Saturday, March 15, 2008

to rid a clinger ...

Guess I will try to recreate a lost blog entry...

If you are a male in need of getting rid of some girl that has taken a shine to you and you have been NICE to her and seemed to have shared great a great friendship, DO NOT JUST VANISH! Be mean and make her hate you. It is the kindest thing you could ever do for her. By making her hate you, you have allowed her to get rid of you quicker and on to her life. But noooooo you think you are being nice by just pooof goooone. What you are really doing is allowing you to stay in her life. All those good memories put up a real hard fight against your disappearance. The girl makes all kinds of excuses for you. It does not matter even if she has finally stopped obsessing over you, there are those moments that she still gives you credit over herself. You probably think that is just fine that you still look good in character when you should be classified as a monster and a bounty on your head for being a deserter.

If you are a girl in need of ridding yourself from a guy who has deserted you for no obvious reason, GET MAD. Stop being nice to him and be kind to yourself. He has told you that you are not good enough for him by not being man enough to face you. Translate that to the real equation: He is not good enough for you! He is not what you want. You want someone to say hello and STAY!!!!!!!!! He is a toxic clinger not you! So you are all alone. Horizons look bleak. Purge the old. Now is the time to be who you want to be. Make a list and start seeking this out before God.


  1. I just read that Ian Usher, a 44 yo brit who married an aussie girl and became an Australian, is selling everything - I mean everything even down to his clothes - on ebay due to the fact his 5 year marriage ended. He says he loved his Australian life but this was his way of ending everything and starting over fresh! Wow!

    Oh if you want to bid he put his 'life package' which includes a two week trial at his job (selling rugs), check it out on ebay. It starts out at $1 bid. He is hoping for $500.000!

    What a way to deal with clinger memories!

  2. footnote-
    By the sounds of it, he had a lot of nice things ...

    funning the things aren't the things of life ... it is those pesky relationships.
