Monday, June 20, 2005

"HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU" (all grown up ... a mirror truth)

A big push that is changing the single women of America is this book called ‘’He's Just Not That Into You" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo . Of course Greg has been on Oprah not just once but twice. The women ask the same question dressed up in a thousand different ways, but the same message is HE IS JUST NOT INTO YOU. It seems to take women a while to hear the message, but it sinks in slowly. And it doesn't hurt like it use to. In fact there is a bit of confidence that begins to grow.

The second part of the message is "DON’T WASTE PRETTY". On a personal level as an observer, the theory works. The rejected woman use to walk by the mirror and say what is wrong with me? Now she can walk by the mirror and say, "Something is wrong with him. I got it going on. If he doesn't want to be near this beauty than so be it." She just stoped giving him excuses. Again, growth is slow but well worth it. Love your new confidence.

Another qoute from Oprah: ‘’ Believe what the person is saying to you the first time.’’

Yes, believe him the first time. "He is just not that into you if he disappears." (sucks in a deep breath) Don't disappear from a vibrant life that you have. It is tasting life more not less. Get busy and do what makes you passionate. (wipes tears) The mirror's reflection will begin to reflect all the inside beauty outward. You will glow. You will have to keep nuturing yourself in this growth always, but it gets better. MORE NOT LESS.

She's just not that into ...
She's just not that into inconsistancy. She's just not that into being a doormat. She's just not that into being benched in the journey of life. She's just not that into being used for her beauty. She's just not that into her brains being overlooked. She's just not that into still being considered like Eve cursed because she ate the apple. She's just not that into being shallow. She's just not that into being lonely.

She will have consistancy. She will be hard worker. She will journey. She will be beautiful inside and out. She will love and be confortable in her brain. She will be the woman God wants and designed her to be. She will be deep. She will love herself enough alone if she has to because she really is not alone. She walks with her Warrior God.

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