Sunday, June 01, 2008

life God-lived ...

Trouble, trouble, toil, and trouble... I can see the witches stirring their brew in Shakespeare's Macbeth. My soul feels the trouble, trouble, toil, and trouble in the world today as hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, drought, flood, and tornadoes tear up and eat away the fleshy part of earth. It is not just the wrath of nature but the human demise as well. Just look at the character miming of those in office or seeking the office. Just look at the way of a country founded on the Bible and on God that has taken prayer out of the public and is rather loose with taking His name in vain.

I was just lamenting with my Mom the other day over the nature, gas prices, food prices, genetically altered food, and the fate of our country. I keep going back to the Abraham and his request to save Sodom and Gomorrah. Is there enough of us Christians to save the country and the world?

Anyways today Ravi talked about Daniel and how he choose to eat God's way instead of the foods offered to the idols. Daniel choose to live differently in the land that captured him. He made a difference and changed 3 kings lives. That in time when the world seems like it is winning and you are captured with in this mess, you must stay true to God and His Word. "You cannot argue against a life well lived.'' This was Ravi's closing line and it caught me. Of course, me and my word fetish, I had to change but I shall let this echo with in and make sure that I hold my head up and live as purely and beautifully as I can. I have a certain someone who has been attacked repeatedly while serving his country and I think I need to send encouragement. He has not fallen into public depression and he has not faltered. He loves God and it shows.

You cannot argue against a life God-lived

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