Tuesday, January 17, 2006

keeper of dreams...

'Achievement first begins with BELIEF'

my dearest friend,
I so believe in you and the man you dream to be. I see all of your dreams and I can't wait for them to unfold for you. I believe in your passions. No one .. not even the everyday work ... can hold you back but you. Stand tall!!! Fly!!!! I have listened with a tear in my heart. I am a dream keeper .... I've got yours and I send my KingdomMail to the Almighty often on your behalf. Believe the dreams you have whispered to me. I do!
~ always dream-keeping

my dearest girlfriend,
I am so excited for you. You dreamed a dream. You made your steps. Sure unbelief made his ugly visit every so often. You fought back hard. You are strong by the Everlasting Arms holding you up. You believed. Faith and trust is hard lessons, but our Teacher is Ever-Faithful and fully Trusted. I am a dream keeper.... I've got yours all laid out in my KingdomMail. Know you are well kepted!
~ always dream-keeping

love a quote: hands in His

1 comment:

  1. ((((Keeper))))

    Yes you are a Keeper of dreams... your own and others... you pour out KingdomMail and it is humbly and with gratitude known... i am well kept... there is no deeper way you could share these journeys than this... heartfelt *thank you* from us both...
