Monday, June 02, 2008

relinquish the no's - eyes on yes ...

Ahhh, King David, my favorite Bible character... You know that God told David 'NO' on his desire to build God a home. David did not throw a fit and become a bitter old man. He did get excited that his son Solomon would be the one chosen.

So the key points to remember and to live out:
1. relinquish the NO's
2. put gratitude on God's Allowances - eyes on the yeses!!
from Steven Davies, radio speaker

My soul was pricked. Some no's seem easy to let go and there are others that just sooooo painful to let slip through your fingers. I am so thankful that it just doesn't stop with relinquishing but the best step forward is that focusing on the yes. It just isn't that he vanished but rather that I got to know someone, love, and even feel that I wasn't a misfit because there was someone else was like me too. {sighs}

I had a weekend where I was thinking about the past. God has a way of having the last word even when I had decided not to speak to Him about my racing mind. I knew what He wanted me to do but I that other part of me wanted to wallow. Why? I haven't a clue. Oops, hear the voice from the back? She is saying that she doesn't understand, hopes he comes back, and quite possibly is that she is selfish.

Self control is hard work but training the mind to think on God's yeses has got to change and whip that selfish beast into submission!!!

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