Friday, October 27, 2006

thought of you the other day .. married?

"I thought that was you! How are you doing? Are you married yet?" An old male acquaintance from my days of working at a card and bookstore in the mall stopped me while I was making my Target run.

"Hi you. Doing well. No, not married. How are you doing?" Oh, good grief! Here we go again. What do you say about not being married?

"I was thinking about you the other day thinking you would have landed a man and be married with kids by now! Boyfriend?" He kept going!


"What is wrong with the guys out there?"


"Are you even out there looking?"


"Well, why not?"

"I don't know. Easier."

"Where are working?" The conversation moves to safer ground for me and we talk about work. But then it goes back to my the lack of a man in my life. So I asked ...

"How is your life?" No, not the exact wording here.

"I have an eight week old baby. A mid life crisis baby. I have a 15 year old girl and a 12 year old boy."

"Ahh, so the little one is the easiest for now."

"Yes!" (Ok, here it is... ) "Wow! I can't believe you aren't snatched up! If I was married, I would be all over you! Good to see you. Take care!"

What am I to feel after that conversation? Why is the past coming at me twice today? God? Am I suppose to be getting something here?

I have asked myself a million times why I don't have a man in my life. There is more to it than the boy friend and the husband part. No man has ever 'looked', pursued, and chose me. Meaning I have had no boyfriend or significant other in all my 30something years. So yeah, a big deal to sort out. So if I don't have a self-ward-shallow-hal syndrome ... then was it the fat suit...

WAIT .. I get it .. You, Heavenly Father, is testing my rudie nudie dash. No more thoughts about what I have done or haven't done to catch a mate. Just keep the focus on rudie nudie dash and know without a doubt that God has looked, pursued, and chose me!!!

busting invisible

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