Saturday, May 30, 2009

helpmate for the girl?

I am standing before my beautiful creamy light soft yellow brand new low end refrigerator and I am pleased with the clean, new, and tobacco free smell. I can live with the freezer being slightly smaller! Bummer. I had secretly hoped for a bigger freezer as it is a great friend for the single girl living on her own and it is more economical but I will live happily with it.

However, there is a slight problem. If you were here, I would have you go open my brand new frig. I am almost positive that you would open it just the way I did because of the kitchen set up. It is a natural subconscious thought to open the frig according to way the kitchen is set up. Well, I went to open the frig and I couldn’t. I first thought I did not have strength because of the newness and the seal is strong. No, the door was switched making it so that I have to open the opposite side. Now this would be perfect for the apartment across the hall as that lay out would be opposite of mine. Sorry, but the frig needs to open up so that one has access to oven and sink. It is not conducive to easy prep and cooking. It is not time to hide the food from the cook or make for weight loss routine!

I am a put-together type of person. I am not afraid of do-it-yourself projects like the bookcases and shelving that you get at the store. I even do it for my Mom who has Dad who could do it for her but I volunteer because actually I love to put things together. It is an accomplishment! So here I am standing before this beautiful simple frig thinking that I just might be able to switch these doors on my own even with me being a lightweight gal. I know I could do it but there are some hinges that look a bit involved and I would have to get or borrow some tools. And there is the lifting the door and holding it together while taking it apart and putting it together. I just might need some help. They left the manuel and I have been scouring over the instructions. I want to change it on my own. I don’t want to ask some male to fix it for me. Plus, why didn’t the guys think about this before putting it together????? Both the old frig and the temp open correctly so why didn’t they think of these things? And why do you get a lot of grump and fuss and wait time when you ask guys to help you get it right?

I am pretty sure Dad would say to make them come do it right. I hate doing it even if I use a lot of gratitude and pretty tone. I feel bad. I feel in the wrong for asking for one more thing. I sure don’t want to be the nag but why does it seem that the males make us nags and then bust our chops over it?

What I am really getting at is that God has made the woman to be the helpmate to the man not the man as the helpmate to woman. I am a girl and I do understand the qualities of a good helpmate because I feel it deep inside and I have a great desire to be a good helpmate. However, I feel I need a helpmate at times. Sure guys are to be the protecter and provider but they lack that go-to wing’wo’man that they need. I guess a helpmate for a woman would be another woman or hand maiden but I need some brawn and brute strength! Maybe I need to switch to ‘guy-speak’. Hey, you could provide some ease in the kitchen if you would switch the door on the frig? You would protect me from the grumps too!

Oh well, I am off to cook up my favorite summer meal. I like to dice up potatoes and fry them up. (a step, slide, slide w/ frig) While the potatoes are browning, the eggs is are in a hard bubble bath. (a cha cha cha w/ frig) When they are almost ready, I sweat the mushrooms, sweet onions, and garlic. (a twirl around w/ frig) When they are translucent, I sweat down the spinach. OOOOOh so good! Even two stepping with the refrigerator.

I guess I shall be sending them another request on Monday.

“Dear Maintenance Men,
A huge thank you for the new refrigerator! That was a lot of work twice! I love the color and the clean smell. I have another request. May I get the door switched on the frig? It would make it easier to cook. It is opposite of the way it was before. A huge huge thank you.”

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