Saturday, September 03, 2005

positive action absolutes...

"The darkest moment is your most sacred
... holds you greatest potential."

"What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us." ~ ralph waldo emerson

My personal epiphany:
Positive Approach
Positive Answers
Positive Decisions
Positive Game Plan
= Positive Action

Positive Magic = Appreciation, Value, & Worth
Positive Force = Faith

Key to Survival = Claim Victory no matter how small

Move to what you can control.

"Do what you can with what you have where you are." - Teddy R.

What you recieve, you give. What you give, you get back.


* 100% communication = 7% verbal + 93% action
* humans fail by not acting
* BELIEF is what you become
* Dwell in Possibility
* Value = you will move heaven & earth ... if it or someone is important enough to you


  1. a letter to NBC Nightly News
    I am greatly angered by the negative feed that Nightly News and Dateline have done this week. Allowing a distraught Kenye West on your charity drive last night to say 'that he hated George W' was a foul. All you said was our country is allowed to express their free speech.

    Here is my free speech: Subhuman behavior is not the way to conduct yourself no matter the chaos. Shooting and raping are not the answer no matter who you are. Being a human is governing yourself no matter the color or the amount of money you make.

    I am angered that the Mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana was cussing on air. Also I am livid you allowed a man on your charity drive to go on and on .. you never stopped him and I know he was not reading the script. So of course I was not surprised he hated George W. You should have pulled him immediately from the air when he went of course. This a bad behavior causing more bad behavior. No wonder the situation is turning from bad to worse.

    Mahatma Gandhi said, "WE must become the change we wish to see." Acting and saying negative things have not solved anything. Positive Action is the only way our love and compassion gets to the gulf. Refugees included need to be kinder and gentler to their neighbors. This is a group effort so stop pointing fingers at the President. This is the government OF the PEOPLE.

    What is sad is that the Tsunami Refuges acted far better than our own Gulf Refuges. What a shame! Where is the resilient human spirit? I know it is there but I know only by faith.

    Being negative with your news is a BIAS. Journalism is suppose to be free of bias. You can have a balance of a situation using the issue at hand as well acting positive. Be the change! If you are in hell, be the heaven. I am not saying "spin" it in a positive direction. No, I am saying that to every dark story there is light.

    I will be exercising my free speech often or completely if you continue your negative spin on the news. I am not some stupid american in fact I am quite global in my thinking. I have love my home country greatly and I am disturbed by the lack of working together and all the infighting.

    We Americans know how deplorable the situation is. We also know how to behave. We are here. We are doing all we can to help. We will continue to come. If you have a problem, come to us the people. We make positive action.

    "Positive Movement is Medicine."

  2. Thank You, Stephen.

    I was very nerveous to put this out there. I was hoping this was an issue others were feeling as well. If we are truly humbled by this, our behavior and our actions will prove it in a positive way.

    Thank You, Stephen =)

  3. a thought about 'Ellen's' talk show
    I have to say Ellen did a great job of keeping the show positive. Her hometown was New Orleans. Her family and friends still live there and they lost everything. Ellen had her tears in her throat and did not come out dancing like her usual self. She applauded the help people gave. This is inspiring.

    Positive behavior and actions serve this chaos better then name calling and pointing fingers. All Americans must take ownership in this chaos. I applauded Ellen's positive approach.

  4. Mayor Ray Nagins of New Orleans, Louisiana was asked why hundreds of school buses that where ear-marked to be used in the evaluation before the Hurricane were left in the parking lot now totally flooded.

    He refused to comment.

    Interesting that he can point the fingers else where.....

  5. shout outs from family support on the letter to NBC


    I was watching NBC prior to their charity drive and became very upset with what they were broadcasting. I think the goal was to give the impression that nothing was being done for the people of the South and to put our (America's) federal government (specifically the president) in a very negative light. I kept hearing this like "nothing is being done", "no help is coming". ...... There was no positive light shown at all by the NBC news! I turned the channel to ABC and right at that moment they were showing a caravan of electrical trucks heading to the south and were talking about all the efforts being made to assist the stranded and displaced people. ABC also showed some very sad situations, but I did not get the same feeling of being attacked and I felt like there was some hope.

    I also have a huge problem with the way the local authorities in New Oleans are handling this situation. I think they should be called in front of a congressional hearing for their behavior and lack of planning and response. I was relieved to see on C-Span a interview that held the mayor and governer accoutable!!!

    .... Another woman made issue with the people being called refugees and gave the impression that the people were being called this because they were black and they were not recieving help because they were black. I looked up the definition of refugee: "person taking refuge, esp. in a foreign country, from war, persecution, or natural disaster". I see no reference to race in the definition! The only thing to squobble about is that these people are not from a foreign country... but they are taking refuge in "foreign land" .....


    I listened to one interview where they were comparing New York's disaster to the Hurricane disaster. There were black outs in New York and people just stopped where they were and it was a festival attitude... it did not become open season for rapes and robbery (dark subway)!


    Yes I am angry! Yes my heart hurts for these people! Yes one is always responsible!!!

    The problem: Absolutely No Leadership on the local level!

    Good leaders do not place blame, they take responsibility even when it is not theirs to take... have you heard the President place blame? I have not! Conda Leeza Rice does not think this is race issue "Americans help Americans" "Focus on the positive".

  6. good grief!!!! Oprah looks in the homes of the world and says that she wants refugee baned from this disaster! Did she look up the word?

    refugee = one who flees for safety; person taking refuge from war, persecution, or natural disaster

    refuge and refugee come from the latin language.
    re = back ; fugere = to flee

    Stop abusing the word!!

  7. on "Hurricane Katrina Oprah Reports"
    I am greatly disappointed in Oprah. She missed an oportunity to keep a legacy she created in "Wildest Dreams." She kept saying over and over again in her past season to "Dream a bigger dream" & "Live your Best Life."

    Why did she have "report'? Why did she have to have a lot of hollywood splash? Why was there more negative 'reporting'?

    Here she could have boostered the human spirit and helped these people to dream again. Isn't she a motivational speaker?

    She missed a huge huge opportunity to change peoples lives. You can live your best life even in chaos......

  8. on Dr Phil
    More Dr. Phil's, please!!!!

    Dr. Phil reunited families. He connected them with homes and jobs. He counciled them with the mental stress.

    This season he is going to continue to journey with the refugees. This is good for the nation so that we can better hold up our fellow Americans the best way we can.

    Dr. Phil talked to Rapper Master P. I was impressed at this man. He lost his home and still had not located all his family. Yet, he talked about being positive and working with with people like Dr. Phil and the President to connect with the people from the ghetto (his words). He understands them and probably knows best on how to help them rebuild.

    Master P has a website to check out. Team Rescue One

  9. Nice post, nice read. I agree with you on Nagin. Take care

  10. Thank You Warren! Thank you for reading through this post..... =) I like knowing what us everyday people are seeing and feeling. tooo much media bias out there.... we need to speak... and act ....

    thank you again
