Friday, October 27, 2006

buddy system ...

I was viewing several scenarios where having a buddy makes life easier. They followed it up with 'you must be tied to someone to live.' Of course I am grabbing my soapbox and making mental notes. Come on! Am I the only one getting this? Am I the only one listening?

The buddy system is not for just for swimming or mountain climbing! It should be learned in kindergarten. Oh, wait! It is taught in kindergarten. I distinctly remembering holding hands in lines ups for the big things like fire drills and for not getting lost on a field trip! So why is it so hard for adults to adhere to the buddy rule?

The buddy system is made for the deep waters and the rough mountain climbs. Remember Life is a journey. No, not an easy one but it is adventeous. You are always to check in or check on your buddy just in case the water is too much or the terrain to steep. Life is deep waters and major tough terrain too. No, it is not made to go it alone! God has it built into our lives via family and marriage. Through out the Bible, there are countless 'be your brother's keeper' stories. It does make your life more bearable but it also keeps you from giving into temptation and from just plain giving up! Plus, connecting with a buddy during the lean times makes the relationship stronger and life more enjoyable!

You must be tied to a buddy to live!

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