Sunday, January 06, 2008

divine power of love ...

I have two stories to tell today. They are true stories. I hope I remember them well and tell them well.

1st story is about a woman and a man who are married and in love. They have children. The man has to go to another country for a job, I think. He writes home often. One day the woman receives a letter from him saying that he will not write her anymore that he has fallen in love with another woman. The woman is a mess and doesn't know how to tell her children about their father. The children know something is up with their dad because their mother isn't doing very well at hiding the tears. One of the children asks if they will be getting any more letters from their father. Knowing that she is caught, she must tell them the true. "No, your father has fallen in love with another woman." The children think a moment and come back to her with a question, "Is it ok that we still love our father even though he doesn't love us back? Would you tell him to write us letters anyway so that we can love him still?"

(ok, the story does not end here ... !)

The letters from father continued to come and mother continued to read them to the children. One day a letter came for her and this was the most painful for her to read. This letter contained the news that he had cancer and would not be living long. The request he had hit really hard and what would she do. He requested that from her that she save back some money and send to his new family saying it was from him. He had no money left and he didn't want his new family to run into destitution. She sent back a letter saying that what she could do was have the new family come live with her and she would help them learn the new language and get them set up here.

Wow, that is loving! This is the second time that I have gotten the nudge that I can still love someone even though they don't love me back. I must eat my words! I am always spouting off that love is work. The hardest work is loving someone without getting love back in return. And... isn't this what God has done and continues to do?

The next story is about love and time and a true story.

A solder in the midst of a fury of battle with bullets raging on all sides was told to get to on saving the fallen conrads by his commanding officer. However, he hesitated and kept his eyes on his watch. It seemed ages before he finally looked at his watch one last time and then began pulling his fallen buddies to the rescue. After the firefight he was asked why he hesitated and what was so important about his watch. He said that he wasn't a christian and he didn't know about life after death but his mother told him before he left to read the Bible and that at a certain time everyday that she would be praying for him. In this battle of life and death, he thought best to wait for his mother's devine intercession...

Whoa!!!! I think enough said and time for the mental gears to chew on this...

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