Saturday, May 16, 2009

friend of God ...

Why would I want the Almighty God to stoup down to be my friend when what I know of as friends are fickle, unreliable, and limited? There has been much verbiage in the family about the pastor's continue reference to God as a friend. I don't think we are opposed to God having the aspect of friendship as part of who He is but to only see Him as friend is very dangerous.

The only time I see God as my Friend when I am all alone and weighed down with burdens too heavy for me. He isn't a human type of friend. He is loyal and there for me from the beginning to the end. I am His only concern. He wipes the tears away. However, He isn't the type of friend where I pat Him on the backside in fun. He is much more and deserves my humble respect and honor. There is this Cloud of Glory around Him. I don't want to belittle His Awesomeness.

Abraham was called the friend of God (James 2:23). Don't get crazy and flip the verse to God being a friend of Abraham. It was Abraham, a human being, that was a friend of God. Interesting isn't it? Then there is Proverbs 18:24 ''A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: but there is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.'' This verse is a favorite friend of mine but here is shows God in the aspect of how close He is to us. It does NOT speak of us keeping God at a friendship level.

Definitely food for thought...

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