Sunday, August 31, 2008

communication needs ...

Dear Heavenly Father,
I was reading over the cave stuff that happens to a man. I am pretty sure that I really messed it all up back in '05. I knew that he was the type of guy that was never far from his cave. I also knew that once he was gone, it was highly doubtful that he would come back. I thought I knew the 'right things' to do. I failed miserably. I even had sworn off self-help books then and as I am tackling the male communication, I throw up my hands. How in the world is a female and male ever going to properly communicate with all the special needs each one has yet are so incapable of giving to each other? I even see the 'miscommunication' in my own parents at times! They are truly committed to each other yet they miss those connection needs.

So I throw up my hands and give it all up to You. I cannot go unlearn all that self-help and even as I contemplate throwing it all out the window, I can't seem to because there is some wisdom here. Dear Creator of Marriage, show me the way. As I learn to speak male, I want Your Hands and Your Paths to rise up and meet me. I will follow. I will also let go. I don't want to be burden anymore by past mistakes and future ones that I will be sure to make. I want to be humble and seek for forgiveness when I make a misstep (if I have to make them mistakes - grr!) For now, I will seek Your Word for communication skills - You do say to pursue love ...

Thank You for making males and females. Thank You for communication needs of each. Thank You that You made marriage and that You are in the union of the perfect matches.

~always seeking contentment in Your Paths for me
Your little one

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