Sunday, August 10, 2008

individual vs community ...

The word is that there are no words for the Opening Ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics. It was pure magic and ingenious to an extreme. I keep trying to go over the many visuals like a student at the feet of a master. It had the yin yang thing going on where the contrasts were put together. You had soft next to loud, child next to solder, simple next to complex, and tall next to small. I liked everything from the massive drums to the writing blocks done with human power to the green starmen to the globe with walking men to the touch lighting to the piece of artwork that was made through out the night including the march of athletes making the canvas come alive with color not to mention the child drawing in a smiley face for the sun. Just too beautiful because as I say I loved one, I go to the next and say I love it too.

As I was watching the printing blocks go up and down and the camera was taking in all the angles, I just knew that people where under those making them work before the secret was revealed by all of them popping through with huge smiles. I just could not help but think on the 2008 drummers and these printing blocks (etc) about the huge amount of people coming together and making this work in precise patterns. It is the Chinese picture. Few in power with many working together for the common cause unlike here in the USA where our actions are more individualistic. (I must note that both are creative in there own way.) I will never think one is better than the other because there should be a balance. Rather, my thoughts strayed to the concept of relationships in China.

If the people work together with such precision are they ever lonely? Do they ever want for companionship? Do they ever feel the need to step out of their box and let everything hang out? If they don't have little outburst episodes, aren't they hiding? Hmmm, just thinking aloud.

I am more of an individual type of person more because of how I am made. I don't follow the crowd because ... oh well, just because! I see a different way open before me and yet I carry this burden of aloneness. I keep seeking and so I wander ! And Tolkien said "All that wonder are not lost." {!!!}

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