Saturday, September 23, 2006

the breakdown of breakup smarts ...

1) Stop eating sour grapes
'whoever eats sour grapes—his own teeth will be set on edge' jer 31:30
If something is unclear, if there is rejection, if there is a disappearance, if there is neglect, if there is abuse in a relationship, then you are eating sour grapes. Feeling edgy? No wonder!

2) Step away / See clearly
Step away to allow breathing room. (they recommend 60days no contact) See clearly. If you need to write down the break up and translate it into words that you understand better. Painful but needed. Moves you quicker through the searing blindness and onto your furture.

3) Take your hands off the wheel
Stop controlling. Even if you think you have the hands off approach down pat, there are still stuttle ways to sneak the hands onto the wheel. Yup, that means no knees either!

4) Own your life journey
To live deeply is to own every experience that comes your way. Inhale and feel it evade every part of your being so that you are not an empty vessel.

5) Celebrate the classy balanced superfox that you are
You are valueable to this world. All your gifts, talents, and dreams that are in you are made to be given out to those that come into your world. So make sure you take care of you!

ok temper tantrum

Enough with the break up part, huh? Yeah, I've had enough of it too. It sure helped me step back into my future. Yes, break ups are a part of life, but what about caretaking and make ups? I am a very stedfast person. I have deep roots. I use to be bold and try to tackle relationship issues head on until that didn't work. I feel that you should be able to discuss a problem without winning. Find the smallest but most real thorn and make changes for the next leg of the journey. How else are you to have a really good deep marriage or relationship? How do you say 'that hurts don't do it again.' It is troubling to me to see my friends' marriages breaking up. It is painful to have a family member disrespect me and then get angry with me for trying to say don't. It just broke more because I tried to pursue the issue to fix it up. So that is what I am searching and will be revealing my discoveries here. Heads up with hope - there has to be some makeup smarts out there!

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