Tuesday, August 16, 2005

stirred vs. stilled

He wants his heart to be stirred by her. She is his life. She is like breathing in fresh air. She is movement graceful and beautiful. She is fluid gentle and soft. She is energy sizzling.

She wants her heart to be stilled by him. He is her piller. He is like exhaling after a violent storm. He is calm in strength. He is fiercely protective with a hand on the small of her back. He is a rock solid.


  1. giggles .... to think i was truly writing above the bedcovers!!! .... so i reread it ... thought about it ....

    what goes on under the bedcovers is merely a reflection of what happens above the bedcovers....

    what a multi-layered discovery of the marriage relationship....
    men want to be stirred by their woman above the bedcovers and under them ....
    women want to be stilled by their man above the bedcovers and under them....

    what a brilliant Creator....

  2. Since we have moved from above the bedcovers to under, I would like to share this:

    our sexuality = a parable (to understand a man's role and a female's role in marriage)

    "Man must offer his strength and woman invites the man into herself. His strength must swell before he can enter her and she must open herself in stunning vulnuability. He spills himself there, in her, for her she draws him in, embraces and envelopes him."

    "The beauty of a woman arouses a man to play the man, the strength of a man, offered tenderly to his woman allows her to be beautiful, it brings life to him"

    "If a man refuses to offer himself, then his wife will remain empty and barren. If she is wilting then you(man) are withholding your words, your touch, but mostly your delight
    ~ from "Wild at Heart" by John Elderidge

    What a gift marriage love! and how often to we abuse it!!! Keep love burning!!!
