Tuesday, August 30, 2005

katrina's gray skies...

The dull gray clouds settled in my day to match the mood of my heart....

A man in a daze holding on to his children walking aimlessly. His house split and he held his wife's hand as long as he could. She told him look after and take care of the children and the grandchildren. He doesn't know where she went. When asked where he was going, he said "I'm lost.... I don't know ... I'm lost."

Please hold on ... Please. To give is truly an American thing to do. We are coming. Let us hold you. Let us cry with you. Let us rebuild together. Let us declare victory over the little things ..... We will over come together.

At the New Orleans Dome a man who was playing dominos on the second floor simply got up shouted to those below to move out of the way. He then went over the side to his death.

Makes your heart stop..... Please hold on ... you are not alone. We will come....

What will break a man:
Just this weekend I heard David Ramsy, a financial speaker, say that the top reason for male suicide is money! A male is built for work. He tends to eat, think, and sleep work. What he does with his hands defines who he is. Take away his work and all the things he has provided for his wife and kids, you have a dead man walking. Men provide. Men are proud. They do not like to ask for help.

What will break a woman:
Plain and simple .. take away her kids. (Taking away her husband can break a woman only if she is totally head over heels in love with him.) A woman is the bearer of life and that bond that she developed with her children never seem to die off. One thing in favor of woman is that she is built for hardship. She knows how to survive loss much better than her counterpart only maybe because she is not tooooo proud to ask for help.

My heart is very troubled for the men. I think the best approach for the men that have not yet reached their breaking point is to find something for their hands to do. It does not matter how small it may seem at the time. Every moment counts now. For those men that have reached their breaking point it comes down to other men coming along side them and giving them work to do. Together we can over come.

My heart feels pretty confident with the women. They are adaptable and resilient. But we women need to do something. We do not like to be left out. For all women it is our job to bring beauty back into the world. It nourish us as well as our families. We like to celebrate. Let us celebrate each day and each triumph.

"Every crisis has a gift for you in its hand" - ancient proverb

Thank You, God, for creating a job for men and for women in the life you gave us. Even in crisis life is still an adventure to life to the fullest. And in crisis there is a lot of mystery we wait for you to reveal to us. Thank You for Your Strength and Compassion .... from this well I find my strength and compassion....

"The mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My Compassion shall not depart from thee, neither shall the convenant of My Peace be removed," saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee. - Isa 54:10

Storm Calmer part one
Storm Calmer part two

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