Monday, August 15, 2005

ny vs midwest ... a conversation

"Hello!" In the background was of cars honking. He was calling again from his commute home at 7:30PM. He made his journey from NY to NJ every day yet he would always make a wrong turn somewhere along the way. Forget maps he couldn't read them.

"Hello back." She had already been home for a couple hours even though she live a time zone west of him. She was making her own background noice of washing dishes and cleaning up her kitchen.

"Long time no hear." Work was his main priority. He was always consumed by making a good impression on his projects or from a deep melancholy from being looked over by the higher ups. Either way he was most unreachable pretty much all the time.

"Yes, has been a long time." She was a very stable person. Everyone could count on her for her study work attendance. It is evident in her personal life as well. She never slacked on her relationships. So much so her heart would kick up a bit angered for being taken for granted.

At this time the conversation would be about the weather, each other's work life, and the family. Blah, Blah, Blah. Then he would get frustrated.

"The conversation never picks up where we left off. We are always having the same conversation over and over again ... on and on about the weather," he would spout out.

This would tick her off. He is silent months on end and thinks she can just carry on like usual.

"Each day is new and holds for me something exciting and precious. I love that about life, but I just don't share all my treasures with strangers!" she would patiently say.

"Why can't you stay the same. You are always changing," his voice slow with intensity.

At this time she would roll her eyes and hope his cell phone would break up their miserable conversation. It was not lost on her that he from a fast paced life in NY would say in every conversation about change. In fact she hated the word change. To her change meant houses and cornfields where taken out to make room for the monster highway. To her change meant big biz coming in to take out little family shops. He missed the mark anyway. She didn't change rather she grew everyday.

Growth is very important to her. Each day is a mystery with something for her to unwrap and enjoy. She was not into changing herself. That was of the days of her youth when she did not know any better. Today it is about moving from strength to strength. She loves to ask questions because she thirsts for knowledge. She likes to learn and discover new stuff. Life is never dull and God is never silent like some people say. So for a midwest girl life is full indeed. She needs no NY lights. She is content.

And if you want to know her, don't be a stranger.

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