Friday, February 16, 2007

questions asked...

1. What are you most passionate about?
painting on glass, writing, my pups, my family, my home, joy, blue, journeys, adventures ...
2. What are the THREE things for which you are MOST thankful?
my faith, my family & pups, my deeeepest friendships

3. Other than your parents, who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
It would have to be God. He has been with me through the thick of it and I have found great and many wonders in Him like Joy! I was once named 'dark valley' but He has given me the name 'from the dark valley blooms Joyful one'. Because He filled my heart with creativity, I can delight and savor His Creation through the eyes of an artist.
4. The four things your friends say about you are:
Creative, Loyal, Good Listener, Quiet

5. What are three of your BEST life-skills?
*Finding creative solutions to everyday problems
*Remaining calm yet resilient during a crisis
*Being a good friend and companion

6. What is the most important quality that you are looking for in another person?
Someone who is not afraid of working hard for the relationship .. a hard working team player. Someone who is strong in dwelling in possibility. Someone who shows up and is willing to share the good times as well as the bad times. Someone who knows without a doubt that the sharing makes the relationship richer.
7. Other than your appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you?
quiet person! It takes time for me to warm up to you but when I do .. surprise!

8. What is the ONE thing that people DON'T notice about you right away that you WISH they WOULD?
I am not some lost puppy in need of mothering! Asking questions is a way to figure out the next step...

9. How do you typically spend your leisure time?
painting, writing, reading, walking

10. What are five things that you "can't live without?"
JOY of the Lord, paint & glass, pen, imagination, CALM

11. Describe the last book that you read and enjoyed. What was it about? What did you like most about it?
*Tolkien's The Lord of the Ring series (not a book I would have normally read and was surprised! I love it)
*Captivating (painful to read but to understand the war on a woman's soul is powerful)
*The Barbarian Way (sparks off-roading with God)
*the Zone 'Diet' books (teaches you the balance of food)
*The Love Languages of God (real insight into how God uses our love language to love us and how we in turn love Him back)
*God Works the Night Shift (very powerful eye opening way to look at our dark nights - now hooked on all the author's (Ron Mehl) writings)

12. Describe one thing about yourself that only your best friends know.
Even though I ask why and have deep thoughts, empathy is a special gift that tugs at my heart. Like with all gifts, one must stay in awe of its power.

13. Is there any additional information you would like others to know about you?
I am very tenacious. I have warm expressive eyes. I have a lot of fire when it comes to those people or things passionate about. "Bright eyes gladden the heart" prov. 15:30

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