Friday, May 22, 2009

tale of two cities ...

Like a city whose walls are broken down
is a man who lacks self control.
~ proverbs 25:28

There is a city whose walls are broken down. There is garbage in the streets. It is a noisy and scary place with yelling and gunfire the norm. Houses, sidewalks, swing sets, and cars are broken down. Stores, roads, and bridges are broken down. Churches look like a ghost town. People look tired and roughed up. Disrespect runs wild. You don't want to be caught alone out in the streets. Nothing is holding the city together. Travelers see the broken walls and the spillage so they avoid the city at all costs.

Then there is a city whose walls are built up and contained. Within there are gardens and picket fences, little houses and swing sets, flowers and flags, clean sidewalks and kids playing, neighbors being neighborly and hands helping up. This is the place to be where respect is king. At night the houses twinkle with lights and fires in the hearth. It is ok to be out at night but the best place to be is around the supper table. Travelers come and stay awhile just to soak up a simpler time.

As I tell this tale of two cities these walls are not about keeping others out but rather about living inside your box without spilling your waste into others lives. I have always called that living outside your box. Please don't get that confused with thinking outside the box which is good. Living outside your box is very unneighborly, disrespectful, and down right rude. Think about going to a nice restaurant to have a delicious meal with all the good home cook aroma to only have it messed up by someone who wants to smoke. (Sounds like where I live!)

I was humbled when I read this Proverb as I am wrapping my mind and trying to get my stubborn heart to mind itself over this opportunity to work even though my heart was wishing for my dreams to come true. I need a bit of self control. I need to put the smoke out. I need to get it right...

''A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.''
~prov 22: 1

''Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men.''
~prov 22:29

So here is to self control, loving favor, and being a hard worker...

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