Saturday, January 28, 2006

what makes her attractive?

*e3=excitement + enthusiam + exuberance
*positive action
*monster smiles
*keeping of dreams
*creating passion
*DELIGHTing & SAVORing!!!
*declaring His attributes
*claiming victory

'Be faithful in the small things
because it is in them
that your strength lies.'
~Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. Those are amazing words for beauty...

    True beauty... inner beauty radiating outwards... fragrant beauty... the heart of a woman... ~beautiful~

    ...the heart of you... ~beautiful~

    I love that quote by Mother Teresa, there is a lot of truth there... I remember reading something by Elizabeth Elliot where she was talking about when her husband was martyred and she was left as a widow with a baby daughter and how she got through by just 'doing the next thing'... and sometimes that's exactly what we need to be... women who are faithful in the small things, who do the next thing... persevering even when things are painful and tough...

    ...a pure beauty that comes when we are being faithful as we walk through the fires...
