many lessons that where hard but has given the richness of knowing that I am precious in His Sight and that I am taken care of. I could be hateful and harbor nasty thoughts against this person but I just cannot. I know that even though this person is lost to me not by my choice is seen and pursued by God. God loves him and wants the best for him too. The 2 bit jobs are lessons just as the realtor job he has now that is on shaky ground is God Designed for great things in this person's life even if it is hard and he is shouldering it alone without sharing.

{sighs} I keep on praying for a JOY break through and for his trust issues. We do live a WONDERFUL LIFE. In God's Word an ABUNDANT LIFE! John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have life more abundantly.

Joy in Christ = strength = Rejoicing in the Lord = trusting Him fully = life more abundant


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

enticed? do not consent ...

Have you had a deep think about ENTICEMENT? Isn't an enticement about something you have set as a no in your life like a value or a habit you wanted to break or a food that is a no no for your diet? I was reading along in Proverbs for my daily fix and notice enticement mentioned quite a bit. So I decided to give it a whirl.

I can't have chocolate in my life as I am allergic to cocoa and sugar. It is something I loved and am quite addicted to. It is definitely a huge enticement for me. Just last week the computer guy comes into the office to chatter about something geeky and guess what? A beautiful whiff of chocolate mixed with peanuts filled my nostrils. I blurted out, ''You've been eating chocolate!'' Oh boy, was that ever a ravishing scent!

Ahhh, enticement is something that you have set up in your life as something that is NOT GOOD FOR YOU for whatever reason. I know that I used something that isn't totally dangereous but gives me a horrific headache which means that it is killing brain cells.... Ok, maybe there is danger but it is lighthearted. But God is serious. He warns of enticement throughout His Word not to say NO to His beloved children but to protect them. It is super important to get a handle on ENTICEMENT.

I like to use certain words to help battle 'bad words'. An ABSOLUTE or a life choice are serious words when it comes to my values or good habits I want in my life. Keeping an ABSOLUTE in my life is affirming the hard work in the decision making I did to make my values stick or the experiences I had to go through because I was enticed and never want a repeat. The more vintage I become the more I want to seek God and His Word and the more I want a deep and passionate relationship with Him. He has never failed me nor will He ever. So to abide in Him and refuse enticement at all costs is most important to me.

Word Pix of enticement? Proverbs 7

''My son, if sinners ENTICE you, do not consent.
if they say, 'come with us, let us lie in wait to shed blood;
let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause;
Let us swallow them alive like Sheol, and whole,
like those who go down to the Pit;
We shall find all kinds of precious possessions,
we shall fill our houses with spoil; ...
My son, ....
but they lie in wait for their own blood,
they lurk secretly for their own lives ...
~Proverbs 4:10 & following verses

.. present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service.
And do NOT be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect
~ Romans 12:1-2


Saturday, April 04, 2009

fear involves torment...

there is NO FEAR in Love;
but Perfect Love casts out fear,
because fear involves torment,
but he who fears has not been made perfect in Love.
~ I John 4:18

Whoa! God keeps reminding me about FEAR NOT and I love it! This verse is quite intriguing too. I have been dragging out my little box and climbing on top and shouting on the top of my lungs 'FEAR NOT'. I have been putting the FEAR NOT in my circumstances but had not thought about the FEAR NOT in human relationships.

This is a great verse for mommies and daddies to share with their precious little ones in this big bad world. It answers great questions.... What is fear? torment of the body, mind, heart, & soul. When Love is there fear? NO WAY! So he/she doesn't love me if he/she hits me? NOOOOOO. What is perfect love? Child, the question is WHO is Perfect Love? That would be God your Heavenly Father. So if I fear than I am not made perfect in Love? That is right, Child But I fear sometimes... Yes, I fear sometimes too but it is a feeling that I put away by reading God's Word. The torment flees and I FEAR NOT.

I have been putting FEAR NOT in my relationship with God. It is the only way I can turn from fear. ~It is about either believing the Word of God or the lies of the evil one.~ I test my thoughts against this new and power life phrase I keep front and center. Who else loves to torment besides the evil one? If I FEAR NOT, than the tormentor cannot have his way with me!

Why be tormented?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Revelation thoughts

* Believers represent ROYALTY.
* Have you signed the one & only PEACE TREATY?
* There is green grass still after the 7th seal has been broken! (Rev 8:7)

Just some tidbits from listening to Steven Davies on BNN. I have been feeling the dangerous edge for two people in my life - a co-worker & a high school friend. They are in my life because they want to be. They are difficult for me but why else are they there but to be a witness that God is God? (Isa 43:12) I have digging into God's Word & asking God to let His Word bubble up when the decisions get scary for me...