Monday, September 04, 2006

save blue pumpkins for me ...

I am so sad and very worried. I haven't said much about my concern over the yellowing or dying part of the pumpkin vine. I just thought I would be over run with blue pumpkins. After yesturday's look I may get two nice bush babies and one but very doubtful jarrahdale. Last week I got my first look at the jarrahdales with two babies and a bump. The bump and one baby is gone. I cannot find them. The jarrahdale that is left seemed wet. (?)

On the other side of the vine the bush babies stem where they are being fed is rotting. I was examining one and the stem was so weak it released the bush baby in my hands. I am sooooo sad and discouraged.

These blue pumpkins are still green.... makes me nerveous that I haven't seen them go blue. Their time is short.... please keep for me...

The weather has cooled but the orange pumpkins go until October. Well, I just hoped too hard .. trying for something once again that was not meant to be...

mad chow : jarrahdales finally