Wednesday, January 30, 2008

sharp & straight ...

My dear children,
Do not be nice people. I know I used to say nice matters and in a way it does but only in kindness and respect. You are living in a world full of ulgy and meaness. You will get your heart broken and you just might find your heart getting hardened. I don't want that for you. Your Heavenly Father doesn't want that for you.

I want you to be joyful in the Lord as it is your strength, staight and sharp like an arrow, and majestic in your pace like a lion unhindered by the enemy. That is why I bring us together as a family in our quiet time and why I challenge us all to dig deep in God's Word on all the issues that come up in world. I love our family discussions. I challenge you to hide His Word but also to it to us. I love your different views and get excited over your discoveries! I see how His Word lights up your eyes. When you leave the nest, I want you to be able to continue this in your own life and start it up in the families you will create.

Nehamiah 8:10 ~ The Joy of the Lord is my strength. A simple verse that you have hidden in your heart and a challenge we have done daily make Joy a priority in all that we do.

Proverbs 127 ~ You are the arrows staight and sharp in my quiver. As I release you out into your world with all your dreams, passions, and purpose, my fullest desire is to never stray. Stay in love with God. He is the best Keeper ever and He makes not only your way straight, He makes you straight and very sharp. You won't get lost or fall short. Act on His Love Letter.

Proverbs 28:1 ~ The righteous are as bold as lions and what about a lion that makes them bold? The pace of the lion is described as stately in their stride and retreats at nothing. Wow!!! There is a time to retreat and hide when your safety is in question whether it is physical or spiritual. But there is a time to be bold and it is your faith. Be proud of God and let God be proud of you and delight over you. You do that by walking in right ways. Don't question His Promises. Believe them. Be the lion!

The bigest most precious of all truths is to be soft. Guard against the hardening of your heart. You know my home is always open to you just as God's Arms will always welcome you. No matter the missteps or heartache that you fall into, we will always take you back. Never ever feel that you have done something so wrong that we could never love you. If you don't know how to 'fix' things back up, remember you can't only God can.

Happy is the man who is always reverent, but he who HARDENS his heart will fall into calamity. ~ Proverbs 28:14
He who is often rebuked , and HARDENS his neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. ~ Proverbs 29:1

Keep straight. Keep sharp. Keep Joy of the Lord. Keep bold. Keep soft.

I love you and I believe in all your dreams, passions, and purpose. Go!!!!

huge huge huggers my luvs,
always your biggest mommers

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