Thursday, January 03, 2008

hiding place ...

This song happened to come across the radio waves on a station that plays hymn music. I love this radio station because the old greats are so soothing and fortifying to my soul. This radio station is very picky in choosing new up-to-date songs. If they like a new song, it must fit the old hymn like feel. This song did just that for me. I went to find the words and realized that it is a now song. Quite surprised!

What grabbed my attention was 'hiding place'. I often go to the Psalms because King David is my favorite Bible author and my favorite Bible character. I need to do a word study on 'hiding place' to see how many times it is mentioned in the Psalms. I did a quick check using the internet and was disappointed in finding two places in the Psalms. I don't think it took in the account the times David mentions 'hiding in God' etc. I think it needs a human study...

Check out this verse from Proverbs where David's son is writing down God-Wisdoms. "A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself; the simple pass on and are punished" Prov 27:12. What about having a God-Confidence? Wow. Again it takes a balance to hide and to stand firm. You must do both. They walk hand in hand.

Here is the song:

There is a hiding place where hope is born.
In a time of danger, when our faith is proved
There is a hiding place where we are loved.

There is a hiding place, a strong protective space,
Where God provides the grace to persevere;
For nothing can remove us from the Father's love,
Tho' all may change, yet nothing changes here.

In a time of sorrow, in a time of grief,
There is a hiding place to give relief.
In a time of weakness, in a time of fear,
There is a hiding place where God is near.
~ Bryan Jeffery Leech


  1. This Blog is so cool and I hope you have a great day you deserve it..most people do:).

  2. Dear ananymous,
    Wow, thank you for your vote of confidence! Hard to come by =) Again thank you. ~k
