Wednesday, September 28, 2005

an agnostic...

"I'm an agnostic," he said in a conversation about politics. She knew his political views and always tried to avoid that topic at all cost, but she was trapped with no where to go. She did a pretty good job at holding her own. But when he said, "Don't tell me you think Christians are being pursecuited here in the States." She looked at him with eyes that said, ''Now where did that come from?" ''He wasn't listening,'' her heart said.
agnostic = doubter, disbeliever, atheist, nonbeliever, cynic, skeptic, pessimist, disparager, detracter

Q's for the agnostic:

In simple terms agnostic means you doubt or disbelieve. What do you doubt or disbelieve?

With agnostic being a mild doubter on one side of the scale and an atheist being an actively extreme disbeliever on the other side, where do you lie?

If you doubt who do you believe in? Do you believe in yourself?

If you believe in yourself & who you are as a person, can you rock the world by yourself?
(How do you rock your world?)

Being an agnostic, don't you find the doubt gives you a negative outlook through out all the layers of your life? Is there anything that you find enjoyable?

Don't you find you have a negative bias about everything and everyone? Don't you find that people run from you because of this negative energy you give off?

What can you be positive about? Can one person change the world?

Dear Savior,
Today as I experience a true doubter, I saw in a deeper way why You ask of us a Raw Faith. Faith in You gives us a Strength that lies in Belief. I see Hope. It is like a brilliant warm Light. Life is often a rough adventure, but it is the Faith and the Belief that makes Life fun and exciting.

This agnostic is poor in spirit and that saddens me. He loves computers but you wouldn't know because all he can do is talk bad about them too. He seems to have no passion but this negative bias. What I do know is that he didn't have a good childhood. I do not seek to change him. That is up to him. I am asking for the right questions to challenge his own thinking and to know that I am not attacking him. Maybe he is seeking .... with this thought I do find hope. You are a Transformer of lives.

You created him and You Love him so much that You sent ONE Man to come and radically change the world. You will show him the scars in that afterlife he doubts exist.

I could not live in constant doubt and negativity. There would be no reason to live. Melancholy has been there in my life. It was a tough road. You covered my weakness and doubting soul. To think that to me it was little doubt, to You it did not matter the adjective. It was doubt. Thank You for believing in me. Thank You for not letting me go. Your Love is Light. Thank You for the Good Life.
~a believer

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