Friday, May 08, 2009

sufferings ...

There are verses underlined in I Peter but I got a new understanding this week when my quiet time lead me to verse 19 of I Peter 4. ''Therefore, let those who suffer according to the Will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good as to a Faithful Creator.'' What caught my eye was the Will of God.

Ask the right question. What am I to do when I suffer whether it be persecution, sickness, loss, or job loss? Answer? Commit my everything to God, my Creator and continue in doing good. The wrong question is asking what the Will of God is! It is all ready listed in His Letter to us. Just trust and obey!!!!! He is more patient than I. It is just that it is so at the surface for me. I don't want to go back to 'not knowing' when I truly know if I dig into the Word. I refuse to ask questions that I will not get an answer for! Sounds bizarre and I am not sure how to convey it. All I know is that if I follow God's Will that is spelled out in His Word than knowing what I am to do (aka: profession/vocation) with my life will fall into place.

What I love about God's Word is that I may have read this passage or book several times but I can always find something new. I love seeking in God's Word. Reminds me of a dog digging in the dirt and all you see is the behind and back feet intent on scooping out buried treasure. So sniffing out all around this verse I found a huge gems on suffering. All of I Peter is a guide to suffering! It is a great comfort.

Do you know that suffering is part of being a believer? Get this! ''Beloved, do NOT think it strange concerning the fiery trail which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you.'' I Peter 4:12. How many times have I heard people say why is this happening to me? I find myself asking it slightly different so as not to be an incorrigible child. Like 'I don't understand. Am I that dumb or stupid that I can't learn whatever lesson You are trying to teach me?' Basically, I am asking why. I know, why should never be in your vocabulary when you are addressing God. Asking why is showing the lack of faith. This fiery trial that is present in my life is here by design by the Creator just tailored to try me. Hmm, means that God is present!!!!

The next verse says to REJOICE!!!! Be a partaker of Christ's sufferings so that His Glory is revealed. True gladness comes from this! How do you be a partaker of Christ's sufferings? Renewed mind and heart. Staying soft in His Arms. Being a vessel He can use. Delighting and savoring Him....

Try I Peter. Find the comfort and peace that only God can give you...

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