Monday, March 24, 2008

numbering my days ...

So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
~psalms 90:12

Today I will be 14,244.75 days old. I've been feeling pangs of a mid-life crisis coming on or rather just feeling very lethargic about my life. So as I am trying to flame up my life, I noticed Psalms 90 a psalm by Moses. It isn't really a fun passage rather it talks about the bad days. I am still trying to wrap my mind around it all for myself.

Dear Heavenly Father,
As I tackle each day whether it is a good one or a not so good one, I am learning to lean on You every moment. I want a heart of wisdom. To be sage like I think is a wonderful fulfillment of what is possible in me. I am in a haze and I am trying so hard to bring my passions center stage. I am entering days ahead that seem soooooo lonely but I have You. I number Your Presence on my life pages. Thank You for creating me and at times that seems hard to utter. Then I realized that I have let the enemy in. I need to keep You in the doorway. You are my Hiding Place. I am Your creation. I pray to be a vessel, a light, and salt ...
Huge Huggers to You, my Designer and Creator.
~always much love,
your daughter

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