Sunday, September 11, 2005

what is the "Fear of the Lord"?...

"He will be the Sure Foundation for your times,
a Rich Store of Salvation & Wisdom & Knowledge;
the Fear of the Lord is the Key to this Treasure."
Isa 33:6

'Fear of the Lord' leaves us quite mystified. When God is all about love and acceptance , how can fear be apart of a Loving God?

Be truthful. Isn't Love risky? Isn't Love sacrificial action? Doesn't Love give you a bit of fear? Yes, because we have to trust.

'My times' has a lot of accusations being thrown about .... My major grief is behavior. How do I behave in troubled times as these? How do I behave when other's have let their behavior splatter much like a speeding car over a mud puddle?

I know what fear does to me. When shouting, pointing of fingers, and anger swirl around me, the insides of me melt away and there I am with no where to run, red faced, and a total shaky mess.

Titus 3:2 "... to slander no one, to be peaceable, to be full of courtesy, to walk humbly..." This is the hard work of love and fear.
Who better to trust God?
"You cannot be with a Strong God without receiving strenth. God is always a Transforming God. Fellowship with Him changes our likeness until we become more like Him."
~C.H. Spurgeon

" ... in Christ I can be bold
robbing God : : : wonderfully made ... : : : behavior ...
... fear --> love --> risk --> sacrificial action -->

Spurgeon: pure jealous love


  1. Behaviour - Titus 3:2 is spot on Keeper. It really is the hard work of love, and as i read it i gulped! But if i am serious about growth then i need to not just pass over it but come back to it again and again until it truly becomes who I am and what i live for. I will be a woman who hears the Word and does it. I repeat your quote from C.H. Spurgeon because it is key. "You cannot be with a Strong God without receiving strenth. God is always a Transforming God. Fellowship with Him changes our likeness until we become more like Him."

  2. love that Spurgeon!!!

    When I found Titus 3:2, I was searching for something nice and soft to take care of my frustration with a co-worker who was using me. What do I find? A very sharp and hard-edged verse that bit its teeth into my fleshy heart.

    I had to admit very sheepishly to God that .. "uh yeah ... I was hoping for a nice huge hug not a pat on the bum and a go work hard response." I am sure I heard a warm chuckle.....
