Sunday, June 08, 2008

wisdom + God's Glory ...

I have been thinking about Wisdom. In Proverbs Wisdom* is linked together with Understanding and Knowledge and I often wondered about this so much that I wasn't even sure what Wisdom was. It seemed to lofty and high for me to get. Then I landed on Learning. Knowledge is what you learn. What you learn is what you understand. What you understand you begin to put into your life. What knowledge you begin to use in your life shows up as growth. The growth has got to be wisdom!

* Through Wisdom a house is built, and by Understanding it is established; by Knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. ~ proverbs 24:3-4

With relinquishing the No's in my life and putting my eyes on the yeses, my eyes still want to look at those precious No's and figure out the whys. I still pray for understanding on those No's when I realized that I really need to stop looking at my want list or rather use my want list with the No's beside them as a launch pad and ask for wisdom and learning for what is my life. But further than that what is Wisdom without God's Presence? Yes, you can have all the wisdom in the world but without God in it, it is quite useless. Note: King Solomon.

My want list includes a great guy (yes, there is a nice long laundry list here even more so after the big fat NO but it is too long to add here), a condo (a bit of list here too>, and to write for a living. I will continue to work on the writing bit but I am revamping my prayers to include the Wisdom with God's Presence. I have learned a ton from that great guy who cut and run and left me without a clue. There is much Wisdom here and I could not have learned it or make use of it without God. I don't want to loose this. I am afraid too that I won't be bold as a lion when it comes time for me to really put all this guy learning to the test. I don't want to get stuck on being guyless or husbandless, even friendless. I want to be full and abundant as God intended me to live. So as I go forth with my eyes on what yeses I have, I want God here in it all. I want to learn all I can and be content with this life He has given me.

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
~James 1:2-8

I know I can bring my needs to God and I believe we can bring our wants too. But I fail at praying for wisdom. What I have missed here is that even though it is hard to relinquish the No's, it should not be that hard to ask for Wisdom and believe that God will bring the knowledge and open my heart to understand. I am very thirsty for learning and especially the God kind. What I know for sure is that guys can come and go and pretty much be a panty-waste when it comes to me, but God has come through in a huge way. He isn't afraid and He keeps me. I am pretty much a keeper in His eyes. He has a purpose for me. So what do I have to lose when I am learning and growing? God's Voice is not silent when He is in the Wisdom!!

Better rethink those times you think God is silent!!!

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways seek Him and He shall direct your paths. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

Rejoice in the Lord and have no confidence in the flesh. ~Phil 3:3

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