Sunday, September 18, 2005

'to ignore' a good thing?

"The greatest human desire is attention," he said as made his first introduction with her. He was dashing and had a brain to boot. This was the first day. Many days later though he was gone and she was wondering what is this? Oh, but many more days later he was back. She was expected to pick up where they left off.

"Attention is constant not whenever you feel like it," she said as he explained this is just how he is. Hmmmm, not so said her soul. She kept up because she is a hard worker on her relationships. Then days go by he is gone. Then back. Nothing she said was working.

"Where are you?," he said when he came back to nothing. He kept trying but only a few days. She was hiding still and quiet. She was there hearing every word. She said everything she could but he had not heard her. So she turned it around and disconnected to lose him forever.

"Very sad that to ignore someone is a good thing," she says as she walks away without the chains holding her down.


  1. "You teach people how to treat you." This was a quote from your June entry that has stayed with me. You have demonstrated this with such dignity and gentleness (someone once said to me that gentleness is strength under control). Letting go isn't always easy but if we don't live free then we won't live in the true beauty of who we were made to be...
    I see it in you Keeper, you have it, you are enough, you are a truly beautiful woman...

  2. Thank you, Lovely. So hard to come through this wound.... and to feel enough. But I stand here today knowing what the 'snub' is all about.

    To the one who is so beaten down by those who ignore them, I say "You are Important!!!!! and don't forget it!!!! Your dreams are needed in this world."

    To the snubbers you destroy and murder everytime you do not pay attention to those in your life. Beware!!!
