Saturday, August 02, 2008

Why twitter?

1. Being a writer want-to-be, I thought this would be a good challenge for me. You have 149 spaces to write an answer to "What are you doing?" I have decided to really stay focused and make sure that every answer is an action and not a state of being. Sure if I have space, I will hopefully add interesting tidbits, too. I aim to make my replies to others an action too. When you read the tweets of others, there is often replies that leave you out of the loop. It is suppose to be a rolling conversation. I want my experience to be inclusive enough to allow anyone to jump in and tweet at any time.

2. I have noticed that phone calls from friends often include the question "What are you doing?" I have to admit that question has annoyed me in the past! The obvious answer is that I am sitting here with phone in hand talking to you! The underlying answer is that what I may be doing in my life seem uninteresting enough to share with you. So why twitter to this question if it annoys me? Now, that is a question! Hmmm, I feel that what we do with our lives is important even the mundane stuff. It is intertwined with our being valuable and with a purpose. So, this answering the question of what I am doing is allowing me to stop and pay attention to the moment and make sure I am living beautifully and doing beautifully with thought.

3. I read somewhere that Twitter is about having a conversation and it is a conversation with everyone all over the world. I am conversation deprived. When alone for long periods of time and the walls begin to lack luster, conversation wants to be heard by another human being. I am hoping to send my actions and thoughts out into the wide abiss and see if I get any message in the bottle back. Just maybe I will strike up a webbie friend or two or more. And just maybe a webbie friend or two will become a more sustain and substantial conversation. Good and rich for both.

*topping* - I can tweet anytime with email. It is nice when I cannot be 'online'!

*You can see my tweets on the side column ->

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