Sunday, October 29, 2006

to keep / to throw out ...

I spent all day yesturday cleaning out Grandma's house keeping momentos and putting other things in either the trash pile, goodwill pile, or the auction pile. It is mentally tough. Going into this I didn't have the full story (which is a family communication problem). I thought it would be a few hours but no. So by the time 7pm came around I was tired and very hungry. I could bearing keep my eyes open but as my head hit the pillow, my eyes opened and my brain raced.

It was over thinking what to keep and what to let go in over drive. I even woke up early to these same thoughts. What is one to do when trying to keep things simple and yet hold on to keepers? I know I will need to have some major clean outs in my own home. And on the brain raced what to keep and what to throw out...

The auction is happening the weekend before Thanksgiving and as soon as the auction is through, my aunt will be heading out west to Arizona. She deserves a break and a new place to begin again. Yet, I can't help but feel weird. I really don't know how to explain it but like a dream happening to you and you wake up to find it is real. I do wish my Aunt well on this new journey. Yet, I wonder ...

I guess with the holidays fast approching, it really doesn't give the heart or the mind time to move through this at a simple pace.

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