Wednesday, July 13, 2005

resist ... you are not alone....

There was many dark things happening in Middle-earth and they had gathered at Rivendell to seek widsom. Elrond the Elf-king speaks:
'You have done well to come. You will hear today all that you need in order to understand the purposes of the Enemy. There is naught (nothing) that you can do, other than to resist, with hope or without it. But you do not stand alone. You will learn that your trouble is but part of the trouble of all the western world. from the The Lord of the Rings chapter the Council of Elrond

Key points is you must always resist and that you are not alone. 'The Alone,' where you are at your least value and worth when no one seems to be there to cover your back, is when you are going to be vulnerable to the Black Riders and their Black Breath. You wonder why lone shadows or a pack of lone shadows blow up themselves and others? Go back to your most lonely times you will find a moment or two where you faultered. What did you feel?

That is how terror strikes. The Black Riders are here. Lurking around in dark shadows. Don't walk alone. But remember to cover other's backs as well. The world is built to be relational. There is work for men and women alike.

I have been using the Lord of the Ring for my thoughts on terror. I find in the pages a guide or maybe more like a curtain drawn back. It is like going up in the airplane and looking down rather than trying to understand from the murky shadows here on earth. It fills me with hope and a since of a mission to take care of my world. To cherish LIFE and to spread beauty. You must live and cherish all lives as well as your own. And the only way to change the ugly shadows on this earth is to open up windows and let in the Beautiful Light. I have strong joy. I am not afraid. I have a purpose in this day and age.

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