Thursday, October 26, 2006

hiding places ...

Dear Heavenly Hiding Place,
I have been listening to stories of King David. (love it!) Well, in reality the story is between the space of time where David was anointed to be king and when he actually became king. Here David is hiding out in caves for fear that King Saul would take his life.

You choose him. You anointed him. Your Presence was with him and no longer with King Saul. He was a great and proven warrior from killing the giant Goliath to slaying whole armies. In fact the women back home where singing of his might. But you wouldn’t know with him hiding out in the caves.

It can be argued that David was in hiding because He did not trust You to spare his life. But who would dare walk around the land if you where on every wanted poster? Did not David go into the inner chambers to soothe King Saul’s mind? Did not Saul even try to take his life while the music played? So I really wonder if You placed David (the king in waiting) in a hidden place.

This stuck me. My evening weeps are full of anguish and yes, doubts. I keep struggling to hold to Your Faithfulness. So if you put King David in hiding, have You placed me in a hiding place? I have sooooo much within my heart like love and joy yet I feel as if I am held back. I feel so small and useless. Everything that I once had at my disposal has been taken. What I do offer is discarded. My dreams and passions have my eyes focused on a bright place but darkness has covered my little flickering light beam. I am not wanting to hide in Your Sheltering Wings. I would rather get out there and do what my heart pants for. But all I am doing is whimpering in the dark.

I am encouraged by King David. I can look though his journal and see from the hiding places his despair to his longings and to the great words of his admiration of You. The hiding places taught him to dwell in You and feed on Your Faithfulness. His adventurous journey was surely full of mystery, but I can reflect upon this King David’s life and rejoice in You the King of kings and Your Divine Hiding Places.

Love You always,
me in a hiding place

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