Saturday, September 06, 2008

shod your feet with shine ...

What does it mean to shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace (Eph 6:15)?

I took this question out with me on my Saturday walk. I think it will be a question that the answer will come more clearer with more and more understanding when I live and seek it for a while if not a lifetime!

What I know of peace is that I learn more when strife and frustration are out of the picture. The more I am hitting my head against the self-imposed brick wall the more pain, bumps, and bruises than any actual growth and understanding. So if I decide to stick my feet into peace, I am not kicking up dirt and obstacles into the path of others. It is living inside my 'box' and spattering my moods and attitudes all over others. It is harboring love not hate or transgressions. It is imitating of God and living like Jesus Christ. When I living peacefully with others, it lays down the preparation - a place of seeking and understanding. Then the Gospel can work without me getting in the way!

The other thing I know about peace is that when I am at true and wonderful peace, I can let the world thrash about without fear! I know Who holds me and He has told me that He works all things - even the bad things - for my good. He also gives me good gifts and He gives me what I need. So when I am feeling the good gift is very sour and that I am wanting, I know that He is much wiser and it time to be content in all things! 'For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.' ~ Rom 8:18 I have been very restless and doing my own bit of thrashing about. Now that I have struggled through my God-Lesson on peace, I don't want to go back. Even now I falter every but I get back to reciting and talking back to the unrest. I believe peace is a shelter and when others see that in me maybe they will seek it out for themselves.

'But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the Perfect Day.' Prov 4:18.

tiny feet

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