Saturday, May 06, 2006

people whispering ...

A horse-whisperer does not go to people to get information on a particuliar horse. No, he observes from afar and gets closer until he is scratching underneath the chin and looking directly into those deep dark eyes. He is listening to every movement and detail. Yes, he is actually listening to the very voice of the horse. Horses do speak! He then knows what the horse is good at and draws out though those strengths. He never forces the horse beyond his limits. Rather he pushes on the horse's strengths to exceed. Big difference.

As the horse-whisperer so the people-whisperer needs to be conscious of these two concepts. You have to go directly to the source and not depend on other people to get a tempurature of the person or the situation. It muddles your read. You damage the person much like when a horse is forced beyond what the knee can put out. You just put down the person for the sake of your own wishes.

It is all about the person's path and his God-Given gifts and talents that he was brought into this world with and not some other agenda. Much like the horse-whisperer, a people-whisperer must keep his hands off the reigns. No pushing buttons. That is forcing the person beyond his limits. Pushing buttons is weaking the soul. Its breaking the spirit. That is dangereous to have on your hands. Listen to the strengths. Get to know the needs.

1a. Do not whisper in my ear about all the other person's feelings. You just stopped listening to my own heartache.
1b. Stop whispering to others what you think other people feel. Make them go listen.
2. Stop pushing my buttons!

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